Academia Rossica - Russian Arts and Culture Foundation

Academia Rossica - Russian Arts and Culture Foundation


Operating as usual

Музыкант Сергей Мазаев: Хочу нравиться молодым девчонкам! | Russky London 09/06/2016

Уже сегодня!! Пятница!!! 10 июня в Лондоне впервые выступит московская группа «Моральный кодекс». Всего один концерт на площадке Under the Bridge. Вас ждут старые и новые хиты группы Моральный Кодекс, приходите! Бессменный солист и лидер группы Сергей Мазаев исполнит лучшие песни более чем за 25 лет существования коллектива.

Музыкант Сергей Мазаев: Хочу нравиться молодым девчонкам! | Russky London


Музыкант Сергей Мазаев: Хочу нравиться молодым девчонкам! | Russky London

Уже сегодня!! Пятница!!! 10 июня в Лондоне впервые выступит московская группа «Моральный кодекс». Всего один концерт на площадке Under the Bridge. Вас ждут старые и новые хиты группы Моральный Кодекс, приходите! Бессменный солист и лидер группы Сергей Мазаев исполнит лучшие песни более чем за 25 лет существования коллектива.

Timeline photos 27/04/2016

Sasha Filipenko today's SLOVO London Literature Festival guest at 7pm Trafalgar Square ❤️ Waterstones Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5EJ.

ТОРЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЗАКРЫТИЕ И ВЕЧЕРИНКА фестиваля SLOVO | Russky London 26/04/2016

Друзья, фестиваль SLOVO и бар ZIMA приглашают вас на вечеринку закрытия фестиваля! Мы услышим невероятные истории писателя Саши Филипенко о съемках фильма-путешествия "Ездим дома", о настоящей России, которую мало кто из нас видел. Присоединяйтесь! Будем рады услышать ваши впечатления о фестивале и поднять бокал вина за любимых писателей и будущие фестивали!

ТОРЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЗАКРЫТИЕ И ВЕЧЕРИНКА фестиваля SLOVO | Russky London Мы снова пообщаемся, обменяемся мнением и пожеланиями о фестивальных днях, а в разгаре вечеринки послушаем рассказ нашего гостя из Москвы Саши Филипенко о том, как телеканал Дождь снимал сюрреалистический фильм "Ездим дома"! Ждем гостей, участников и и организаторов фестиваля! Zima is a place to dis…



Друзья, фестиваль SLOVO и бар ZIMA приглашают вас на вечеринку закрытия фестиваля! Мы услышим невероятные истории писателя Саши Филипенко о съемках фильма-путешествия "Ездим дома", о настоящей России, которую мало кто из нас видел. Присоединяйтесь! Будем рады услышать ваши впечатления о фестивале и поднять бокал вина за любимых писателей и будущие фестивали! Мы снова пообщаемся, обменяемся мнением и пожеланиями о фестивальных днях, а в разгаре вечеринки послушаем рассказ нашего гостя из Москвы Саши Филипенко о том, как телеканал Дождь снимал сюрреалистический фильм "Ездим дома"! Ждем гостей, участников и и организаторов фестиваля! Zima is a place to dis…

Timeline photos 24/04/2016

Pomerantsev, born in the UK to Russian émigré parents, spent almost a decade in Moscow working as a TV producer, making documentaries and reality shows for Russian audiences. He arrived in the early 2000s, in the midst of an oil boom that brought a measure of prosperity to many and huge wealth to a select few, creating a tidal wave of glitz and extravagance, especially in the capital. Today we will speak to Petr Pomerantzev about Russia! 4pm at Piccadilly.

Timeline photos 23/04/2016

We have already started! All the audience is listening to Mikhail Shishkin. We all feel very family atmosphere ❤️

Timeline photos 23/04/2016

Today's guest is Michail Shishkin. The author of widely acclaimed novels, Shishkin is admired as a refined stylist whose fiction engages Russian and European literary traditions and forges an equally expansive vision for the future of literature. 7pm at Piccadilly 📚

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

We have already started! You can join us if you're near here. Owen Hatherley is right now at Piccadilly 👍

TOGETHER/APART Owen Hatherley, Post-neoliberal city. A good start for the future (ENG) 21/04/2016

Owen Hatherley's lecture Post-Neoliberal City. A Good Start For The Future.

Owen Hatherley was born in Southampton, England in 1981. He received his doctorate in 2011 from Birkbeck College, London for a thesis on "The Political Aesthetics of Americanism in Weimar Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919-34". He works as a freelance writer on architecture and cultural politics, and is the author of four books - "Militant Modernism" (Zero, 2009), "A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain" (Verso, 2010), "Uncommon – An Essay on Pulp" (Zero, 2011), "A New Kind of Bleak – Journeys through Urban Britain" (Verso 2012), and an e-book on squares in eastern Europe, "Across the Plaza" (Strelka, 2012).

Owen Hatherley is today's guest of 7th London Literature Festival SLOVO in Waterstones at 7pm.

TOGETHER/APART Owen Hatherley, Post-neoliberal city. A good start for the future (ENG) Special Guest: Owen Hatherley Moderation: Edwin Bendyk March 7th, 2013 at 6 p.m. Owen Hatherley was born in Southampton, England in 1981. He received his doc...


TOGETHER/APART Owen Hatherley, Post-neoliberal city. A good start for the future (ENG)

Owen Hatherley's lecture Post-Neoliberal City. A Good Start For The Future.

Owen Hatherley was born in Southampton, England in 1981. He received his doctorate in 2011 from Birkbeck College, London for a thesis on "The Political Aesthetics of Americanism in Weimar Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919-34". He works as a freelance writer on architecture and cultural politics, and is the author of four books - "Militant Modernism" (Zero, 2009), "A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain" (Verso, 2010), "Uncommon – An Essay on Pulp" (Zero, 2011), "A New Kind of Bleak – Journeys through Urban Britain" (Verso 2012), and an e-book on squares in eastern Europe, "Across the Plaza" (Strelka, 2012).

Owen Hatherley is today's guest of 7th London Literature Festival SLOVO in Waterstones at 7pm.

Special Guest: Owen Hatherley Moderation: Edwin Bendyk March 7th, 2013 at 6 p.m. Owen Hatherley was born in Southampton, England in 1981. He received his doc...

Eleven Prague Corpses | Dalkey Archive Press 21/04/2016

Kirill Kobrin writes fiction and nonfiction prose, co-edits Moscow magazine of sociology, history and politics Neprikosnovenniy Zapas (“Emergency Rations”), and researches the cultural history of Russia and the Czech Republic. Kobrin is the author of fifteen books in Russian, one of them is a tribute to Flann O’Brien, Tekstoobrabotka (“Bookhandling”). Some critics hailed him as the “Russian Borges” and “one of the founders of Russian psychogeography.” His texts have been translated into several European languages.

22 April 7pm Kirill Kobrin will take part in 7th London Literature Festival SLOVO at Waterstones Piccadilly.

Eleven Prague Corpses | Dalkey Archive Press Prague is a place where murders happen, and it takes an English-speaking Russian expat with a strong antipathy for the city and its inhabitants to solve the...


Eleven Prague Corpses | Dalkey Archive Press

Kirill Kobrin writes fiction and nonfiction prose, co-edits Moscow magazine of sociology, history and politics Neprikosnovenniy Zapas (“Emergency Rations”), and researches the cultural history of Russia and the Czech Republic. Kobrin is the author of fifteen books in Russian, one of them is a tribute to Flann O’Brien, Tekstoobrabotka (“Bookhandling”). Some critics hailed him as the “Russian Borges” and “one of the founders of Russian psychogeography.” His texts have been translated into several European languages.

22 April 7pm Kirill Kobrin will take part in 7th London Literature Festival SLOVO at Waterstones Piccadilly. Prague is a place where murders happen, and it takes an English-speaking Russian expat with a strong antipathy for the city and its inhabitants to solve the...

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

"Конечно, великие шотландцы XVIII века опирались на великих англичан XVII века, от Фрэнсиса Бэкона и Томаса Гоббса до Джона Локка и их почти современника Генри Болингброка, более того, они работали одновременно с более знаменитым Французским Просвещением; блеск и скандальные приключения Вольтера и Руссо, перипетии «Энциклопедии» Д'Аламбера, экзотическая дружба Дидро с Екатериной Великой – все это затмило скромных северян, одно факт остается фактом: без них современный западный мир выглядел бы совсем по-иному," - журналист, писатель и гость фестиваля SLOVO Кирилл Кобрин рассуждает о Шотландии и происхождении понятия "современность".

Полный текст:

Другие материалы Кирилла Кобрина в рамках совместного проекта "Радио Свободна" и портала ПОЛИТ.РУ:

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

"Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!” Revolution is coming!

Hatherley is one of the most interesting British writers and journalists who write on architecture, politics and culture. He is an author of such as well acclaimed and talked about books as Militant Modernism, A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain, The Ministry of Nostalgia and - now - Landscapes of Communism.

Hatherley has described himself as a communist "at least in the sense in which the word was used in The Communist Manifesto". He wrote that “revolution might be a rather exciting thing, one that would transform the world, and transform space, for the better. Worth doing. Why not try it.”

Why not indeed to try a bit of a communist revolution yourself on the Fourth Floor at Waterstones Piccadilly tonight at 7pm? Who can be better guide to it than the outspoken, provocative and very clever Owen Hatherley?


Первый английский гость фестиваля SLOVO!

Книга британского писателя и журналиста Оуэна Хатерли «Ландшафты коммунизма» - это история через архитектуру, глубокий анализ наследия Советского Союза и социалистических стран Восточной Европы. Познавательно? Конечно! Встречаемся завтра в 19.00 в русском отделе книжного Waterstones! Выступая на фестивале SLOVO, Хатерли уделит особое внимание советской архитектуре как форме пропаганды.
#слово #фестиваль #фестивальслово #литературанашевсе




Первый английский гость фестиваля SLOVO!

Книга британского писателя и журналиста Оуэна Хатерли «Ландшафты коммунизма» - это история через архитектуру, глубокий анализ наследия Советского Союза и социалистических стран Восточной Европы. Познавательно? Конечно! Встречаемся завтра в 19.00 в русском отделе книжного Waterstones! Выступая на фестивале SLOVO, Хатерли уделит особое внимание советской архитектуре как форме пропаганды.
#слово #фестиваль #фестивальслово #литературанашевсе

Timeline photos 20/04/2016

We have already started! Boris Akunin in Piccadilly at 7th London Literature Festival SLOVO 📚🇬🇧❤️

Timeline photos 20/04/2016

Boris Akunin is the pen name of Grigory Chkhartishvili. With over 80 million copies of his works produced, he is indisputably one of Russia’s best-selling authors. Best known as a writer of detective and historical fiction, he has been compared in turn to Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Conan-Doyle. Also well-respected as an essayist and a civil activist. Akunin is currently working on a monumental multi-volume history of Russia and a series of novels. Boris Akunin today at 7pm in Piccadilly 📚📒📖

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

Alexander Etkind right now in Piccadilly! 7th London Literature Festival 📚📒📖

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

We are waiting for everyone! And we'll start! Alexander Etkind 7pm Waterstonеs Piccadilly, 203/206 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HD 📚📒📖

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

7pm Piccadilly. Today's guests is Alexander Etkind. More than twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia remains "the land of the unburied": the events of the mid-twentieth century are still very much alive, and still contentious. Alexander Etkind shows how post-Soviet Russia has turned the painful process of mastering the past into an important part of its political present.


SLOVO | Александр Эткинд: Кривое горе. Память о непогребенных | Russky London

Александр Эткинд – культуролог, литературовед, ученый с мировым именем – представит свою новую книгу, продолжающую серию его исследований культурной и социальной истории России
Tue 19 April 2016 - 7.00pm
Waterstonеs Piccadilly, 203/206 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HD
Заказать билеты: £15

SLOVO | Александр Эткинд: Кривое горе. Память о непогребенных | Russky London 18/04/2016

Александр Эткинд – культуролог, литературовед, ученый с мировым именем – представит свою новую книгу, продолжающую серию его исследований культурной и социальной истории России
Tue 19 April 2016 - 7.00pm
Waterstonеs Piccadilly, 203/206 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HD
Заказать билеты: £15

SLOVO | Александр Эткинд: Кривое горе. Память о непогребенных | Russky London

Timeline photos 18/04/2016

7th London literature festival continuous! 7pm, 4th floor of Piccadilly. PETER PAN, ALICE AND OTHERS. MYSTICISM OF CHILDHOOD 📚🇬🇧❤️

Timeline photos 17/04/2016

We have already begun! What a great chance to meet all these authors together! 📚🇬🇧❤️

Timeline photos 17/04/2016

SLOVO 7 | Today's Britain Through The Eyes Of Russian Authors. 4pm in Piccadilly 📚🇬🇧❤️ When Winston Churchill said that Russia is “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”, he wouldn’t have thought that any Russian could probably say exactly the same thing about Britain. This formula sounds like a pretty accurate description of the mutual attraction between our two nations. But the excitement may easily turn into despair when you realise that this riddle is impossible to solve. There are people though who dare to take up this challenge. We invited four of these courageous people – four Russian journalists who have been living in the UK for a long time and have written about this country in their books.

Timeline photos 16/04/2016

We love to create magic atmosphere ❤️📚 #слово #фестивальслово #словофестиваль #литература #литературанашевсе #средидрузей #средигостей #приятнопообщатьсясумнымчеловеком

Timeline photos 16/04/2016

7th SLOVO London literature festival. Today's our guest - Evgeny Vodolazkin 📚📒📖 Vodolazkin was catapulted to prominence by his debut novel Solovyov and Larionov which was not only very popular with readers, but was also rewarded with a place on the shortlist for both the Andrei Bely Prize (2009) and the Big Book Award (2010). His second novel Laurus was awarded the main Russian literary prize, The Big Book prize, and it is now translated into 26 languages including English. His third novel Aviator is highly anticipated and is coming out in Russia in April 2016.

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The 5th Russian Film Festival 4 - 13 November
