Stelly's Grad

Stelly's Grad

Stelly's Secondary School, SD63

Operating as usual


This is officially the LAST Grad Merch Order or the year! So make sure to order before the store closes on April 11th!!

Photos from Stelly's Grad's post 26/02/2024

There will be a mini grad spirit week to celebrate the start of spring break! Make sure to dress your best to these themes from the 12th to the 14th!


ALL Grads have been asked to rewrite/resubmit their grad quotes. If you want a quote in the yearbook you must fill out the form in the grad google classroom by Monday at 3pm. Please think about your quotes and make sure they are something you want to stay with you for years to come.


The French Immersion K-12 Gift Exchange is happening on Tuesday, February 27th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm! Please see the Grad Google Classroom for more information!


Don’t forget! There is a mandatory assembly for ALL GRADS! This is a very important meeting as it will discuss all grad ceremony and grad dinner dance details. Please do not skip this assembly!

Photos from Stelly's Grad's post 31/01/2024

Make sure to sign-up if you want to donate THIS THURSDAY at Lunch in the main foyer!


Grad clothing orders have arrived!! Pick up at lunch on Thursday from the career center.

We will also have lanyards available for purchase $5 each and cups from winter formal for pick up.

Photos from Stelly's Grad's post 27/11/2023

Here are the theme days for next week’s upcoming spirit week, Dec 4th - 8th!🩵


Grad Lanyards will be on sale from Nov. 29th to Dec. 5th for $5 each in the main foyer at lunch time!


Winter Formal info! Get ready to buy your tickets soon! ❄️✨


Want to reduce the cost of your Dinner/Dance ticket? Consider fundraising by selling winter plants. Send your family, friends, and local businesses to the link in bio. Have them put your name in the "Special Notes" field.

You may also choose to collect orders on paper using the attached order form.

$5 from each plant ordered will go to reduce *your* cost for the Dinner/Dance.

All orders must be in by November 10th at midnight.

Plants will be delivered on November 28th to be picked up from the Career Centre after school.


Looking for information about grad events, scholarships, fundraising or graduation requirements? Check out our Stelly's Grad Planning website. Link in bio or on Stelly's website.


See the assignment in Google Classroom to submit your grad quote, baby photos and other images to be used for the yearbook and other grad-related media throughout the year.

Deadline is Friday December 22 at 2:35pm (last day before winter break)

See Mr Hart if you have any questions.


Introducing our new monthly spirit day, Monday Blues! Show your grad spirit by wearing blue on the first Monday of each month.🩵


Grad Bottle Drive THIS Saturday, Oct. 28th! Make sure to attend and support in order to raise money for the Graduation Ceremony!


Reminder to sign up for Grad Pumpkin Carving! Use the form in our grad google classroom to sign your team up now! 🎃


We will be hosting an "All Grad Information Evening" this coming Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Learning Commons at Stelly's directly before the Dry Grad Parent meeting. We will also have this presentation available via TEAMS for those who can only attend virtually (link in bio or parent email) Topics for discussions include successfully getting to graduation, post-secondary and scholarship information, grad photos, student involvement, June activities (ceremony & dinner/dance), and Dry Grad Event.


Grads! Time to book your graduation photos. Photographers will be at school October 25-November 3 for grad portraits in the career center. Link to book in bio.

All grads are invited to book an appointment for photos that will be used for the yearbook. A $30 sitting fee applies if you plan to order photos.


Grad Winter Formal will be Wednesday December 6th. Book off work so you don't miss out!

Join your 2024 Grad class for an evening of good food, dancing and memories!❄️❄️❄️

Photos from Stelly's Grad's post 20/09/2023

The first Grad Spirit Week of the year is here! Make sure to dress up next week (Sept. 25th-29th) to show your pride as a Stelly’s Grad! 🐝


Sunrise Stingers ☀️


Grad wear is here! Come pick up your orders 12-12:20pm from the outdoor amphitheatre.

Missed this order? Two more chances to get some grad wear this year (fall and spring)


2024 Grads, our clothing store is now officially up and running! If you want to receive grad merch on the first day of school, make sure to order before August 3rd!


Attention 2024 Grads! Our Graduation ceremony, grad dinner/dance, and after-grad party will be on June 27th, 2024! So mark your calendars now and make sure to tell your friends!


Cap decorating at lunch this Friday, bring your own crafting supplies, basics will be available (ie glue and tape).

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
