Co-creative youth

Co-creative youth

Co-creative YOUTH program aims to promote co-creative projets in recovery/repaire/reuse sector & boo

Europe-wide online assessment for the Circular Economy transition in SMEs | REFRAME 26/03/2021

Participate and share!

Europe-wide online assessment for the Circular Economy transition in SMEs | REFRAME In the context of the ΚΑ 202 Erasmus+ Project REFRAME (CirculaR Economy strategy FRAMEwork for sustainable SMEs) we conduct a Europe-wide online assessment for the Circular Economy transition. To participate please click the button below!Thank you very much for your contribution on the Online Euro...

Circular Economy Europe-wide Online Assessment 04/03/2021

Circular Economy Europe-wide Online Assessment In the context of the ΚΑ 202 Erasmus+ Project Reframe (CirculaR Economy strategy FRAMEwork for sustainable SMEs) we conduct a Europe-wide online assessment for the Circular Economy transition. Note: Thank you very much for your contribution on the Online Europe-wide Assessment for the Circular Eco...


ISQ Formação

Next Thursday, ⏱12 CET! Webinar: “Exchanging European experiences on online teaching & cooperation". ➡️Register here:

💻Webinar: “Exchanging European experiences on online teaching & cooperation” organizado pela parceria do projeto Learning Path a decorrer dia 🗓 29/10/2020 às 11h.

Agenda e inscrições aqui ▶️


European Parliament

The main priority is saving lives. The European Commission has announced a coordinated response to address the socio-economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Find the full proposal @



Eramus+ Myself&Europe project comes to an end. We invite you to follow us on Facebook Myself&Europe and download the materials at Thank you! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🇪🇺👩‍🏫👨‍🏫

Myself&Europe Eramus+ Project adresses VET teachers and youngsters by developing innovative training materials about citizenship. european values, media literacy and interculturality. Find more at


CDWaste-Manage VET

A new Eramus+ project in Construction and Demolition Waste Management! Follow us ♻️👷‍♂️👷‍♀️

CDWaste-ManageVET is an Erasmus+ project for "Developing VET for addressing Construction and Demolition Waste Management skills needs"



«Nature can repair our broken climate»

Very proud to contribute with my music to this powerful message of Greta Thunberg!



🎙Narrateurs: Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot
🎬Réalisateur : Tom Mustill
🔋Production : Triangle Monday
🎥Chef Opérateur & Monteur : Fergus Di**le
🎤Son: Shaman Media
🛸GFX: Paraic Mcgloughlin
📱Online: Bram De Jonghe
📸Photo de post : Special Treats Productions
🎚Mix : Mcasso Music
🎧Audio Post : Tom Martin
💡NCS Guidance : Charlie Lat
🎼Musique : Rone (InFiné music)

The Independent film by Gripping Films(Tom Mustill) was supported by: Conservation International Food and Land Use Coalition Gower St With guidance from Nature4Climate Natural Climate Solutions


Newsletter nº19 - RD+I Training&Qualifications. Learn more about the new eight key competences for Life Long Learning and our european projects.

📕 Newsletter nº19 - I&Di Formação e Qualificações



BBC News

"I'm trying to sanitise the environment - and as well sensitise the people."

Nigerian artist Nkwocha Ernest, turns discarded old tyres into stunning sculptures. 😮

(via BBC News Africa)


ICI Rennes

Depuis début mars, les surplus des repas d'écoles rennaises sont redistribués aux étudiants de Rennes 2, via leur épicerie gratuite ! Un projet solidaire à découvrir en vidéo 🤝


World Economic Forum

90% of large fish in the ocean have disappeared in the last 50 years. Learn more about the biggest threats to our oceans:


Bordalo II

Art & Re-use ♻️🎨

Last Saturday was the last day of ACCORD DE PARIS, and I have no words to thank you public, Paris you rocked!!


A special thanks to GALERIE MATHGOTH and all partners like Feeders France Culture Peinture Apy'Art and to all the team who worked hard to make it happen TERRIBLE______kid .screwer .doorline @_nicowis_

And the Moullinex music was our soundtrack during this adventure, thank you boss ⚡⚡⚡


Konbini news on Twitter “L'Australie va planter un milliard d'arbres d’ici 2050 pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Une initiative qui va créer des milliers d'emplois : 👉”


France 3 Alpes

La nature n'est pas une poubelle. ART DÉCHET nous le rappelle avec humour et un peu de provoc'.


R+Di Newsletter Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: R+Di Newsletter, Author: ISQ R+I Trainning, Name: R+Di Newsletter, Len...


1 Million Women

The most amazing news: Bali bans single-use plastic bags!

Thanks Make A Change World


World Economic Forum

Residents sort their waste into 45 different categories. Read more:


People Fixing The World

The shopping mall where everything is recycled (thanks to its genius location).


From waste to art! 🚮+🎨=♻

Accord de Paris open from Tuesday to Sunday 14h - 19h till 2 March

10 - 12 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris


Bordalo II street sculptures in Paris expo

Check the work of Bordallo II. A Portuguese plastic artist that transforms waste into Art! A Good Practice also shared on Co-Creative Youth Toolbox. So cool! ✌♻🎨

A Portuguese artist is turning rubbish into street art sculptures of endangered animals to highlight Climate Change.


Newsletter 6 - Co-Creative Youth

Newsletter 6 in Portuguese! Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Newsletter 6 - Co-Creative Youth, Author: ISQ R+I Trainning, Name: New...



"Ces 35 000 jeunes, ils ne veulent pas de coach climat dans les écoles : ils veulent une loi climat. D'ailleurs, un coach climat, c'est dans votre gouvernement qu'il en faudrait..." - Hier, Sarah Schlitz interpellait la ministre Marghem à propos de l'urgence climatique. 💪🌍😤


Cinq sites pour revendre (et donc recycler) les vêtements que l'on ne met plus Tour d'horizon de votre garde-robe : cela fait plus d'un an que vous n'avez pas porté ce pull ? C'est simple, vous ne le porterez plus. S'il a une certaine valeur et que vous souhaitez en retirer quelque chose, ID vous propose quelques adresses en ligne pour le revendre.


Green Alert!

What are the driving forces leading to better resource efficiency and circular economy products?
Secure your seat for the next EREK workshop!
An event co-hosted by Ihobe - EJ/GV


A Bruxelles, mobilisation surprise de milliers de jeunes pour le climat Les manifestants invitent à une « grève générale hebdomadaire » pour protester contre la faiblesse de la politique climatique en place.


#100 years challenge


Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy


CIRCULINK:Collaborative Approaches for linking Circular Economy Initiatives

Empreendedores na área da Economia Circular, PME e microempresas em Portugal?
Obrigada pela vossa participação!

O projecto CIRCULINK – Abordagens colaborativas para ligação de iniciativas de Economia Circular irá desenvolver cinco unidades de formação - presenciais e à distância - que vão desde a Inovação Social, à RSC, passando pela norma Europeia para a Gestão Colaborativa (CEN/TS 16555-5:2014).

As próximas semanas serão dedicadas ao levantamento de necessidades junto dos destinatários do projeto: microempresas e PME, formadores e empreendedores em EC.

Se tiver interesse na temática e em participar nesta fase de análise de necessidades, por favor aceda aqui ao inquérito aqui:

Convidamo-lo desde já a seguir o desenvolvimento do projeto CIRCULINK que culminará numa formação-piloto em B-Learning, a ter lugar, em Portugal, no Oeiras em 2020.

Muito obrigada pela colaboração,


Climat : stop à l’inaction, demandons justice ! Agissons ensemble en justice pour protéger notre avenir face aux changements climatiques. C'est l'Affaire du Siècle.


Climate Reality

Pakistan’s trees are pure gold when it comes to mitigating the effects of climate change. (via World Economic Forum)


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

In our 25 Year Environment Plan, we pledged to leave our in better state than we found it.

Our new Resources and Waste Strategy marks the start of this new chapter.

It sets out how we will preserve our material resources by minimising waste, promoting resource efficiency and moving towards a .

It’s our blueprint for achieving zero avoidable plastic waste over the lifetime of the 25 Year Environment Plan, doubling resource productivity, and reaching zero avoidable waste of all kinds by 2050.

Find out more:


ISQ Formação

Co-creative Youth Final Conference news at ISQ Formação page!

No passado dia 12 de dezembro, o Grupo ISQ esteve presente na conferência final do projeto Eramus+ Co-Creative Youth, no Palais Lantivi, sede da Câmara Municipal de Ajaccio, na Córsega.

Esta foi uma oportunidade de apresentar a atividade do Grupo ISQ, nomeadamente no contexto da educação e formação profissional e os seus projetos de I&D dedicados à Economia Circular. No âmbito deste projeto de dois anos, sete parceiros de seis países europeus combinaram esforços para desenvolver o perfil de competências de um “Valorizador Generalista”: alguém capaz de reutilizar de forma criativa objetos e materiais, que de outra forma seriam deitados para o lixo. No âmbito deste projeto, o ISQ teve a oportunidade de envolver as suas turmas de Aprendizagem em Laboratórios de Inovação Circulares, nos quais se procurou incutir nos jovens aprendentes uma maior consciencialização ambiental. As incitativas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa no âmbito das Semanas de Europeias para a Gestão de Resíduos e do Desenvolvimento Sustentável foram também centrais neste projeto.

Se quiser saber mais, consulte o sítio official em, siga-nos no Facebook em ou contacte Lara Ramos [email protected]

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Reso - Recupero Solidale