A bit of Nature, science & tech

A bit of Nature, science & tech


A page to find updates about new technology, science and nature developments. As well as educational


Wait a chicken survived the dinosaur extinction!!!? Check out the link to see how this might have changed what we thought about dinosaurs🐓🦖 ⬇️⬇️⬇️



We will be back soon, to start posting again. Stay tuned, and always be curious!


Wait A SPIDER MURDERING WASP!!?? Check out the full video in the link bellow or in my page to find more.


Happy Friday! I hope everyone is doing well today, where I am located it is a rainy cozy day🌧☔. Feel free to share how your day is, were you are located!

Also keep a look out for today's post later in the day. It's an interesting one for sure...


Have you been having weird dreams lately? The corona virus might be why... check out the full video of this clip on the link bellow or on my page to find out! https://youtu.be/h2-QbgkzXFk


(PREVIEW VIDEO) Ever wonder why dogs spin before going to sleep😴or poop💩. Here is a video that may reveal some interesting facts as to why! CLICK ON LINK TO SEE FULL VIDEO⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


(PREVIEW OF FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE)Check out this informational video on the current MURDER HORNET that the media has been talking about! This answers highly asked questions, "should you be afraid" "are these new animals a threat to us or our bee's" find out the right information on this video and educate yourself before you can believe the

Why Dogs Spin Before They P**p 10/05/2020

Ever wonder why dogs spin before going to sleep😴or poop💩. Here is a video that may reveal some interesting facts as to why!

Why Dogs Spin Before They P**p Do you ever wonder why dogs will sometimes walk in circles before sleeping or going to the bathroom? Well, it has to do with some hygiene and territorial ins...

MURDER HORNET MADNESS! - 10 Things You NEED to know! 10/05/2020

Check out this informational video on the current MURDER HORNET that the media has been talking about! This answers highly asked questions, "should you be afraid" "are these new animals a threat to us or our bee's" find out the right information on this video and educate yourself before you can believe the media.

MURDER HORNET MADNESS! - 10 Things You NEED to know! Are you BRAVE and WILD?! Join the Brave Crew official club - http://bit.ly/bravecrewofficial On this episode, get ready to learn all about.. THE MURDER HORNE...


Welcome to my page, here you will find information on technology, science, nature and much more. Here I will be posting about new developments and educational videos on information that you might not be aware of or had the wrong information about. Feel free to send me suggestions of something you come across that may be related and valuable to add to this page.

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Videos (show all)

Wait a chicken survived the dinosaur extinction!!!? Check out the link to see how this might have changed what we though...
Wait A SPIDER MURDERING WASP!!?? Check out the full video in the link bellow or in my page to find more.  https://youtu....
Woman plays violin during brain surgery😱!!! Find out why on this link to see full video.https://youtu.be/ntX3r4DYpp8
Have you been having weird dreams lately? The corona virus might be why... check out the full video of this clip on the ...
(PREVIEW VIDEO) Ever wonder why dogs spin before going to sleep😴or poop💩. Here is a video that may reveal some interesti...
(PREVIEW OF FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE)Check out this informational video on the current MURDER HORNET that the media has bee...
