CSO Admin Project

CSO Admin Project

To do this, the project will develop a collaborative mentoring platform where to interact, share and consult information related to CSOs.

The overall objective is to improve the European Society by supporting youth CSOs, while the specific one is to offer training aimed at the creation and management of CSOs. The target group will be young university students from any degree, but with personal plans to found and/or manage a CSO.

CSO PROJECT - Start a civil society organization at European level 18/07/2024


CSO PROJECT - Start a civil society organization at European level Inscrição neste evento. Os dados recolhidos servem exclusivamente para envio do link de evento e para evidências de participação, sendo os mesmos partilhados com a equipa de gestão do projecto Erasmus + da União Europeia. ISPGAYA - 23 de Julho ás 10 horas

Estela Bernad participa en un MOOC sobre creación de organizaciones en un proyecto europeo | adComunica 31/05/2024

CSO Admin Project featured on the news again!

👍This time our project is presented on adComunica, thanks to our partner Universitat Jaume I - UJI from Spain 🇪🇸!

🌐Read the full article here:

Estela Bernad participa en un MOOC sobre creación de organizaciones en un proyecto europeo | adComunica La presidenta de adComunica y profesora de la Universitat Jaume I toma parte en el proyecto, liderado por la UGAL – Universidad de Galati Dunarea de Jos (Rumanía) junto a expertos de INNETICA, la Asociación Profesional de Business Intelligence (Portugal), la Universidad de Humanidades y Econ...

A APBI integra o projeto CSO Admin - “Start a civil society organization at European level” - Digital Inside 27/05/2024

CSO Admin Project is on the news again!

This time we are on the Digital Inside web magazine, thanks to our partner Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence from Portugal 🇵🇹!

🌐Read the full article here: https://digitalinside.pt/a-apbi-integra-o-projeto-cso-admin-start-a-civil-society-organization-at-european-level/

A APBI integra o projeto CSO Admin - “Start a civil society organization at European level” - Digital Inside Este projeto oferece formação especializada na criação e gestão destas organizações, dirigida especialmente a jovens estudantes universitários interessados em fundar ou gerir uma OSC.

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 14/05/2024

Day 2 of our Final Meeting!

☺️ An emotional day for all CSO Admin Project partners! After almost two years we are reaching the end of our project!

👍 Thank you to all project partners, their teams, students and stakeholders, for supporting the CSO Admin Project!

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați
Universitat Jaume I - UJI
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi

ℹ️ Stay tuned for the very interesting Local Dissemination Events organised in each project country!
For more information ⬇️⬇️⬇️

ℹ️ Visit our website: https://www.csoproject.eu/

ℹ️ Visit the Collaborative Platform: https://interactive.csoproject.eu/

ℹ️ Enrol to the E-Learning Platform: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 13/05/2024

Day 1 of our Final Meeting ❗️

😀We are in Nicosia, Cyprus 🇨🇾, hosted by SEAL CYPRUS for the final partners meeting of our interesting CSO Admin Project, working on the finalisation of our activities and discussing the next steps to wrap up the project.

🤗Working with this team and building interesting staff is always a pleasure!

Stay tuned and follow the project on social media

ℹ️Visit our website: https://www.csoproject.eu/

ℹ️Visit the Collaborative Platform: https://interactive.csoproject.eu/

ℹ️Enrol to the E-Learning Platform: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/

Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi
Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence
Universitat Jaume I - UJI

Home 25/04/2024

The next CSO transnational meeting is approaching!
Partners will meet on 13-14 May in Nicosia. The meeting will be hosted by SEAL CYPRUS.

This will be the final meeting of the project consortium:
Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați - Romania
Universitat Jaume I - UJI - Spain
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi - Poland
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence - Portugal
Innetica - Spain

Visit CSO Admin website for further information: https://www.csoproject.eu/

Home CSO Admin Project The overall objective is to improve the European Society by supporting youth CSOs, while the specific one is to […]


During the 12th and 13th of March, the Third Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ CSO ADMIN Project took place in Zaragoza, Spain. This project is co-funded by the European Union and aims to improve European society by supporting youth NGOs through training focused on the creation and management of NGOs. To achieve this, the project is developing a collaborative mentoring platform where users can interact, share, and access information related to NGOs. The target group consists of young university students from any field, who have personal plans to establish and/or manage an NGO.

INNETICA hosted the event, which took place at the facilities provided by ESIC Business&Marketing School in Zaragoza. We greatly appreciate their collaboration and kindness.

The consortium of this project consists of the following organizations, which were represented at the event: Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (Romania), Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence (Portugal), Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodz (Poland), S.E.A.L Cyprus (Cyprus Organization For Sustainable Education And Active Learning), and INNETICA.

The main purpose of the meeting was to monitor and further develop Work Packages 2 and 3 of the project. During the various meetings, a review of the work done so far was conducted, and a roadmap was created for the successful completion of the next phases.

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați - Romania
Universitat Jaume I - UJI - Spain
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi - Poland
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence - Portugal
Międzynarodowi - International Cooperation at AHE - Poland
Innetica - Spain


The next CSO transnational meeting will take place on March 12-13, 2024 in Zaragoza, and will be organized by Innetica.

The event's agenda will focus on the presentation and evaluation of the MOOC platform according to the following schedule.

- Status of Work package no. 2 - Design and development of the MOOC content.
- Work package no. 3 - Collaborative mentoring platform to promote the creation and management of CSOs (APBI and Innetica)
- Check up the collaborative platform and plan the piloting test (Innetica and APBI)

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați - Romania
Universitat Jaume I - UJI - Spain
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi - Poland
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence - Portugal
Międzynarodowi - International Cooperation at AHE - Poland
Innetica - Spain

Home | CSO Project 28/02/2024

👍 is important for Civil Society Organisations, for many reasons, but mainly because Volunteers enable CSOs to provide services they could not otherwise deliver by improving their capacity to engage with communities.

🤔However, for most CSOs, recruitment is an informal process based on “current” needs, meaning without planning or any procedure, and with the “word-of-mouth” practice as the most common recruitment method.

✅But should be a well-organised process as it is one of attracting prospective volunteers to the cause of a CSO and screening them to ensure they meet the necessary requirements.

✅bring skills
✅provide fresh enthusiasm and energy
✅increase community ownership

ℹLearn more on Volunteers Recruiting Process Management by registering on the CSO Admin MOOC here: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/

ℹVisit Admin website for further information: https://www.csoproject.eu/

Home | CSO Project

Home | CSO Project 22/02/2024

❓What is an Inclusive Workplace?

✅An inclusive workplace is one that welcomes and supports people with all types of differences. It embraces people with neurodiversity and disabilities and people from all faiths, nationalities and sexual orientations.
✅An inclusive workplace understands that people can process information, interact with others, perform tasks and achieve goals in diverse ways. It is where everyone feels comfortable asking for help and support, asking what they need without the fear of bullying and mobbing.
✅An inclusive workplace includes people and ensures equal participation and opportunities for everyone to flourish and succeed.
✅An inclusive workplace is cooperative, collaborative, open, fair, curious, accountable, and so much more. Inclusive environments recognise all employees' diverse interests, preferences, abilities, learning and working styles.

👍Creating an inclusive workplace means allowing all staff members to be authentic by creating an environment of acceptance, respect and value.
👍Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging must be embedded in all CSOs’ working cultures

ℹYou want to learn more about Inclusive Workplaces? Register for our MOOC Courses here: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/

Home | CSO Project


🤔What would be the role of Civil Society Organisations in education in 2050 and beyond?

In its Report, UNESCO’s Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030, states that as "critical friends and partners," CSOs view themselves as able to assist governments, international organisations, and other relevant parties in fulfilling their commitment to achieving a comprehensive and transformative education per Agenda 2030's vision and its education aim. CSOs advocate for a humanistic approach to education that builds society around diversity, sustainability, and human rights.

To define the extent and scope of education that contributes to the shaping and transformation of society, CSOs are essential:
✅ In partnership with governments and other stakeholders, CSOs also participate in developing policies, norms and legislation implementing a common vision of education,
✅ CSOs through their proximity with communities and local groups and actors, ensure that diverse perspectives, particularly those of the most marginalised groups, who are often isolated and disconnected from decision-making spaces and public policy arenas, inform the development of education policies, curriculum, legislation and financing that directly affect them.

ℹRead the full Report "The role of Civil Society Organisations in 2050 and beyond", Contribution from UNESCO’s Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 to UNESCO’s Futures of Education Initiative:https://www.soroptimistinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/the_role_of_csos_in_2050_and_beyond.pdf

📲Visit our website: https://www.csoproject.eu/ and register for the our MOOC: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/


Home | CSO Project 09/02/2024

🤔 Youth are coming in contact with diverse types of collective actions and it is not uncommon when they get confused about the role of CSOs in the community.

👍Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are voluntary, non-state organisations that are organised and mostly run for non-profit purposes. They are established and run by the people to represent the interests and concerns of the members, certain target audiences, or the broader public.

👍CSOs can have a wide range of goals, sizes, and forms of governance. They also play a significant role in society. CSOs include, but are not limited to, associations, labour unions, co-ops, farmers' associations, environmental groups, women's rights groups, youth organisations, and many more.

ℹ Learn more about the and of in the communtiy by registering yourself to our MOOC courses here: https://mooc.csoproject.eu/

✅Now available in 6️⃣ languages: EN - PT - ES - EL - PL - RO

📲Visit our website here: https://www.csoproject.eu/

Home | CSO Project

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 19/01/2024

Regressado de Lodz após participar na reuniao do CSO Admin Project. Uma iniciativa da UE para incentivar à criação e participação de pessoas em organizações para a Sociedade Civil.


The CSO project is progressing well, with all the content developed and inserted into the MOOC platform in English, the project's working language. All the partners are already in the process of translating the remaining content resulting from the excellent work carried out.
Our team wishes all CSO Project followers a Happy New Year 2024.


🎄A very Merry Christmas to all of you from CSO Admin Project


Newsletter 2 CSO Admin Project


Newsletter 1 CSO Admin Project


This handbook edited by G. Gonçalves and E. Oliveira, brings together multidisciplinary
and internationally diverse contributors to provide an overview of theory, research, and
practice in the nonprofit and nongovernmental organization (NGO) communication
field. It is structured in four main parts:

1) Democracy and civil society;
2)Communication, organizations and publics
3) Strategic communication, strategies and discourses
4) Nonprofit communication, campaigns and case studies.

It is highly recommended reading for people who want to improve knowledge on
communication topics on NGOs.

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 30/10/2023

These days we exposed our work to our partners in Porto.

Everybody showed their constant effort from the begining of this project, with hard work behind. We wanted to contribute of this great chanllenge and with all of our energy , we showed our ideas, our reasearchs , our work. 🤓📚📖

Thank you for your support, we hope it has been interesting and useful for everyone. 🫶

"Jaume I University Team "

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 30/10/2023

"A little progress each day adds up to big results"🤓👩‍🏫📚📖✏️

We are Paloma, Estela, Ana and Natalia.
During these days in Porto, we could learn about the importance of getting to know other cultures, equality, cooperation and solidarity. ☮️💜Working together, we can make this world a better place. 🫶🌍

Thank you very much to the Jaume I University for allowing us to live this incredible experience.😍🥰 We are extremely grateful.

Photos from CSO Admin Project's post 28/10/2023

🌐 Day 4: Fourth day of work on the project CSO Admin Project. Dinner with two lectures within the scope of civil society, Paulo de Morais from the Frente Cívica | Debate Público and José Carlos Cidade Oliveira from OnGaia - Associação de Defesa do Ambiente, and was attended by João Emílio Almeida, ISTEC Porto - Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas, José Barbosa from Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence, responsible for organizing the project's formation week, the President José Rui Gomes of APBI and his partners.

🙏Thank you for your presence and for sharing your knowledge.
Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați - Romania
Universitat Jaume I - UJI - Spain
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi - Poland
Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence - Portugal
Międzynarodowi - International Cooperation at AHE - Poland
Innetica - Spain



🌐 Day 4: International and Legal Perspectives within CSO Admin 🌍

Members of the team from Jaume I University in Castellón brought essential international and legal perspectives to civil society organizations. 📚
During these presentations, we explored:

✨ The international approach to CSO (Civil Society Organizations)
✨ The constitutional approach to CSO
✨ The labor approach to CSO
✨ The legal approach in the commercial field of CSO
✨ Communication and CSO

These presentations provided us with an overview of key aspects of the NGO sector and prepared us for the challenges and opportunities that await us in this field. We are deeply grateful to Jaume I University for their valuable contribution to our project!

The CSO Admin team continues to grow and evolve, bringing knowledge from around the world to make a positive impact in our communities. 💪



📚 Day 4 of the Course: Presentations on Social Economy for Non-Governmental Organizations 🌍

Today, we had a day filled with knowledge and inspiration within the CSO Admin project! We had the privilege of listening to presentations from a specialist in the field of Social Economy in the third sector, Raquel Franco. 🌱

Raquel shared her extensive knowledge and experience in the development of non-governmental organizations through Social Economy. We learned how this innovative approach can contribute to increasing our impact on communities and promoting positive change. 💪

Our team is excited to apply these new ideas and knowledge to our projects and to continue learning and growing. We thank Raquel Franco for her engaging and inspiring presentation!



📚 Day 3: Discovering the History and Culture at the University of Coimbra 🏛️

Today, our team had a truly special experience in the city of Coimbra! We had the honor of visiting one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe, the University of Coimbra. 🎓

We strolled through the historic pathways of the university campus and learned more about the rich academic and cultural traditions of this wonderful place. With each step, we felt more connected to the academic and artistic heritage of the city of Coimbra.

The CSO Admin team is excited to continue learning and exploring together on this journey of education and collaboration. We look forward to sharing more adventures and knowledge with you!


CSO Admin Project


Second day of the LTTA of the CSO Admin Project project. Our partner SEAL CYPRUS is explaining the importance of social networks and their impact on Civil Social Organizations.
Magnificent intervention. The Universities Jaime I of Castellón of Spain, the University „Dunărea de Jos” of Galați of Romania, coordinator of the project, and the University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (AHE) of Poland together with the Portuguese Association of Business Intelligence (APBI) our host, and INNETICA make up the CSO Admon partnership, a Higuer Education Erasmus, which is being held at the facilities of ISTEC - Higher Institute of Advanced Technologies of Porto. And the rain doesn't stop falling.
Further information:

Photos from Associação Portuguesa de Business Intelligence's post 24/10/2023

The first meeting day of the learning activity from the CSO Admin project, which is held in Porto (Portugal), between October 23-27!

CSO Admin Project


As a result of a strategic partnership between APBI - Portuguese Association of Business Intelligence and Miranda do Douro Municipality, the The Centre for Innovation and Technology in the Lands of Trás-os-Montes (CIT-TTM), in conjunction with Microsoft Portugal, has developed a project called GPM - Practical Guide to Municipality, which focuses on cultural, historical and touristic dissemination in the region of Terras de Trás-os-Montes, based on new technologies related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGpt, being the first version related to the theme "Pauliteiros de Miranda".

As a Civil Society Organization, the CIT-TTM aims to develop local entrepreneurship and promote innovation projects in the region of Terras de Trás-os-Montes, in close alignment with the local business companies, public entities and young people in the region.

Ask you questions about this popular and unique Portuguese culture and art of dance.

More +: Pauliteiros de Miranda - https://www.cm-mdouro.pt/pages/145

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Now we want to show you a little of a spanish NGO, "SOMARA". SOMARA was founded in 2017 by of a group of friends under 3...