More Thoughts on Summer Reading
Dr. Rick believes that summer is for slowing down, not shutting down. In this weeks blog post, Dr. Rick provides tips to encourage summer reading while still having fun this summer! http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2014/06/23/More-Thoughts-on-Summer-Reading.aspx
Summer’s for slowing down not shutting down. That’s the summer mantra at the Dr. Rick Blog. Last week we discussed some cool summer reading activities specifically for the “hams” in the family, those kids who enjoy being in the spotlight. Today, let’s focus on those quieter kids, the ones who just n…
Some Fun Summer Activities
Summer vacation means a break from school, however it is still important to keep your child's mind and body active over break! Dr. Rick provides some fun summer activities that will keep their skills sharp while they have fun this summer. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2014/06/09/Some-Fun-Summer-Activities.aspx
For the next several weeks, we’ll be discussing enjoyable summer activities that will keep kids’ minds and bodies active. They’ll help keep math, reading, and writing skills sharp, too, although I strongly advise against telling the kids that. I’ll share, in some detail, ideas I’ve developed over th…
Technology Alone Won’t Guarantee School Success
Technology alone won't guarantee success in school. Dr. Rick provides a list of other skills, habits and attitudes we need to encourage in students today. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2014/04/14/Technology-Alone-Wont-Guarantee-School-Success.aspx
Here’s something that needs to be said. Technology skills alone won’t guarantee school – or any other kind of – success. There are other skills, habits, and attitudes we adults need to encourage in kids, the human traits that computers and even the most advanced technology simply don’t have. Such as...
Let Kids Come Up With Answers
Most of the time we adults have pretty good answers we’ve accumulated from years of experiences, reading, and wisdom. But we’re neither all-knowing nor all-wise. When kids are part of solutions they’re more apt to participate actively. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2014/04/07/Let-Kids-Come-Up-With-Answers.aspx
I’ve learned a lot working with kids over the years, but no lesson is more important than the one I learned early in my career: I don’t need to know all the answers all the time. Here are some examples I’ve dealt with both at home and in the classroom.
The SAT and the ACT are two of the most important exams that you can take as a high school student. Each year, students take a combined total of more than three million college prep tests. Sylvan provides a few tips on how to reduce the pressure of test taking. http://www.sylvanlearning.com/docs/default-source/Resources/sylvans-12-steps-to-reduce-stress-and-ace-the-test.pdf?sfvrsn=0
Be Prepared
Being present in the classroom is important! However, it is also important to be prepared. Dr. Rick's Blog shares some tips on how to be prepared to learn. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2014/01/20/Be-Prepared.aspx
So, we have our kids resolved and present. What’s next? Here’s a suggestion, one that we can help our kids with – be prepared. Be prepared for learning, for what goes on in the classroom, and for what happens at home. Just as you can’t learn if you’re not present, you can’t learn if you’re not prepa...
Take Your Time!
Students who slow down and take their time on assignments tend to be the most successful. Click on the link for tips from Dr. Rick's blog on how to help your child slow down and be successful. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2013/12/23/take-your-time.aspx
We tell them to spend the time to be successful on the sports fields and with their hobbies. We can also convince them to take the time necessary for academic success. When they see those improved report cards, they’ll make the connection between time and good grades.
Academic Resolutions | Sylvan Learning Blog
Happy New Year! A new year is a great time for new resolutions, check out our Mom Minded Blog for academic resolutions for parents and children! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/blog/index.php/academic-resolutions/
Welcome to Mom Minded. It’s a full time blog to meet all of your parenting needs.
Keep Telling Stories
It is the time of year when families gather for many different occasions. Dr. Rick discusses why story telling is an important part of family gatherings. Visit Dr. Rick's Blog for a list of stories to share with your kids this holiday season! http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2013/12/02/Keep-Telling-Stories.aspx
Tags: stories , Family Get-Togethers , Family , WMARabc2news.com - March 2, 2011 Baltimore Celebrates Read Across America WMARabc2news.com
Top 10 Educational Gifts for Kids | Sylvan Learning Blog
Trying to find gifts for your child that are fun and educational? Visit our Mom Minded Blog for tips on educational gifts that your kids will love this holiday season! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/blog/index.php/top-10-educational-gifts-for-kids/
Welcome to Mom Minded. It’s a full time blog to meet all of your parenting needs.
Sylvan Learning Bookstore
Winter break is just around the corner! To help keep your child's mind sharp over break, visit the Sylvan Learning Bookstore to download pages from Sylvan's proven workbooks! http://www.randomhouse.com/sylvanlearningbookstore/page_per_day/index.php
The below Sylvan sample pages are taken straight from our proven workbooks to help you and your child catch up, keep up, and get ahead.
Theme Days Nov 25-30: Monday is National Parfait Day! Tuesday is to celebrate International Drum Month. Wednesday is Thanksgiving Favorites Day. Thursday is Thanksgiving, the center will be closed, don't forget to schedule your make-ups. Finally, Saturday is Thank You Day!
Kid-Proof Vacation Packing System | Sylvan Learning Blog
With the holidays fast approaching, our blog is sharing their Kid-Proof packing system! Checkout these tips to help your child learn how to pack for themselves! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/blog/index.php/kid-proof-vacation-packing-system/
Welcome to Mom Minded. It’s a full time blog to meet all of your parenting needs.
Be Nice to the New Kid
We are all new kids at one time or another in our lives, visit Dr. Rick's blog to get some tips on how to help the new kids feel at home. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2013/11/18/Be-Nice-to-the-New-Kid.aspx
When I was a kid a century or so ago, I was an “army brat.” My family followed The Major wherever he was stationed – all along the East Coast and to Europe for three years. By the time I graduated from high school, I had been to seventeen different schools. It never occurred to me that families cou...
Games for Building Vocabulary and Memory Skills | Sylvan Learning Blog
Games can be a great way to help your child build vocabulary and increase their memory skills. Check out these game ideas from our blog : http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/blog/index.php/games-for-building-vocabulary-and-memory-skills/
Welcome to Mom Minded. It’s a full time blog to meet all of your parenting needs.
Cramming is a Lousy Way to Study
Cramming for a test is not the best way to study, instead follow these tips from Dr. Rick's blog on how to prepare for an upcoming test. http://www.drrickblog.com/post/2013/11/04/Cramming-is-a-Lousy-Way-to-Study.aspx
What, are you nuts? You have an exam tomorrow, and you’re just now getting around to studying? Do you really think cramming the night before will help? Think again, you poor fool.
Theme days for Nov 11th-16th: Monday is Veterans Day, tell us about a Veteran you know. Tuesday is Young Readers Day, Wednesday is World Kindness Day, Thursday is Game and Puzzle Day and Saturday is Button Day.
MySylvan Online Student and Parent Portal | Sylvan Learning
Using the new SylvanSync technology parents can access mySylvan, an online portal where they can stay up-to-date with their child's education! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/mysylvan.cfm
We know today?s parents are plugged in, both to the latest technology and to their child?s With mySylvan�, parents and students have 24/7 access to the sessions, skills and progress being made with us.
Theme days for Nov 4th to Nov 9th: Monday, in honor of National Peanut Butter Month, tell us how you make your favorite PB&J sandwich, Tuesday is November History Day, Wednesday is Celebrate Saxophone Day, Thursday is Chocolate Milkshake Day! and Saturday is Forget-Me-Not Day.
Download our Fun Writing Journal | Sylvan Learning
Practice makes perfect! Download a personalized writing journal for your student to get those creative juices flowing! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/form_writing_journal.cfm
Download Sylvan's FREE writing journal and help your child improve writing fundamentals and gain confidence in their ability to express thoughts clearly.
CDC - Family Health - Halloween Health and Safety Tips
Have a Happy and safe Halloween! Make sure to check out these tips to help keep your family and friends safe while trick-or-treating. http://www.cdc.gov/family/halloween/
Family health information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Sylvan Learning Tutoring Information | Sylvan Learning
The key to personal instruction is Sylvan Insight™ - a four-step process which includes assess, plan, teach, and then apply. The result is the personal learning students need to be whomever they aspire to be.
The Sylvan Advantage combines the Sylvan Skills Assessment, programs personalized for each student's needs, trained and certified tutors, individual attention, and convenient choices to guide students down the path to greatness.
College Prep Essay Pointers | Parent Tips | Sylvan Learning
Help your high school student prepare for their college application essays with the following tips. http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/college_essay_tips.cfm
Help your teenager write a top-notch college essay with these pointers from Sylvan Learning.
Interactive Learning & Digital Learning on the iPad | SylvanSync
Happy Columbus Day! At Sylvan, we use the latest technology to help our students stay focused and engaged! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/sylvansync.cfm
SylvanSync digital tutoring programs are taught by Sylvan teachers using iPads® as a learning tool, for a more engaging and interactive learning experience.
Homework Help in Math, Algebra, & Reading | Sylvan Learning
Does your child need extra help getting their homework completed independently? Check out our Homework Support Program for a learning program completely customized to your child's needs. http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/homework_help_programs.cfm
Flexible homework help programs and individualized attention from trained and certified tutors ensure that your child's homework is done correctly and on time.
Eight Ways Moms Can Get Involved at School | Sylvan Learning Blog
Check out our Mom Minded Blog for tips on how to get involved in your child's school, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or at-the-office mom there are plenty of ways to give back or participate in your child's classroom. http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/blog/index.php/eight-ways-moms-can-get-involved-at-school/
Welcome to Mom Minded. It’s a full time blog to meet all of your parenting needs.
The Student Experience | Sylvan Learning
We understand how to make learning engaging and feel less like work, so that students enjoy learning. Check out this video to see why our students enjoy coming to Sylvan Learning! http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/sylvan_learning_tutoring_experience.cfm
We understand how to make learning engaging and feel less like work, so that students enjoy learning. Our teachers understand how to relate to students as individuals.
Free Online Math Help & Free Online Math Videos | Sylvan Math Prep
Math homework can be stressful for both the child and the parent! That is why Sylvan created Sylvan Math Prep to provide immediate math help. The online database provides hundreds of easy-to-understand concepts! Visit our Sylvan Math Prep page to sign up or get more information. http://www.sylvanmathprep.com/index.php
Get algebra homework help now with Sylvan Math Prep an online math homework help website. View algebra and geometry videos and learn how to solve algebra equations. Try it now.
Games – Kids Zone | Book Adventure
Great games can make learning fun! Visit our Book Adventure page to find fun games and other tools that make reading fun! http://bookadventure.com/kids_zone/fun_games/games.aspx
Access fun, educational games and get free, printable games that make reading really fun!
School Success Begins With the Homework Environment
Success in school begins with the homework environment. Here are a few ideas to help you create an environment that allows your child to efficiently complete school tasks. http://www.drrickblog.com/page/School-Success-Begins-With-the-Homework-Environment.aspx
One of the biggest lessons for parents of school-age children is learning how to handle homework, and how best to help their children meet academic challenges. Sometimes, parents think helping their child complete homework, or even doing their child's homework for him, will help him achieve better g...
Avoid Report Card Anxiety - Parent Tips & Resources | Sylvan Learning
Report Cards will be here before you know it! Here are some tips on how to provide your child with positive and constructive responses. http://tutoring.sylvanlearning.com/report_card_anxiety_tips.cfm
Parents across the country will soon be receiving their children's report cards.