Parents: you won't want to miss this!
News and Information for parents of Rosemont Middle School students
Parents: you won't want to miss this!
Dine Out Night is this Thursday! Don't miss it! It's a huge fundraiser for Rosemont and goes a huge way toward providing after school programs for our students!
11am-9pm... Thursday, February 13th! Think of it as an early valentine to Rosemont students.
Rosemont's Dine Out Night is this Thursday!
Wing Stop -- eat anytime between 11am and midnight! A portion of your purchase will be donated back to Rosemont for the programs our kids love!
Bring this flyer and put it in the box at Wing Stop!
last year's Rosemont eWaste Collection. A big success. Let's make this year even better!
4th Annual Rosemont eWaste Collection 1/18
Looking for a way to get rid of all of those old electronics? Bring them to Rosemont's 4th Annual eWaste collection on Saturday, January 18th. We take all electronics: TV's, computers, monitors, laptops, cell phones, cameras, even vacuums and batteries! Get rid of all those dusty items that cannot be thrown away. Help Rosemont, your garage, and the world!
This Thursday is DINE OUT NIGHT at Star Cafe in Montrose. You don't need to bring a flyer, just tell them that you are there for Rosemont's Dine Out event. Hours are 12p-9:30p. Some of your favorite faces from Rosemont will be there to help serve after 5pm. It's a great way to have fun, feed your family, and support the Rosemont Middle School PTA. See you there!
REMINDER! This Friday, November 8th is Lunch on the Lawn at Rosemont. This is an opportunity for you to bring a special lunch to enjoy with your Rosemont student on the upper field. The gate on the Upper field off of Raymond will be open beginning at 12:15 for parents to enter and students will come out at 12:23. Feel free to bring younger siblings to have lunch with their older brothers and sisters as well.
This Saturday is the Health Festival 10 - 3 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium.
All the services are free- it's an all family, all age, all culture health fair. Free dental, vision, BMI screening, etc. We will also have info about the new Obama-care enrollment. It's open to the public, no charge. Parking adjacent to the Civic.
SAVE THE DATE for next Friday, November 8th when we will hold Lunch on the Lawn from 12:23 to 12:55. This is an opportunity for our parents to bring a special lunch for their students and join them for lunch on our upper field. We are aware that elementary students will not be in school that day, so please feel free to bring them along to enjoy lunch with their brothers and sisters at Rosemont.
Do you have a digital point and shoot camera that you don't use anymore? Rosemont Middle School needs one for the front office. If you have one you'd like to donate-- please let us know! Thanks!
Red Ribbon Week continues at Rosemont! Tomorrow's theme: "Be on a Drug Free Team".. so make sure your student comes wearing his or her favorite athletic team apparel.
Our Annual Membership and Donation drive ends in three days. If you have been meaning to join the PTA and donate -- now is the time! Did you know you can do it completely online?
It will only take you five minutes, but your contribution will make a big difference to our students all year long!
Please Note: Dine Out Night is tomorrow at Straw Hat and the hours have been extended! Bring the attached flyer anytime between 11a - 9p and 33.33% of your purchase will be donated to support Rosemont Middle School. That money goes directly to programs for YOUR Rosemont student! See you there!!
Save the date and come hungry! Our next Dine Out Night is Thursday, October 24, from 5-9 pm, at Straw Hat Pizza on Foothill in La Crescenta. Bring the attached flyer and 33.33% of your purchase will be donated to support Rosemont Middle School. Feed your family and help our school programs at the same time! See you there!
Wednesday, October 9th, Rosemont Middle School will participate in the International Walk to School Day.
If you are able please join us at Two Strike Park at 7:45AM. Our Cheerleaders and Drum Line will lead students down Rosemont to the school.
What: PTA Association Meeting
Where: Rosemont Cafetorium
When: Tonight at 6:30pm
Who: Our guest speaker, psychotherapist, Pam Erdmanwill explore the topic of how to prepare yourself for adolescence.
Why: The Rosemont PTA (and your students) need YOUR involement! Hope to see you there!
You won’t want to miss this meeting.
Join us on Monday, September 16th at 6:30pm
for our first PTA Association meeting of the year!
Our guest speaker, psychotherapist, Pam Erdmanwill explore the topic of how to prepare yourself for adolescence. Our kids are turning into teens and Pam is going to show us how to love them anyway!
You won’t want to miss this meeting.
Rosemont Cafetorium
Attention 8th grade parents! Tomorrow is the last day to register your student for the Readistep Exam-- an assessment test created by the College Board.
Test Date: Friday, October 11, 2013 (minimum day at Rosemont)
Test Time: 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Fee: $12.00 (cash or check to Rosemont Middle School)
Rosemont's first "Dine Out Night" is coming up! September 19, from 12 noon to 10p at Panda Express in La Canada.
Bring in the attached flyer and drop your receipts in the box! Help the Rosemont PTA support student programs while eating some delicious Chinese food!
Author and lecturer Steve Stewart will speak about teen su***de at La Crescenta Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
The event is free. The church is located at 2902 Montrose Ave.
Rosemont Parents! Help Rosemont Middle School with the click of your mouse!
Target is donating money to schools for every vote the school receives through Facebook to the Give with Target page. To get started, the school needs 25 votes. Target donates $25 if a school receives 25 votes. For every vote after 25, Target donates $1. People can vote once per week.
apps.facebook.com With your help, Target is giving away up to $5 million in support to K-12 schools—up to $10,000 per school. It’s easy to help. Find out how.
Tonight the Glendale High PTA welcomes parents to spend an evening with Rebecca Mieliwocki, President Obama's selection for the 2012 National Teacher of the Year.
Tonight, August 26th, 7 p.m. at the Glendale High Auditorium. She will share insights from her global travels as a representative of America's 3.2 million public school educators.
The evening is free and open to the public.
Back to School Night at Rosemont! Parents-- it's a great time to drop off your PTA membership and donation envelope if you haven't already done so!
Happy first day of school!
Please remember to turn in your PTA donation and membership envelope the first day of school to your first period teacher!
Did you know you can purchase your PTA membership and donate online via Paypal? Visit the Rosemont Middle School PTA webstore at https://rosemontpta.myschoolcentral.com
Howdy Week is August 5-9. School begins August 12!