Dr D K Jha

Dr D K Jha


This page contains my views only


What the country need is an organized Hindu interest group independent of political parties that can lobby them. Commensurate to its power, it can make parties execute its agenda. RSS was meant to be for just that. But alas.

They compromised their core ideology for their rapacious lust for power. This delayed action of breaking BJP-PDP opportunist alliance can hardly influence the disenchanted and disgruntled supporters. And they will not be condoned for their avarice.

Training of bomb-sniffing dogs could improve with new mass spectrometry tool | Chemical & Engineering News 20/07/2017

This tool could give bomb-sniffing canines' sense of smell a keener edge.

Training of bomb-sniffing dogs could improve with new mass spectrometry tool | Chemical & Engineering News Law enforcement has long relied on canines to sniff out dangerous explosives, but large discrepancies exist between individual dogs’ performances that are at least partially attributable to training differences. Now, analytical chemistry may help give the dogs’ powerful sense of smell a keener edge....

Timeline photos 20/07/2017

Chairing the session.

Neutrino discovery: A step closer to finding CP violation 06/06/2017

Neutrino discovery: A step closer to finding CP violation

Neutrino discovery: A step closer to finding CP violation The different rates of neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations recorded by an international collaboration of researchers is an important step in the search for a new source of asymmetry in the laws that govern matter and antimatter.


Higher education system has travelled a lot, from end course biannual systen to annual system to semester system and now it is CBCS system.
What we lost and what we gained in these exercises, it is the time for introspection.
What I have noticed is that,
1. a teacher has been reduced to a clerk.
2. the quality of course has been compromised to greater extent,
3. the system evolved in such a way that the value of quality education has been eroded.
4. for the students it become much easier to pass a course.
5. a student can focus more on co-curricular activities.


Periodic Poem: From Mystery to History
By Max Clark

At the start of this tale, in an ancient Greek land
Two clever forward thinkers thought that science was grand
Plato, Aristotle started talking about the elements
Basic at first; it grew to something much more elegant
Water, air, earth and fire were fundamentals they say saw
But now we know their ideas were just a little too raw
Fast forward through the centuries
People still trying to make sense of these
Elements that grew
It was the scientist who knew
Back in 1863, Newlands explored a new land
To try to find a way to get the elements in hand
With a goal of making sense of all that science had shown
He knew it was a challenge as the elements had grown
Order, logic, and practical use
Elements brought together versus running all loose
Newlands' base idea had an Octave at its heart
He thought elements were simply eight places apart
While he made some advances with his power of eight
Newlands' Octave theory really wasn't all that great.
So five years later in 1869
A Russian called Mendeleev started blowing our minds
With fresh ideas on how to make a better tool
This progressive scientist started writing new rules
He wanted to make amends
Started noticing some trends
His bright idea was to look at atomic mass
Vertical groups, then he left a few gaps
He lined them all up, wrapped like words in a book
With atomic weight behind him, Dimitri found a new hook
Hydrogen, lithium and sodium all with similar features
Showing these connections would be one way he could teach us.
This table went on to showcase noble new gases
Mendeleev's ideas were amazing; they really kicked some ass-ets
Dimitri gave us something firm; something stable
That's why we proudly proclaim him to be Father of the Table.
In chemistry class, you'll be awoken from your slumber
When you realise its secret is an increasing atomic number
Sherlock Holmes might have said, elements are elementary
But the periodic table; simply incredible for you and me
The periodic table: it's not about blinding us with science
It's about elements together with structure and compliance
Yes it's true that the table has a great deal of history
Now through this poem we can break through the mystery
It's not a story; it's not a fable
It's just the lowdown truth about the Periodic Table

copied from :

Timeline photos 06/10/2016

Uncertainty breeds change; that is the underlying tenet of the volatility, that an increase in volatility precedes a shift in trend.


Post Burhan Wani incidents reflect the lack of administrative and political will and maturity to contain the protests. What they missed to analyse and implement are:-
1. Only a few particle at a time can have higher energy state. Identify them and control them.
2. Every incident has certain energy level, that could had identified from the past experiences and sufficient force in short period of time had been used to crush it in the beginning.
The strategy implimented was that every incident has its own time period and it will settle on its own. But in this process the higher energy entities got sufficient time to transfer its extra energy to more number of entities-- It was mis calculation that resulted into prolonged agitation and protest and caused huge loss to the democratic credential of the country. If this strategy will continue then more Kasmiris will be radicalized.


Kashmiri wants right to self determination under UN resolution 47 of 1948 without reading it! they are suppose to read it without any preconceived idea.
And I expect them to answer;
1. that, why the Indian Army was confined within the cantonment for 40 years that 1947-1988. During this period there was no case of so called atrocities by Indian Army had been reported. If it is demonic Army it might had done it during those period also!
2. that, why there are demographic alteration has been is so contrast that even a common man can notice that from 1901 to 2011 the percentage of other religious group except Islam declined drastically. In 1901 the followers of Islam were 74.15667962
% which is now 99%. They need to answer it .
3. that, self determination for Azadi to which area viz Kashmir valley, Jammu or Laddakh, as Jammu and Laddakh is not supporting these separatist movement.
4. that, is the Valley alone is strong enough to defeat Indian Army with there gun and stone culture?
5. that, who are their leaders? Are they truthful? if yes then where are their kids? Are they participating in the stone throwing competition that is going on?
6. that, I have seen some article that is challenging the instrumentation of accession, and citing some pre-independence instances to prove that the then King Hari Singh was despot ruler. Even if I agrees to that argument (that I need further proof, that the writer did not provide) then what it has to do with present condition? If the writer thinks that the past can be undone than he/she (I do not like to disclose inpublic) should convince that after the demise of Kota Rani in 1339 that followed 500 years of Muslim rule which was more tyrannical except the period of Zainulabidin; how that can be undone?
7. that, how Bulbul Shah & Mir Sayed Ali Hamadani alongwith only 700 Sayeds who came in 12th century today became nearly 80% of 12,548,926?
8. that, why there is sudden spurt in population growth after 1961 in the state.
9. that, are they willing to make a Muslim state only?
10. that, why are they enjoying the benefit given to the INDIAN CITIZEN of those area ? India spends 10% of its GDP on less that 1% of its population in J&K!
In absence of the above answers the present disturbances is not be more than Islamofacist & terrorism


Three BLUNDERS of Kashmiri Pandits:--
1. Kashmiri Pandits declined to convert Buddhist Rinchan to Hinduism. Enraged he converted to Islam followed by 500 year tryannical Islamic rule.
2. When Hindus assumed the power in Kashmir, the king Ranbir Singh, asked Kashmiri Pandits to allow those (who were earlier converted to Islam by force) to join Hinduism. Narrow minded, Kashmiri Pandits declined to do so.
3. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.


The past, present and the future cannot be separated out as they are intertwined in a complex knot of temporality, experience and identity.

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