The Whole Brain Tutor
VA state licensed (PreK-6) - Tutor for hire in all grades/subjects Energetic, fun, loving, passionate, LEADER
Operating as usual

Noah is out here KILLING IT! ❤️❤️❤️

The first week of fifth grade has been amazing!
We ended the week with the paper chain challenge, one of my favorite stem activities!
This week I’ve been challenged, refreshed, and reassured -
The best feeling of all though, is that I have fallen back in love with teaching! 🙏🏫👩🏫
Happy 18th to my baby girl Mariah Dalton! I can legally take you to the ground now!
I love you so much!
Give her a shout! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🚨🚨🚨🚨

My Noah getting it done like a champ!
He’s ready for 7th grade ❤️❤️❤️

Kason rounding like a champ!

Madison has completed her summer tutoring and is beyond ready for first grade! Give her a cheer!


My girl Bristol Jane knocking out some reading and playing charades with vocab words (flapped)!

Working on point of view with my upcoming 5th grader! Another scholar!

My man Mali is on the move today! Watch out 5th grade math! We’re getting honor roll this year!

Quote of the day.

🧪 science!
Welcome to my page!
As a veteran teacher, I advocate for ALL children and have decided to expand my knowledge outside of the classroom to touch even more lives!
I appreciate you whom have always been by my side for the ride!
Miss McDonald