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Is your business see strength coming back to your dreams?
Can you see the path to the life that you have always wanted in your system?
Can you envision a life of wellness,peace,and prosperity in your system?
If you can't then change it my friend..because the best secret to success is in our sytem and may be the breakthrough that you have been missing.
You know what to do and think again.
PM me for the real business opportunity.
What is online business for me?...and how it can benefit you in the most humble ways...
its the business of a lifetime...
the business that allows you to enjoy with family,
building a great corporate team and friends,
turning a struggling business into a profitable one...
spending a full time with mentors and books just to learn more and increase wisdom,
completing a half marathon in business and creating a new personal record,
paying off my home mortgage and enjoying being debt free,
sleeping until you wake up instead of hearing that pesky alarm,
feeling at peace with God and enjoying his presence,
losing friends and looking great in those new business partners,
overcoming a problem without "losing it" to a fit of worry or rage,
having time to do the things that matter most,
the goal to donate the money to the community organizations you believe in,
saying goodbye to your regrets and really feeling good about yourself
feeling loved and valued by those closest to you.
>>>the deepest meaning of BUSINESS AND PASSION combined.
-Kevin mirasol
Financial Advice
-There are 3 levels of financial advice:
1.Advice for the poor
2. Advice for the middle class
3. Advice for the rich
1.The financial advice for the poor is that the government will take care of them,the poor are counting on Social Security and Medicare!.
2.The financial advice for the middle class is to get a job, work hard ,live below means , save money , invest for a long term in the mutual funds, and diversify... most people in the middle class are passive investors.....-investors who work and invest not to lose.
3.For the rich...its simple...they are active investors who WORK and INVEST TO WIN!!
--Become an active investor in any business you have like,mlm,forex,direct selling,network marketing,affiliate marketing etc,... to expand your means and to live a great life by WORKING and INVESTING TO WIN!
Go with a winning TEAM...JOIN US!
Discover the secret of our system!!
Attention Entrepreneur Friends
Do you want to know how our team generates leads and sales without spending a penny?
We have a way for you to create a recruiting SURGE in your business that will just take ONE hour a day...
We did this all...
❌ Without chasing friends, family and neighbors.
❌ Without cold calling a single person.
❌ Without any kind of advertising, neither online or offline.
❌ And without a website
Are you ready for this to be you so you can stop struggling and start getting into action?
Get Access To our system and get to know the online millionaires secret!
comment "secret" below.
Copy paste this to your wall and comment below when you are done.
****************LUM SWIPE****************
Let me start by saying that Leadership is Influence.
It's not about power, control or authority. It's about SERVING others!
Do you believe that?
Parenting is influence.
Sales is just a subset of leadersip. Selling is a far simpler concept than most people realize.
At its core it's the ability to connect with others and give them what they need.
Top 12 Characteristics of Top Network Marketers
1. Ambitious
They have the desire.
2. Purposeful
Begin with the end in mind. First you create your habits and then your habits create you!
3. Curious
Always asking questions. What's my potential? The best sellers and leaders ask better questions to uncover the issues their potential members is having g so they can maybe silver it with what they offer.
4. Attentive
Listen. Focus on what the prospect is saying. How they are saying it. Tone of voice, mannerisms. Non verbal indicators like breathing. They pick up on eye movements, position and more.
5. Patient
They do not jump to conclusions. They don't cut the prospect off. They listen to the story. They understand is not the answers from the prodpect that's most important. It's how the prospect answers the questions. The best leaders are utterly focused and tied to the story.
Don't provide a solution to problems that fit exist.
6. Responsive
Don't be a solution seller. Find out what their problem is first. Repeat to them what the problem is. Then offer the solution. What you offer is in response to a mutually agreed upon need
7. Flexible
No "canned" presentations. Flexibility comes through practice.
8. Creative
Connect with your prospect. Few people actually connect with people. Tell stories. People want to hear your story. They have to connect with you to trust you and ultimately buy from you.
9. Confident
If you are not confident in yourself the prospect will not be confident in you and will not trust you. When you demonstrate confidence, they will assume you have competence too.
10. Directional
Drive the process forward and establish a sense of direction and keep the process on course and forward. Know what your objective is so you can be directional.
11. Relationship-Centeted
Be relational not transactional. Each sale can be much more that one sale depending on how you treat the connection.
12. Persistence
Understand that most will say "No". It's the law of large numbers. It's all a process.
I hope you good this information valuable.
Is there anything you would add or subtract?
Do you agree is disagree with any of them. Let's hear it.
Join our awesome leadership in our company,and decide to start to us your 6-7 figure dream!
Winning isn't about trying once, having one idea, taking one action or going after your dreams one time.
Winning can take years of action and patience until you finally unlock the door of opportunity that's been taking care of your dream life.
You see, most people don't understand this, they try once or twice, even three times and think everything they want in life should happen.
Well my friend, those people 99 times out of 100 won't win anything and end up back at the same place they started.
For me, my success, my millions of dollars generated online started with nothing but overcoming massive failure on a daily basis.
I failed so much in the beginning I couldn't even put a number on it.
But I was so confident in my abilities that I never gave up and eventually one of my ideas started to boom.
Sweat, blood and tears came first, and they will always come first for you, if you are going after a lifestyle we are sharing with you.
Is it worth it?
Hell yes it is!
To never worry about your children's food, school, cars clothes, to never worry about little things like bills, payments, whatever...
It's all worth the pain and sacrifice to capture the lifestyle in which you all can call pure freedom.
Don't allow anyone to hold you back family and go after everything you have in your heart.
I promise you its so worth everything you have to go through in the beginning to ultimately capture the lifestyle you want in the end!
From my mentor...VOJ
Want to join our team!and get mentored by the rockstars?
You know what to do guys!
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