Snow Day tomorrow!
Crosby Elementary- Forney, TX
Welcome to the Official Crosby Elementary Fan Page!

Congratulations to our para of the month for December, Mr. Kilpatrick, aka Coach Isaac.

Congratulations to our teacher of the month for December, Mrs. Schreiner.

Reminders!!! All kids like to see their picture up on the marquee! For only $20 you can give a Birthday Shout-Out to your child that will run for their ENTIRE birthday month! Click the link below to help support our PTO and put a smile on your child's face at the same time!
Birthday Shoutouts - Cheddar Up We would love for you to celebrate your little cougar during their birthday month by filling out the form below, uploading a head shot of your child, sending Got a summer birthday?? No worries... Crosby admin will be available all summer long with abbreviated work hours, but will definitely get your...

PTO has a general meeting, open to all parents, scheduled for the end of this month! Please join them for a bit of information and a lot of BINGO fun!
Welcome back, Cougars!! 🎊 We hope you all had a relaxing and fun Winter Break with your family. 🤩
We just wanted to take a moment to let you know about a couple exciting things the PTO has planned for this month! 🗓️
▪️January 28th at 6:00 pm we will have our first PTO meeting of the year. We will talk about some important topics as well as things we have planned throughout the remainder of the school year. We will also play candy bar bingo!! 👏🏻 So grab your kids and come out for an evening of fun! 🎉
▪️ Our next Spirit Night will be January 31st at Panda Express! We hope you will make plans to join us there for dinner and fellowship. More information to follow. 🐼
We can’t believe we’re already halfway done with the school year! We’re so excited for all the fun things to come. Make sure you’ve liked this page and Crosby Elementary- Forney, TX so you don’t miss out on any important details or events. 🥳

C.M. is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Qualls home room. Her teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “She is PURE SUNSHINE! Her smiles are contagious! Her sweet demeanor and helpfulness around the classroom are some of the things I love most about her. She's always willing to jump in and help and be a friend to anyone. Way to go, sweet girl, Your teacher is so proud of you!!"
Thank you C.M. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

B.S. is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Petrea's home room. Her teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “She is a natural leader who is ready to learn each and every day. She is a positive influence for her peers and is always following the Cougar Code. She is a great teacher helper as well and a blessing to our classroom."
Thank you B.S. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

M.S. is a 4th grade student in Mrs. Wright's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He is such a hard worker and helps his classmates when they need it. He helps his teacher get her room ready for the day, in the mornings and he is a pleasure to teach."
Thank you M.S. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

B.W. is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Brown's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He comes to school ready to learn and has shown great growth in meeting the cougar code expectations. He is also a great classroom helper."
Thank you B.W. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

N.G. is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Pack's home room. Her teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “She comes in everyday ready to learn! She is so kind to everyone and gives her best effort in everything she does. She is a great role model for the class and is so sweet and very bright!"
Thank you N.G. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

A.G. is a Pre-K student in Mrs. Shelton's home room. Her teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “She follows the Crosby Code, is a friend to her peers, and a big helper in the classroom."
Thank you A.G. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

I.A. is a Kinder student in Ms. Santiago's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He follows the Cougar Code everyday by showing respect to his teacher and peers. He reminds his friends how to follow the expectations in the hallways and the classroom. He is a kind friend who loves to include everyone and make his peers smile!"
Thank you I.A. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

A.W. is a 2nd grade student in Mr. Manning's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He is always willing to help anyone in need and is such a hard worker! We are so proud of him and love watching how much he has grown! We are so thankful to have you in our class!"
Thank you A.W. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

J.F. is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Quall's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He is a absolute classroom rock star! He is kind, helpful, and witty! He is engaged in ALL lessons and loves learning. We also love the silly side of him. Your teacher is so proud of you!!."
Thank you J.F. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

D.W. is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Knight's home room. His teachers nominated him for December Student of the Month because…. “He is an amazingly hard worker. He comes to school ready to learn, help others, and he always has fun! He is a bright light and friendly to all of his peers. He will never leave someone behind or helpless. He exemplifies our Cougar Code! DW is an unforgettable student!."
Thank you D.W. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

D.M. is a 4th grade student in Mrs. Wright's home room. Her teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “She is a worker bee. She does everything that is asked of her and doesn't complain one bit. She works hard and is just an all around sweet student."
Thank you D.M. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

Z.T. is a Kinder student in Ms. Santiago's home room. His teachers nominated her for December Student of the Month because…. “He shows leadership in the classroom by making good choices, and telling his peers how to do the same. He helps out his peers when they need it, and is always willing to help the teacher. He loves to make his teacher and peers laugh or smile, and is always ready with a hug or a high five to celebrate everyone's success."
Thank you Z.T. for being an all around great kid and student leader at Crosby! Your Principals are so proud of you!

Crosby teachers and staff were showered with Christmas Cheer from our fabulous PTO, today at lunch! Thank you Cougar families for loving on us!
Happy Holidays from all of us, to all of you!