Pig Who Swam For His Life During Flood Shows Up In Guy's Yard — And Changes His Life They found each other in the midst of Hurricane Florence.
EWU Buddhist Club
Eastern Washington University student organization promoting peace and happiness through meditation, philosophical discussion, & universal human values.
Want to find out what a real Buddhist service is like? EWU Buddhist Club faculty advisor Geshe Phelgye has a Buddhist Temple in Spokane called The Buddhist Institute of Universal Compassion. It is located at 728 E. Rich Ave a few blocks west of Nevada in the Hillyard area. Come join other EWU Buddhist Club members every Sunday from 10:00-12:00 for a guided meditation and Buddhist teaching from Geshe Phelgye. Everyone is welcome whether they are an EWU Buddhist Club member or not.
The Buddhist Club at EWU is still in need of new officers for the 2018-2019 school year. Offices in need of filling include: Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. No background in Buddhism required, just an interest in Buddhist Culture and Philosophy. In addition to being a great learning experience, being an officer in the EWU Buddhist Club would look great on a resume. If interested in any of these positions or if you are interested in joining the EWU Buddhist Club, please contact Tom Heckler at [email protected], or the Buddhist Club faculty advisor, Venerable Geshe Thupten Phelgye, at [email protected].
The EWU Buddhist Club is currently in need of new officers for the 2018-2019 school year. Positions in need of filling include: Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions need to be filled in order for us to be an active club at EWU. If interested in any of these positions please message this page.
For those interested in studying Buddhism in an active and thriving Buddhist community
Venerable Geshe Thupten Phelgye has big plans for Institute of Universal Compassion Buddhist Institute of Universal Compassion on Spokane’s north side offers yoga, Buddhist teaching and meditation.
116. Hasten to do good; restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.
117. Should a person commit evil, let him not do it again and again. Let him not find pleasure therein, for painful is the accumulation of evil.
118. Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.
119. It may be well with the evil-doer as long as the evil ripens not. But when it does ripen, then the evil-doer sees (the painful results of) his evil deeds.
120. It may be ill with the doer of good as long as the good ripens not. But when it does ripen, then the doer of good sees (the pleasant results of) his good deeds.
121. Think not lightly of evil, saying, "It will not come to me." Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil.
122. Think not lightly of good, saying, "It will not come to me." Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.
123. Just as a trader with a small es**rt and great wealth would avoid a perilous route, or just as one desiring to live avoids poison, even so should one shun evil.
124. If on the hand there is no wound, one may carry even poison in it. Poison does not affect one who is free from wounds. For him who does no evil, there is no ill.
125. Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon that fool who offends an inoffensive, pure and guiltless man.
126. Some are born in the womb; the wicked are born in hell; the devout go to heaven; the stainless pass into Nibbana.
127. Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one may escape from the results of evil deeds.
128. Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean, nor by entering into mountain clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one will not be overcome by death.
~ Dhammapada, Chapter 9 https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/dhp/dhp.09.budd.html
Papavagga: Evil 117. Should a person commit evil, let him not do it again and again. Let him not find pleasure therein, for painful is the accumulation of evil.
Zen Koan - Hui-neng's flag Polska strona z naukami Adyashantiego http://www.facebook.com/adya.polska
This video is a good example of the difference between realiy vs. perception: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA7E5_dUUAU
Why Your Favorite Artist Doesn't Want To Meet You - People Watching #6 SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://goo.gl/ITTCPW Nothing can go right when meeting people you have a preconceived idea about. The Internet's most popular comedy website ...
Zen Koan - Buddha statue Polska strona z naukami Adyashantiego http://www.facebook.com/adya.polska
What being a Buddhist every day means:
BoJack Horseman - "It gets easier" (Season 2 Ending) "It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you got to do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier." Song: Courtney Barnett - A...
EWU Buddhist Club's cover photo
This is what our trash does in water or land! We need to stop this NOW
Plastic on the Ocean by 2050 By 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic than fishes on the Oceans. Nowadays for 4 tones of fishes we could find 1 tone of plastic. Video by: ...
This is a serious issue and is harming and killing so many birds and sea life.
Plastic on the Ocean by 2050 By 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic than fishes on the Oceans. Nowadays for 4 tones of fishes we could find 1 tone of plastic. Video by: ...
We need more young people like this!
Club meeting tomorrow at 11:00 in PUB 204, followed by meditation at noon with Geshe Phelgye. Please come to either, or both!
Thank you Geshela!
It's official: all of our neighbors are compassionate (www.charterofcompassion.org)
Hello friends, those of you, who have interest in Buddhism, do not miss this class in winter quarter. This is the opportunity to learn from an authentic practitioner.
EWU Buddhist Club
The Buddha's life in pictures
Please join us for our first club meeting tomorrow, Wednesday Oct. 14th, at 10:00 am in Martin 151 conference room across from Geshe Phelgye's office. One of the things we will be discussing is ideas of how to meaningfully spend the generous budget we've been granted by ASEWU for the year.
Geshela Phelgye will not be offering meditation spring quarter due to a scheduling conflict.
This year the Buddhist Club is offering free drop-in meditation for all faculty, staff, and students twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays in PUB 204 from 12:00-1:00 PM. Meditations will be lead by EWU professor/Global Scholar in Residence Geshe Phelgye. Our first meditation for the quarter is tomorrow - please join us for any or all of these sessions!
Hi there, what are you doing tomorrow! Come join us to promote a Compassionate living!
Diversity Festival in the PUB MPR - free food and cultural entertainment! The Buddhist Club will have a table - stop by and say hello!