QCV-Sattlerei Ubstadt-Weiher bei Reitsport Caballo
Sattelanpassung , fertigen auf Wunsch und Maß, machen Reparaturen und bieten Sattlerkurse an.
Operating as usual

Ich wünsche eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit

Sattelanpassung, Reparaturen , Maßanfertigungen,
Sattlerkurse ( In Deutschland)

🇵🇹 De 4 a 13 de novembro de 2022 a Golegã recebe a XLVI Feira Nacional do Cavalo, XXIII Feira Internacional do Cavalo Lusitano e a secular Feira de São Martinho.
Este ano com a novidade de que a classificação dos animais a concurso e atribuição do título de Campeão será feito tudo no dia 10 de novembro.
🇬🇧 From the 4th to the 13th of November 2022, Golegã hosts the XLVI National Horse Fair, XXIII International Lusitano Horse Fair and the secular São Martinho's Fair.
This year, with the news that the classification of the animals in the competition and the awarding of the title of Champion will all be done on November 10th.
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Im neuen Revier

handmade by master torsten strobel


handmade by master strobel

der Meister bei der Arbeit

wir wünschen ein schönes Osterfest

handmade by master torsten strobel

qualitas creat valorem
qualität schafft werte


Saddlery Courses with German Master Saddler Torsten Strobel
Leatherwork / Saddlery holiday courses in beautiful Portugal - home of the famous Lusitano horse breed.
Learn to make your own exclusive halters and bridles or repair and refit your saddle.
QCV Saddlery Qualitas Creat Valorem
Das Handwerk wird um so höher stehen, je mehr und glücklicher es bemüht ist, dem Nützlichen das Schöne zu verbinden ( heinrich wilhelm josias thiersch)
QCV ( Qualitas creat valorem - Qualität schafft Werte )