The Universe is constructed using coded mathematical information stored within waves of energy.
This means that the base nature of REALITY is informational and NOT physical.
Objects are not "REAL" simply because they physically exist. Everything is made out of atoms (quarks), but atoms do not physically exist as tiny little marbles. Atom's are quanta of programmed energy. An electron can only be defined using a mathematical wave equation.
Atoms (quarks) are packets of coded information. These packets of information are used as building blocks to construct or generate the universe we see around us.
This Fibonacci Wave of Information (energy) collapsing into a Hypotenuse Triangle of Information (quarks) is not in any science book. No human showed this to me. I found it after losing 216 minutes of Time one night.
Could it be wrong? Of course it could. And if it's wrong it won't matter. Every current cosmological theory of creation is wrong to some degree, that is why they are all only theories.
This will only matter if it's right. Time will tell. If it is right, remember how I found this, because that is the real magic behind everything.
My journey is recorded in these 3 books:
PS: Saying that the universe is a mathematically generated construct does not mean that aliens created our simulation or that we are sitting on some entities computer. It means that the fundamental nature of reality itself is computational. Reality is coded information. Energy is coded information.
Fibonacci Sequence & 60 Number Fibonacci Repeat Cycle
The Fibonacci Sequence is found throughout nature & produces the spiral pattern we see in many natural phenomenon like sea shells & entire galaxies.
The 60 digit repeat cycle is found if you look at the last number in every number throughout the Fibonacci sequence. This 60 digit sequence repeats to infinity. When I arrange those 60 digits in a circle (as seen in the image) I find that the ZERO’s align perfectly with the 4 cardinal points on a compass. To me this is no coincidence. My theory on the creation of the universe predicts that the uni
Are you there Lucien? It's me, God:
I wake up suddenly one night in 2013, I look at my phone, the time is 12:05 am.
I use my phones light to go to the toilet to have a p*e. I switch on the toilet light and relieve myself. I switch the toilet light off again and turn my phone back on. The time is now 3:41 am.
I am stunned. I did not black out. Everything had seemed to flow normally. I cannot comprehend what had just happened.
I return to bed but I cannot go back to sleep. I toss and turn, replaying the event over and over again in my head. I do the math.
The time from 12:05 to 3:41 is exactly 3 hours and 36 minutes. That is a total of 216 minutes.
What had happened? Where did that TIME go? Something "unnatural" has taken place here.
In the days following this event my mind is in a state of fugue and almost seems to be on autopilot.
While searching the internet for answers as to what might have happened to me, I stumble across the mathematical FACT that the Fibonacci series is creating a repeating pattern of 60 numbers. Mathematicians have known about this pattern for some time.
What nobody had done up to that point (as far as I could learn) was to take that pattern of 60 numbers from the Fibonacci Series and arrange them around a circle. I did exactly that and I was shocked. I could instantly see that the Fibonacci Series was creating a perfect human clock.
This was incredible. Although I can find no published work illustrating this Fibonacci 60 Digit clock prior to my book published in August 2013, since then there have been other people online who claim to have discovered this Fibonacci Clock on their own. Maybe they did and never published or shared it before me. Who knows. As you will see, it really doesn’t matter.
What I can tell you with 100 % certainty is that nobody thought about doing what I did next. I immediately took the Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock and used it as a building block or KEY and I inserted this KEY into the Vesica Piscis, The Seed of Life and Metatron's Cube. The results were nothing short of miraculous. This was divine inspiration.
Using the Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock as a KEY, while being directed by some unknown force that somehow spirited away 216 minutes of my TIME that night. I was able to unlock a Matrix of 216 Numbers hidden inside Metatron's Cube.
Look at the Fibonacci Clock. There are 12 zeroes and fives that mark out the 12 hour marks. I woke up at 12:05. The difference in TIME between 12:05 and 3:41 is exactly 216 minutes.
But if you take 1205 - 341 you get 864. There are 86400 seconds in one day.
If I measure the angle between 05 minutes and 41 minutes on a clock. That angle is 216 degrees.
When I use this Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock as a KEY and insert it into Sacred Geometric Symbols like Metatron's Cube, it reveals a string of Sacred Numbers. The greatest of these number patterns is a Matrix of 216 digits. In Ancient JEWISH KABBALAH there is a prophecy that God's Sacred name has 216 Letters and that one day this Sacred Name would be revealed.
What kind of force or power could have spirited away 216 minutes of my TIME and then inspired me to look for and conveniently find this EMPIRICAL MATHEMATICAL pattern of 216 numbers in the days that followed that mysterious event. Even if you don’t believe my story. Surely you must know that you cannot fabricate a pattern of 216 numbers inside Metatron's Cube simply to support a story you made up.
In 2023, exactly 10 years after making these initial discoveries or REVELATIONS, I made another mind bending mathematical discovery involving the Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock. Once again, you will not find this information in any mathematical book or publication prior to my work.
Incredibly, beyond any rational mathematical explanation. In 2023, it was revealed to me that the Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock (a circle) collapses into a perfect 90 degree Pythagorean triangle in which the square of the hypotenuse is exactly equal to the squares of the opposite 2 sides. No mathematician alive can explain this or calculate the probability of something like this being totally random. The Fibonacci 60 Digit Clock (a circle) collapses into a perfect Pythagorean triangle. Circles (Pi) and Triangles are used in all of physical science.
Remember: The prophecy of the 216 Letter Hidden name of God comes from the Jewish Kabbalah.
In 2023 shortly after my publication of this latest discovery, the Jewish state of Israel became embroiled in an existential war. America and its European allies are supplying Israel with their bombs. People are rising up around the planet calling for a ceasefire and for equal human rights. South Africa has taken Israel to the ICJ accusing them of committing genocide.
Is all of this random? One thing is certain. I could not have forged the mathematics. It is all empirical, meaning you can easily verify it for yourself. The Fibonacci series is creating a repeating pattern of 60 numbers. If you arrange those numbers on the circumference of a circle you see a distinctive Human Clock. Time.
If you enter the Fibonacci Clock into Metatron's Cube you get a pattern of 216 numbers. Metatron's Cube contains The Star of David. That is the symbol found on the Israeli Flag.
The Fibonacci Clock collapses into a perfect hypotenuse triangle. No scholar or mathematician found that. It is in no math's or history book. They do not teach it at any school.
Did some Supernatural force that controls all of TIME inspire and direct me to reveal this to the world at this particular point in TIME for a reason?
If so, why did it choose me? Why did it not choose someone who studies theology or mathematics? Why not a Jewish rabbi or American scholar from M.I.T or Harvard? Why not someone who could stand up and say "Here is divine proof that we are God's Chosen people or here is proof that we are exceptional".
I am not a religious person. I don’t believe that any single nation are God's chosen people and I don’t believe that any nation is exceptional. In fact, its quite the opposite, I despise what America and their bombs and weapons are doing to the world.
Could this have anything to do with it? I am from South Africa. My name Lucien just happens to mean Light and I believe that we are all the Children of God and that we are all equal. I will use this discovery to actively denounce the American Government and anyone who supports what they are doing. Will they allow me to share this discovery with the world or will they secretly hinder and shadow block me?
Who will you help me share this message and these discoveries? Bear in mind that you could be canceled or lose your job. The American Government controls who can buy or sell and nobody can make war against them. Watch the news, look what is happening to anyone who speaks out against them. Do you agree with what they are doing?
Do you understand what is really happening here and who all the players are?
If something super powerful did inspire me to find all of this. I would ask it for only one thing. Although I'm sure this goes without asking. "Do not let anyone who thinks it's okay for them to bomb innocent children as collateral damage, because they believe they are God's chosen or because they are exceptional, enter your Kingdom".
Like I say, I'm sure that goes without asking because it seems only rational. How could people who believe that they are exceptional ever live in eternal harmony with others?
And please, bless those who are willing to stand up for equality and basic human rights for all, despite the clear threat and danger they face. Thank you for all those people around the world who are tirelessly marching and pushing back against the God of War.
See links attached:
We are living in EPIC times:
Free YouTube Videos:
It's TIME to unlock a new CYCLE in human history.
Some "FORCE" that controls TIME caused me to black out for exactly 216 minutes. Since then I have been making these revelations.
I have tried to record everything as it was revealed to me in these 3 books:
Each book is intentionally only 60 pages. 60x60x60 = 216000.
P.S. Saying that there are infinite multiverses or that our physical universe simply goes on "forever" is simply saying that the universe goes on for all of TIME. The term "goes on forever" means for all of TIME. So, even if you insist that the universe is a physical entity that goes on forever, you are in fact saying that the universe only exists in TIME.
If you say that the universe will only exist from X- point in time to Y- point in time. (The Big Bang and the Big Crunch). Then once again. You are saying that the universe only exists in TIME or as a WAVE of time.
216 is the Signature of whatever force programmed our construct.
Maximillian Cohen: It was given to me. It's inside of me. It's changing me:
Maximillian Cohen: Something's going on. It has to do with that number. There's an answer in that number:
The Universe is a Story (Event) encoded into Cycles of TIME:
Who is telling the story:
The Universe is a Mathematical Construct:
The Signature of God:
And God:
There are no coincidences:
Everything has GREATER MEANING:
I want people to imaging Hell. Imagine Gaza. As they sit in their warm cozy homes opening presents on Christmas Eve. The most powerful nation on earth facilitated what is happening in Gaza.
Imagine those war mongers sitting and laughing on Xmas eve knowing they said "NO CEASEFIRE" so that their bombs can be used and their profits increased, all so that they can buy more stuff.
Do you know what is the symbol for Christmas? Walk around your Malls. Look at the decorations. It's a snowflake - Metatron's Cube. The Star of David. The SIGN that contains a Hidden 216 Matrix.
Time will Tell:
Oh, Time will tell:
Think you are in heaven, but you living in hell.
I wish I could make them look at this picture while their fat ungrateful brats tear open their presents and gorge themselves on luxuries.
Little spoilt bastards that grow up to be school shooters because they have no compassion for other people. They grow up being told that they are exceptional and other people are animals.
I promise you, they have no idea what this universe is.
There's a lullaby for suffering
And a paradox to blame:
But it's written in the scriptures
And it's not some idol claim:
There is no after this war. America will not be able to turn a page on this like it never happened. We see you.
These events will shape our future. Remember that. America is creating this HELL we are living in.
It is all RECORDED in TIME:
For all Eternity:
Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom: Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.
He that hath Wisdom:
His number is 666 (6x6x6 = 216):
Is it all random coincidence?
America once again votes no to CEASEFIRE, while children are being slaughtered. America says more war is the way to peace.
We were warned about this DARKNESS. And Israel coming under the protection of this BEAST.
But there is also a LIGHT:
Who really thinks this MATHEMATICAL 216 JEWISH PROPHECY being revealed now is a coincidence? -
This is about God:
And real Freedom:
They are now all starting to see the importance of Metatron's Cube and Sacred Geometry.
Watch this video. Look at the state of our planet:- The Israeli war in Gaza that is dividing the world.
And then consider that Hidden inside Metatron's Cube is a matrix of 216 Numbers. Bearing in mind that the Jewish Kabbalah speaks of a 216 Letter Hidden name of God and of what would unfold once this Hidden 216 Name is Revealed.
Is it all random? -
You need to know WHAT is happening, and WHY:
Ancient Secrets:
Terrence Howard Talks About a 6000-Year-Old Secret (OMG!!!) This will leave you sp*echless. Terrence Howard is about to lift the veil on a 6000-year-old secret, one that mankind has been trying to decipher for thousan...
Star Engine:
The 216 Letter Hidden Name of God:
Is the Big Bang / Universe simply a simulation? In this video I will explain how the Big Bang arises from a mathematical simulation to generate the Virtual World we experience around us. You can get high-r...