Singhdarbar अगाडि putlisadak, new plaza, ktm
Tuition for all subject for all level. Bridge course for SLC appeared students. Ph:- 977- 14383973
Singhdarbar अगाडि putlisadak, new plaza, ktm
आज 2079.1.19
Bridge course तथा entrance preparation after SEE को
1.online class:8pm मा
Zoom id 312 058 8595 passcode 75765
2. physical class : 7am
Contact 9851075765, 9803896424
Bridge course and entrance preparation काे Model test exam Aja लिदै छ । यो exam ko अनलाइन टेस्ट ko link तल दिईएको छ । Share with your friends।
Saraswati Bridge Course & Entrance Preparation Online Exam For SEE 2077 Batch Applying For A-Level , CBSE , NEB [St.Xavier's , Budhanilkanth , SOS & Other Colleges] With Staff Nurse , Overseer , Dental, Radiography , Forestry , HA , Pharmacy , Lab.Technician, Ophthalmic Classes will be live & Study Material Will Be Provided. For more detail contact us 98038...
Respected Principles, Teachers, Gardians,Friends & students!
My Today class of Chapter FRICTION of Physics. For grade 11 and "Bridge course and entrance preparation" Subscribe it.
Dear students!( Roll number bhayeo students lai matra ENTRY )
Online class(via ZOOM) ko lagi roll number chahiyema, send your 1. Name 2.mobile number 3.your own profile photo profile In my inbox.
Free online class routine for 2077-05-16 Tuesday
👉👉 FREE: 14th week RUNNING ✍️✍️
OPPORTUNITY TO GET INVOLVED IN St,xaviers, SOS ,others colleges Entrance PREPARATION with bridge course. “Don’t think more, go in action.”
Saraswati Bridge Course and Entrance Preparation (For,A-Level, grade 11 & Diploma)
Saraswati Educational live Class is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Science, A-level, Management, CTEVT Staff Nurse , Overseer , Dental, Radiography , Forestry , HA , D. Pharmacy , Veterinary, Lab.Technician, Agricultute, CMLT को लागि
Saraswati Educational, ktm. 4383973 बाट Bridge Course & ENTRANCE PREPARATION online Class मा
Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, English, Health, GK को classe's Time:
1. 11:00 am to 12.00 pm( Chemistry taught by NS sir)
2. 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm (....... taught by .................sir)
3. 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm (physics taught by Shambhu Sah Sir )
4. 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm ( CLASS TEST).
5. 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm (Health for Staff nurse )
6. 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm ( Questions discussion by Rajan Yadav)
via ZOOM cloud meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 312 058 8595
Passcode: 75765
Note:Total number of students capacity: 1000 एक पटक मा join huna sakchhan.
"Thank you for your support and LOVE!"
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
"Make your decision wise"
SEE 2076 batch students !
Choose your stream(Sience, Management, Art, Law, HA,Diploma,etc.) wisely!!!!
You may take help with us and respective teachers as well as with seniors or consultant if u need .
via ZOOM cloud meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 312 058 8595
Passcode: 75765
Note:Total number of students capacity: 1000 एक पटक मा join huna sakchhan.
"Thank you for your support and LOVE!"
Entrance exam for practice
Saraswati Bridge Course & Entrance Preparation Online Exam For SEE 2076 Batch Applying For A-Level , CBSE , NEB [St.Xavier's , Budhanilkanth , SOS & Other Colleges] With Staff Nurse , Overseer , Dental, Radiography , Forestry , HA , Pharmacy , Lab.Technician, Ophthalmic Classes will be live & Study Material Will Be Provided. Teachers : Shambhu Sah , Nathune...
Id 312 058 8595 and password 75765
Congratulation !
यो week को आज 2077.4. 32 Sunday 9pm भित्र मा Objective questions collection competition in SEE SCIENCE 2077 Facebook group को winners
Note: 1000 भन्दा बढी questions upload garne हरू भोलि 10am samma सम्पर्क गर्नुपर्छ!
Bridge course books on sale only Rs. 1000/-
Happy Teachers' Day!
"Good Teacher is not that who distributes his intellience among his students.
Good Teacher is that who guides his students to the Threshold of their intellect, so that they may tap the intrinsic capacities of their mind"....!
Timeline Photos
Saraswati Educational Consultancy,Galkopakha, Thamel,Ktm's cover photo
Career Counseling is given by sec
After 12 which subject to choose:
• Academic Performance of students
• Interest of students
• Financial Position of guardians (for scholarship)
• Scope and opportunities of subjects
Career Counseling on:
MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, Environmental Science, B.Sc. Forestry, B. Sc. IT
Electronics, Electricity, Mechanical, Civil, Architecture, Computer
B. Pharmacy
Business and Management
Social Workers
Career Counseling is given by sec
After S.L.C which subject to choose:
• Academic Performance of students
• Interest of students
• Financial Position of guardians (for scholarship)
• Scope and opportunities of subjects
Career Counseling on:
10 +2 Science:
10+2 Management:
MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, Environmental Science, B.Sc. Forestry, B. Sc. IT
Electronics, Electricity, Mechanical, Civil, Architecture, Computer
B. Pharmacy
Business and Management
Social Workers
+2 Tuiton , A level, CBSE
physics , chemistry, maths & accountancy
Home tuition also available
Science, Comp. math, Opt. math for SLC
Saraswati Educational Consultancy
galkopakha, thamel, ktm
Tel:- 01-4383973
+2 Tuiton , A level, CBSE
physics , chemistry, maths & accountancy
Home tuition also available
Science, Comp. math, Opt. math for SLC
Saraswati Educational Consultancy
galkopakha, thamel, ktm
Tel:- 01-4383973
please like this page (Y)
Tuition for all subject for all level. Bridge course for SLC appeared students. Ph:- 977- 14383973
tuition class is running for 10+2 chance exam.
tuition for +2 & SLC classes running on this institute.
& home tuition also be provided.