Konkani ULOI for beginners - Episode I First episode of ULOI for . In this episode we use common Konkani words in conversation, to help you practice speaking Konkani. The lan...
कोंकणी ULAI
Create and promote dialect neutral Konkani language for purpose of education, formal communication a
konkani subhash*t
ದಾನ ದಿತಲೆಕ ಧನ ಅನಿ ತಣ ಎಕ್ಕಚಿ
ವೀರ ಆಶಿಲೆಕ ಮರಣ ಅನಿ ತಣ ಸಮಾನ
ವಿರಕ್ತಾಕ ತಣಾ ಸಮಾನ ಸಂಸಾರಾಚೊ ಭೋಗು
ಜ್ಞಾನ ಆಯಿಲೆಕ ತಣಾಚರಿಭಿ ನಾ ಮೋಗು
दान दित्तलेक धन आनी तण एक्कची
विर अशिलेक मरण आनी तण समान
विरक्ताक तणा समान संसराचो भोगु
ज्ञान आयिलेक तणाचरभी ना मोगु
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