English Speaking Union
its an english language learning page
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i want to write something abt D
write words of D
i was eating a toffee and .....
hold on first read this then i will tell u story
Normally we say that someone eats candy / chocolates / toffees, chews gum, and has or eats a lollipop, but I suppose you could also say they suck on a lollipop, that sounds a bit "technical" and over-descriptive to me and shud not be used
resuming story i was eating a toffee and i sneezed
toffee jumped out of mouth
should i dustbin it or
wash retake ??
guidance plz
welcome back everyone

non living
we are all made of one substance
male female we r made to re unite
how we all absorb this universe it depends
we collaborate
we survive without knowing do we exist or not
ch robert 🥂
pic is a girl who is counted in livings
Hangry (adjective)
We’ve probably all been hangry before: you simply combine anger with hunger to describe that familiar feeling when you’re crabby and in a bad mood because you need something to eat asap.
Snackable (adjective)
This one’s all about convenience and works for both food and online content: Food can be snackable when it’s served in bite-size portions; online content can be snackable when it can be read or engaged easily and conveniently.
“The key to your marketing strategy is snackable content that people can consume quickly. And cat videos, of course.”
Mx. (noun)
It’s one small step for a dictionary, one giant leap for mankind: Mx. is used instead of Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. when a person avoids specifying their gender or prefers not to identify as male or female. In case you’re wondering: the gender-neutral title is pronounced Mix or Mux.
“The university’s application form also offered Mx. as as title.”
New English Words
Butt-dial / pocket-dial (verb)
This happens to the best of us: We carry our phone in our pocket and move in just the right way to accidentally press all kinds of buttons – and then, our behind calls someone. These incidents usually make for very unique voicemails with lots of background noise.
“You butt-dialed me last night. It sounded like you had quite the party.”
New English Words
1. Awesomesauce (adjective)
Sauces are the new thumbs: When something is extremely good, feel free to call it awesomesauce. The opposite, something extremely bad or disappointing, would be weak sauce. Don’t ask me why strong sauce hasn’t made the cut.
“My new bike is awesomesauce!”
“His latest movie is total weak sauce.”
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a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
"the cult of St Olaf"
a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society.
"the series has become a bit of a cult in the UK"
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a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.
The reality and realms of life hover around poetry. nimzo