Cosy Corner Teacher

Cosy Corner Teacher

An EYFS teacher with a love for curious & beautiful learning environments. Cosy Corner Teacher


🎉 Thank you for being part of my journey! 🌟 I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve hit 500 followers on Instagram! Your support means the world to me, and I’m grateful for each and every one of you. Let’s keep spreading positivity and inspiration together!

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 13/03/2024

Exploring Capacity 🌟 Dive into the world of volume and measurement with our engaging provocation! Children explore, fill, and create varying amounts, visually grasping the concept of capacity. From full to empty, to comparing sizes, they’ll immerse themselves in important EYFS vocabulary while having a blast! ✏📝

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 06/03/2024

✨ Exploring length and height in EYFS! 🌟 From comparing the height of our favorite toys to measuring how long our classroom tables are, our little learners are diving into the world of measurement! 📐🔍

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 26/02/2024

Transforming learning in Early Years with our Tuff Tray Talk for Writing setup! 📚✨ Dive into the world of storytelling and literacy development with engaging sensory experiences. From character creation to plot exploration, our tuff tray activities inspire young minds to communicate, create, and collaborate! 🌟

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 25/02/2024

Let’s explore number! 🔢 Dive into the world of numbers with us in our EYFS classroom! From counting loose parts, stacking pebbles to sorting playful shapes, we’re making Maths magical through hands-on play. Join the fun as we spark curiosity, build foundational skills, and unleash the joy of learning! 🌟 Who wants to play?


Using an investigation trolley as continuous provision allows access to curious objects and investigative apparatus throughout the day, not just when Science or experiments are being explored. Include items such as magnets, lights, magnifying glasses, coloured glass, timers, natural elements, insects, books and other interesting finds that the children show excitement about.


Scooping, counting, communicating, sharing, building on prior knowledge and using real life experience to learn. This is why we love an ice cream provocation!

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 17/02/2024

Tuff tray setup for our Talk for Writing story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. This setup used real fruit to inspire and create curiosity. The pupils were intrigued to know why we had fruit in our class. Some extension activities included observational drawings of the fruit, as well as tasting, feeling and smelling the fruit, learning through our senses. Lots of new vocabulary was explored and core memories were made.

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 09/11/2023

Who doesn’t love a pizza prepared by a 3 year old?! We have enjoyed loving orders, adding toppings, cooking pizzas and serving customers this week. This has sparked beautiful conversations, turn taking, listening skills and counting skills.


A fairy land small world inspired by a child’s interest. Endless learning possibilities.


Let’s sort into size! Using children’s interests can help them to love and understand what they are learning. I chose dinosaurs for this particular activity as one of my pupils was really struggling with this concept. Once dinosaurs were added, something of interest, the sorting became easy!

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 18/09/2023

A lovely little invitation to explore while developing fine motor skills. Using a hole punch with leaves, flowers or any material of choice. Add some string or ribbon for an extra challenge. Ask the children to thread using the holes they have created.

Photos from Cosy Corner Teacher 's post 09/09/2023

Hanging items over mirrors using reflection to spark curiosity and interest in creative provocations is a great way to invite children to explore. This also opens up lovely conversation and questions about what they are seeing. My class loved this simple but inviting art setup.


Numbers are incredibly important in an environment, not only in your Maths area but in all provocations and invitations to play. I loved this little setup as it was an invitation to explore a variety of Maths skills. Including the focused vocabulary is also a wonderful way to create a more literacy rich environment. The children also created their own number cards.


Something I do with my class each year is a personal curiosity mobile to add individual personalization to our environment. Children are encouraged to bring in items that are important to them, curious objects, photos of things they love or people they love and other loose parts. Each child makes their own unique string to hang and add to a whole class mobile. Everyone represented. It dangles all year long and has started a lot of conversation between friends. A wonderful way to encourage speaking and story telling.


A gorgeous little bee provocation inspired by an interest from on of the pupils in my class.


Jungle vibes and numbers! When creating a provocation to explore and play, always try to remember to add in texture, different levels and heights, open ended resources and to make it look inviting so children will want to engage and get busy. This is also a great opportunity to integrate and include other skills such as mark making, Maths and vocabulary.


I absolutely loved this minibeast small world provocation. The children were engaged for ages. The amount of dialog with adults, conversation between friends and questions that were sparked from this were inspiring!


Brrrr it’s cold outside. A little play dough provocation inspiration.


Who doesn’t love a little play dough inspiration?!

Play dough, Maths and a jungle. Why not?


The start of our creative area. I have added the basics to begin with to model how to use resources such as glue, markers and how to colour sort. As the children become more independent, I will build on resources that require more skill such as paint, glitter and scissors.

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#throwback A little Winter wonderland setup that the children and I adored exploring. #eyfs #curiosity #tufftrayideas #l...
