Rec Therapy And More

Rec Therapy And More


Welcome to Rec Therapy And More! Advocation, education and inclusion are what we strive for.

Operating as usual


I’m both honoured and excited to say im nominated to join the Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Board of Directors at the election this year during the AGM.

Therapeutic Recreation is more than a career for me, it’s an ongoing and undeniable passion. I’m hoping that if elected, I can help with contributing to the field now and well as setting the stage for the generations to come.

Read a little bit more about why I want to join the Board of Directors.

Learn more about the AGM, the nominees, voting, proxy votes and more here:


Creating this Etsy page has been a long time coming and I’m so excited everytime I get to share something new on it.

I’ve spent years in this field, creating so many resources along the way. I love that I now get a place to share them, with TR professions, and just people in general!

I’m adding stuff almost daily as I prep them and get them ready — I would love for you all to take a peak, favourite my shop and/or send it to a friend to help support this little adventure of mine ☺️

RecreationTherapy101 - Etsy Canada 08/04/2024

✨ Something New For All Of You ✨

I’ve spent hours and hours of my life developing resources, so I figured it was time to start sharing them. While there is only a few now, you’ll see some more start to appear as I collect them and prep them over the next few weeks. Keep your eyes out for all that’s coming 👀

I’m so excited to making this go live and bring you resources so you don’t have to spend the hours creating I have!

RecreationTherapy101 - Etsy Canada Shop Recreation Therapy resources that are easy to implement by RecreationTherapy101 located in Ontario, Canada.

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 18/01/2024

Not that we ever need a reason to to have a “conversation” about rec therapy — but these designs are now in my shop 😉

With rec therapy month starting in just a couple weeks and Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it seemed like an appropriate design to release this week! (There also might be some more dropping sooooon)


While lighting real candles isn’t an option for our Residents, that hasn’t stopped us ensuring they get to celebrate Hanukkah. On every home area and in our main lobby we’ve adapted and set out battery powered menorahs — but we as a team wanted to do more.

Every Resident who celebrates Hanukkah was also gifted a card signed by the whole recreation team, along with a small cardboard menorah. This ensures that not only do they get to express their beliefs, but for those who might be able unable to enjoy shared spaces, Hanukkah celebrations are something they can still enjoy!

While it was a small act, the smiles on the Residents faces demonstrated how much this small act meant - Happy Hanukkah!


It’s Purple Day, or World Epilepsy Day — Why should you care? Let’s talk about why.

- 1 in 10 people world wide have epilepsy
- Over 50% of Canadians with Epilepsy, over the age of 18, state they’re embarrassed to admit they have epilepsy
- 50% of those living with seizure related disorders have reported that stigmas surrounding epilepsy have negatively impacted their well-being.
- People still believe those with epilepsy are "mentally ill/unstable" or that they have an intellectual disability.
- About 50% of those with epilepsy have a difficult time finding and/or keeping a job. About 50% of those with jobs are underemployed.
- Way, way too many people still think they should hold someone have a seizure down and/or stick something in their mouth
- About 69% of teenagers flat out say they would not date someone with epilepsy
- Strobe lights aren’t the only trigger for epilepsy, in fact it’s not even the most common
- Some people still think epilepsy is a disease, that it’s contagious

While you may not see the importance of talking about epilepsy, I can tell you from first-hand experience, the stigmas surrounding epilepsy are astronomical. From being told I’m “too much” to date, to being told I can’t hold certain jobs. To having limitations I don’t need placed on me, to being told “oh I’m so sorry you’re suffering from that” I’m so tired of being seen as fragile, as broken or as “less than” simply because I have a medical condition. I’m not defined by epilepsy, I’m not suffering, I and so many others, are Epilepsy Survivors.

So let's talk. Let's spread the word. Let's provide education. Let's share this post, or any post. Let's do better for those with epilepsy.


Closing in on 3 months in the new job and my office officially has furniture!!

Being a part of a new build is all sorts of stressful, but I cannot even express the excitement and joy that comes with it. From building a team, to ordering supplies, to writing program plans, to writing policies, to watching a building slowly become a home.

In 67 days, we’ll be welcome the first person to their new chapter — we’ll be welcoming them home! I cannot wait to keep learning, keep growing and helping bring the vision to life ❤️


Surround yourself with people who support you in your passions, even simply by surprising you with a collection of badge reels for your new job!

Forever thankful for the people in my life who let me vent about how much I love my job, who listen to all my stories and who even let me tell them the benefits of every activity they do.

To the people who help me advocate what I do, spread awareness or simply just listen — You will never know how much I appreciate you ❤️


50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological conditions — and what you might not know is I’m one of those 50 million.

Did you know March is Epilepsy Awareness month?
Did you know March 26th is recognized as Epilepsy Awareness Day worldwide also known as Purple Day?

Join me and people all around the world on March 26th. Take out your purple clothing, and join the conversation. Take time to educate yourself on what epilepsy is, what it looks like and how you can support those who have been diagnosed. Learn how you can help end the stigmas.


While TR Month has come to a close — the appreciation, admiration and support for this amazing field continues.

Here to us and the work we do that will never end ❤️


Happy TR month friends!!

Why do we have TR month? What’s it’s purpose? Well, there’s a whole bunch of them so let’s break a couple down.

✨ Appreciation — to appreciate what ourselves, our co-workers and everyone in the field of TR
✨ Advocation — to advocate for what we do, day in and day out. To advocate for why we’re an essential profession that serves a purpose for our residents/clients. Taking the time to tell our friends and family what we really do. To our co-workers. To all the departments within our facilities. Advocating why we matter.
✨ Education — to educate those within and outside of the field. To take the opportunity to learn how to be a better practitioner. To take advantage of a month filled with so much excitement, to learn more about those around us, our resources and better provide to those we serve
✨ Celebration — to celebrate the people around us, our co-workers, our bosses, our friends, each other. Whether it’s throwing a party or sending a sweet text to someone you know in the field.
✨ Connection — to connect with those in our friend, build friendships and connect with individuals in all areas of health care to support our initiatives.

This month will encompass so much opportunity and excitement, let’s take advantage of it all! 🎉


✨ Just a little celebration post for all the amazing Activity Professionals out there ✨

Here’s to changing peoples lives one purposeful recreation and leisure activity at a time!


Day 3 of the new job is complete!

Joining a new build is exciting, but the pressure is on. There’s rapports to be built, community members to talk to, policies to write, supply lists to be made, and so on and so on. I check one thing off my to do list and another 8 get added, but that’s just the nature of the situation and I genuinely wouldn’t change it for the world.

To end the day we headed over to the site and got to really see the home in action. While construction is still very much under way, the inside of me has definitely been fuelled. The therapy rooms, the activity rooms, the balconies, the court yards… and of course my office! (picture or it didn’t happen, right?). It’s exciting to see it all come together, to watch everything fall into place and to work with a team that shares in that excitement while still understanding the importance of everything you do.

In just a few short months Residents will be arriving and there’s a lot that needs to be done to ensure they’re walking into an environment where they can thrive. Here’s to new builds and setting a standard for what senior living SHOULD be! 🦺👷🏼‍♀️


Since I dove into the field of gerontology almost 10 years ago, I’ve discovered a lot of dreams for myself. One being to open a brand new home where I can help set a standard for what senior living SHOULD be.

Well, I’m excited to share that dream is officially a reality! Today I started my position as Director of Resident Programs, joining a team of amazing individuals who have every intention of building a home where everyone is welcome, where everyone can be themselves and where everyone can thrive.

Here’s to new beginnings and getting to bring you all along on this amazing ride with me. I’m excited to share what it’s like to start from the bottom and work up to the very top!

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 04/01/2023

I’m not one for goodbyes, so instead, we’ll call this a see you later post ❤️

I’ve been a little MIA… there’s a multitude of reasons but one being, a few weeks ago I accepted an offer for a new job. Which means, today I said farewell to the home that trusted me enough to give me my first management position. A job I’ve grown to adore, with the most amazing team. A special shout-out to them for all their support these last couple weeks!

While I’m sad to be leaving, I’m excited for the new opportunity coming. An opportunity I’ve wanted my entire career, an opportunity that allows me to kinda come full circle in my almost 10 year career. I cannot wait to tell you all about it!

Until then, I’ll probably still cry 100 more times. Here’s a reminder it’s normal to grieve leaving a facility it’s just a sign you care ❤️


I’m so beyond impressed by this beautiful falling poppies display the Residents at work spent so many hours creating.

The red poppies to honour the people, the purple poppies for the animals.

We will remember.


I got up early this morning to be at work for 5:00am, an abnormally early time for me. I got up so the Residents and I could for sit together and watch the Queen’s funeral.

Did I have to do this? Absolutely not, but I did. I did it because they needed to be around eachother, while they said goodbye to a figure they’ve known their entire life. I did because I recognized what they needed from me, more than I needed my sleep or more than the activities that I already been planned. I did it because that’s what person first care is all about, putting their needs first. I did because I work in their home, they don’t live in my workplace.

I can promise you therapeutic recreation is about so much more than just fun and games. We do more than just chat or paint. This is just one very small example of that.

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 18/09/2022

Last April, myself and the activities team planned a high tea in honour of the queen's birthday. A first in our home but a full house, that showed how much they appreciated the weeks and weeks we spent planning the event.

When the queen sadly passed, many Residents were emotional as they worked through their grief. The reality was, this was a life changing moment for older adults. For everyone. To help them through their emotions and to give them an opportunity to grieve together, in just 3 days we planned another high tea.

Grief is normal, and it's important that as recreation professionals, we create outlets for grief to be felt. For the individuals we work with to know and understand, you're allowed to grieve, even for those you might never have met.

27/08/2022 is now LIVE!!!

I'm so excited to launch the new domain with a whole new look, but there is still so much more to come - so stay tuned!


Don’t forget to have fun!!

I think sometimes, especially in our field, we get so caught up in our patients/clients/residents. Our entire focus becomes them, and we forget about us.

While we are a servant profession and our main focus should about them, there’s so much more to it. You’re in this role to learn, to develop, to explore the passion you have. You’re in this role to be successful and with that, comes some selfishness.

Remember — that while it is about them, there’s still a part of it that has to be about you too. You have to be able to enjoy what you do, to go into work and leave work happy.

So do yourself a favour and while you’re making them happy, make sure you’re making yourself happy too.


Hi Friends!

As I begin my rebranding journey, I thought I’d reintroduce myself! My names Ashley and I’m the writer/creater/owner of Rec Therapy And More.

A few professional facts about me:

• I currently work as an Activities Director at a Retirement, Assisted Living and Transitional Care Home. I oversee the activities department/team, the concierge desk/team, the essential caregiver program and well, a whole lot more (ahahaaa)
• I’ve dabbled and continue to dabble in consulting. It’s a huge passion for me getting to advocate, educate and create for all populations
• I did my Bachelors in therapeutic recreation from Brock University (2019), a certificate of achievement in crisis intervention from Seneca College (2020), my Masters of Applied Gerontology from Brock University (2021) and I’ve started a certificated in Retirement Communities Management from Seneca College
• I became a CTRS in March of 2020 and an R/TRO in May of 2022
• I’ve worked in a wide variety of settings from camps, to long-term care, to retirement, to group homes, to day programs
• My absolute favourite populations to work with are older adults and individuals with intellectual disabilities
• My grandmother is actually the whole reason I found Recreational Therapy

A few random fun facts about me:

• I’m a mom to an 8.5 year old cat named Scout and a 1.5 year old dog named Akira (or Kiki for short)
• Fall is definitely my favourite season though you won’t find me eating anything pumpkin
• I don’t drink coffee or tea, so I’m 100% caffeine free (simply because I just don’t like the taste)
• Getting into the outdoors is a huge passion for me! I love camping, canoeing, hiking, going for walks, campfires and everything nature
• My favourite colour is purple
• I have 5 tattoos (including the logo of a camp I worked at along with the writing of one of my most memorable campers)
• I love decorating for anything and everything, going full out for them all
• I have a deep obsession with pickles and poppyseed dressing (but not together)

I can’t wait to keeping opening the door to allow you all to get to know me a little more.



Confessions of a Rec Therapist is out, Rec Therapy And More is in!!

I’m so excited to not only display a new logo, but a whole new name! While it wasn’t an easy decision, my wants for page and my website have outgrown the name and it was time for a change. Just like the name says, I’ll be able to not only focus on Recreational Therapy but so so much more!

My website is currently down as I get the new domain set up and official. As soon as it’s ready to go, I will let you all know!!

A quick thank you to those of you who have been with me since December of 2018, those of you who have stuck by me during my period away and even the new followers who have found their way to me. I’m so so thankful to all of you for being a part of my journey, and a part of Rec Therapy And More!

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 22/04/2022

Today we celebrated the Queen’s 96th Birthday with a beautiful high tea! 🫖

The hours on hours of work myself and my assistants put into this event was so worth it. The Residents ate, smiled, laughed and there was even a little dancing!


This is hands down my favourite and probably the most memorable project I have ever led.

Covering these two walls, all the way down until the end, are the hands of 90 women.

These hands have raised children, gotten married, held jobs, volunteered, competed, broken down barriers, pushed limits, travelled, and so so much more. These hands represent just a small piece of the amazing women who have helped make history, who are the reason we celebrate today.

Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month!

Here’s to celebrating the ladies because our strength is in our history ❤️

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 21/02/2022

Did we turn our main floor into a 9 hole mini putt course for Family Day? Yes, yes we did ⛳️

While I’m mentally and physically exhausted, today was beyond amazing! So many smiling faces, excited screams, encouragement and just happiness!

Photos from Rec Therapy And More's post 18/02/2022

In January we upped our game, buying two life-sized arcades games… best decision that has ever come to be 👏🏻

When I tell you these games are used DAILY, both during organized programs and casually by Residents, I mean it. They’re a hit!

Changing programs in retirement, one activity at a time ✔️


Probably one of my greatest projects too date.

I’ve recently started a tradition at work to bring out a Christmas tree for every holiday — decorating it for that specific holiday. Sounds fun, right? Well… turns out it’s a TON of work to come up with fresh and fun ideas.

This idea popped into my head late one night though and I ran with it. Introducing our “sweetheart tree”! Filled with photos of the Residents and their loved ones.

We have old wedding photos that are in black and white, new photos of them and their spouse, photos of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. The best part? The residents had NO idea, we had the families keep it a secret, submitting photos before the tree went up. It’s become an area of gather, to reminisce, to reflect, to socialize, to share and it’s truly radiates love.

I caught this photo, while the sun was setting and my heart exploded. I cannot believe how truly beautiful such a little project has begun (a special shout-out to my assistants who helped turn these photos into ornaments)!

Just sharing this beautiful little moment with all of you ❤️

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Videos (show all) is now LIVE!!!I'm so excited to launch the new domain with a whole new look, but there is stil...
**NEW NAME & BIG CHANGES*Confessions of a Rec Therapist is out, Rec Therapy And More is in!!I’m so excited to not only d...
My homemade Frappuccino and I are ready to begin the last semester of my Masters Degree!I’m so so excited to be starting...