Hello Class of 2024! We are evolving this semester. Cade question of the day is moving to Yammer- check your emails for details. We are trying to have a one point of communication for students and faculty to ensure timely responses and consistent questions of the day 😊
CADE Question of the Day
Instructors will check in 2-3 times when a new question is posed.
This site is dedicated to supporting the learning of UL SOM Class of 2024 as they progress through their first semester of medical school in Clinical Anatomy, Development and Examination.
A patient ingested a large amount of alcohol at a party, became intoxicated, and slept with their body weight on the left arm. Paresis of the fingers and wrist of the affected hand results. The patient also complains of pain that runs along the posterior or lateral aspect of the upper arm, travels to the posterior aspect of the forearm, and then to the back of the left hand. The anesthesia may also extend to the posterior aspect of the first three-and-a-half digits.
On physical examination, the individual will have weakness of wrist extension and the inability to extend the fingers.
What is going on with this patient?
Rich is a 62 yo man that presents to his P*P (primary care provider) with complaints of shoulder pain with a gradual onset of symptoms over the past 2 years. He is a nurse who works on the critical care unit. His responsibilities include, among many other things, frequent patient transfers, scooting patients in their beds, making beds, and bending over patients in their beds while providing care. On his days off, he helps load trucks full of medical supplies for mission work in foreign countries.
Upon examination, he shows a forward shoulder posturing and mild thoracic kyphosis. When asked to raise his left arm, he leans his trunk to the left as he raises his arm up ~15° then stands upright and is able to abduct his arm ~70° before he complains of increased pain. With palpation, the patient has tenderness on the greater tubercle of the humerus, directly distal to the tip of the acromion.
What are your initial thoughts about this patient?
Name one thing you are doing today for self care! Because that is important too!
(We will continue “real questions too”, don’t worry😬).
Good afternoon everybody! Our second QoD!
A couple has recently learned that they are expecting a baby! They had a history of difficulty with conception and so they worked with a fertility specialist and underwent in vitro fertilization. Their embryo was transferred to the uterus and successfully implanted. Mom is 39 years of age and carries a chromosomal abnormality (genetic disease). The couple is worried about the risk for a genetic disorder in their new baby. At 12 weeks gestation, their physician performs a chorionic villus sampling procedure.
What is a chorionic villus and how will doing a genetic analysis of cells from it inform them about whether their embryo carries this genetic disease?
Hello everyone! Our first question of the day!
A patient comes to you, complaining of shooting pain in their back and gluteal region. They have several abnormal reflex findings, including no Achilles tendon reflexes bilaterally. They have abnormal sensation on the back of their lower limbs. What are your initial thoughts about this patient?