Last week we had our wonderful elections. Please give a warm welcome to our new E-board!!!
President: Nicole Kerr
Vice President of Advocacy: Colton Hanna
Vice President of Recognition: Abigail Anderson
NCC: Gianna Guzzo
Hofstra University Residence Hall Association - Serving Resident Students With Pride -- We plan and host events for students that live on campus Principles.
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student run organization, under the Office of Residential Programs, whose goal is to provide fun and innovative programming for residential students. RHA's goal is to actively improve the quality of life on campus based on requests of particpating members while upholding the University's mission statement and the P.R.I.D.E. RHA actively works with it's Hal
Operating as usual
Last week we had our wonderful elections. Please give a warm welcome to our new E-board!!!
President: Nicole Kerr
Vice President of Advocacy: Colton Hanna
Vice President of Recognition: Abigail Anderson
NCC: Gianna Guzzo
We hope to see you rolling around in a week!
Spring Semester office hours! Come stop by and say hi!
Get ready for Big Bucks Bingo! A night of bingo, but you can play for high-ticket prizes. Remember: if you bring your RHA Passport you can earn extra bingo cards!
Going home for the weekend? Bring back some items to donate! Swipe to see a list of acceptable items and comment any questions below.
Bring a mug to our next meeting & have a warm drink with us! Looking forward to seeing you there.
This Friday, go to the 12th floor lounge of Alliance for a fun night of candy and Jackbox games! Easy access to Alliance hall will be granted for any Billiance residents.
This Wednesday, join VP of Advocacy Nicole at to the Student Center to support Hofstra staff by making a card!
This month, we are hosting a food drive! There will be donation boxes in the lobbies and lounges of each residence hall and the Netherlands Core. The residence hall that collects the most food will win a prize! Comment or DM any questions.
In place of our general body meeting this Monday, we are hosting Disability Education Night with ! Come to learn about disabilities and ableism on campus.
**NOTE: This event will count on your RHA Passport!
Time to get in the Halloween spirit! Come decorate pumpkins with us tomorrow night! 🎃
Come in costume to RHA’s next meeting to celebrate Halloween! We can’t wait to see what you all come up with 🧡
Get excited!! This Halloween, we will be hosting a Halloween Carnival in Pride Park with a ton of amazing organizations on campus! Keep up with our story for updates on the type of games, prizes, and shows that will be there!