Erasmus+ KA2 R4MAD 2020-22
With this project, we aim to work more intensively on UN goal 12 &
13 to help with the shift to a more sustainable way of living.
Erasmus+ Project on climate change and sustainable consumption
With this project, we aim to work more intensively on UN goal 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption) & 13 (Climate change) to help with the shift to a more sustainable way of living. In order to do this we must think collectively when it comes to environment & not individually. We need to teach new green skills and educate ourselves and s
Operating as usual
26. novembra obeležujemo prvi svetovni dan trajnostnega prometa🚶🚴♀️🛴.
Že danes pa lahko s pomočjo kalkulatorja 👉 izračunaš stroške lastništva in rabe svojega avtomobila, pa tudi izpuste, ki jih povzročimo na letni ravni s svojim avtomobilom 🚗.
Izberi bolj trajnostno pot – vsak kilometer šteje! Imamo namreč !
Focus - društvo za sonaraven razvoj - koordinatorji gibanja Evropski podnebni pakt v Sloveniji
Slovenian Education Network
Trajnost pri pouku, primeri učnih ur | SIO Novice Trajnost pri pouku, primeri učnih ur 15. 11. 2023 Anja Jurca, GJV Idrija Erasmus+ KA2 R4MAD Making a difference V projektu R4 (Raise, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse) – (R4 (Ozaveščanje, Recikliranje, Zmanjšanje, Ponovna uporaba) – Spreminjanje) so si šole iz Slovenije, Bolgarije, Španije in ....
Interesting resources and action plans on sustainability
Course: Engaging the Whole School with innovative action plans on Sustainability Considering that environmental pollution is a phenomenon that is spreading rapidly, us, however small, will try to increase awareness and sensitivity to environmental problems that concern the entire community by engaging in voluntary activities. This will be an interdisciplinary project. The subjec...
Video of our project is now also available on youtube.
You are welcome to watch and share it.
IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
And here is the brochure of our project that we are very proud of.
Have a look and share.
R4MAD Video with students statements
On October 31, 2023, we officially end the project R4MAD - R4 (Raise, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse) - Making a difference.
We are happy to share some of the results (video, project brochure, students' products) with you.
You are welcome to have a look.
GJV Erasmus+ Informacije o Erasmus+ projektih na Gimnaziji Jurija Vege Idrija E10079559
R4MAD – R4 (Raise, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse) – Making a difference 🌱♻️
Dijaki in profesorji Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija so v okviru projekta "R4MAD – R4 (Ozaveščanje, Recikliranje, Zmanjšanje, Ponovna uporaba) – Spreminjanje" spodbujali razmislek o svojem načinu življenja, zmanjšanju čezmerne porabe ter zavzemanju za trajnostno življenje. 💚♻️
V okviru zadnje mobilnosti v Španiji 🇪🇸 so se seznanili z rastlinstvom 🌱 in živalstvom 🦋 območja, problemom mikroplastike v oceanih 🌊, obiskali Tehnološki inštitut, Univerzo v Alicantu itd. V duhu projektne teme so na bližnji otok potovali zeleno - z jadrnicami. ⛵️ Dijaki so izmenjali svoje ideje za trajnostno prihodnost ter z udeleženci še enega mednarodnega projekta v katerega je vključena gostujoča šola, sodelovali na pravi pravcati Olimpijadi, kjer ni manjkala parada ekip iz 9 držav in celo olimpijski ogenj.
Dijaki so se pomerili v različnih športnih disciplinah, slavila pa je slovenska ekipa!!! 🏆🥳
Vabljeni, da si preberete več o projektu na
Did you know that today 5th June is the World Environment Day?
This year's theme: Solutions to plastic pollution
World Environment Day World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.
Some memories from our last meeting in Spain.
KA2 R4MAD - C5 Spain, 25. - 29.3.23 49 new items added to shared album
Pri Združenih narodih so pripravili zbir izgovorov, ki jih radi uporabljamo, kadar se želimo izogniti ukrepanju glede podnebnih sprememb, in odgovorov, ki jih lahko ponudimo (sebi ali komu drugemu).
Kaj torej reči nekomu, ki reče: »Sem samo ena oseba, ne morem narediti razlike.« 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Prav imaš. Ena oseba, ki bi sama poskušala rešiti planet, bi bila kaplja v morje. A nisi sam/-a. 😍 Raziskave kažejo, da 6️⃣4️⃣ % svetovnega prebivalstva meni, da podnebne spremembe zahtevajo takojšnje ukrepanje. Tvoja kaplja je ena od mnogih, ki lahko skupaj ustvarijo velike spremembe. 👍
Zato si še naprej prizadevaj za ohranitev planeta! 🌏💚
Na današnji dan je Slovenija porabila vse naravne vire.
Do 18. aprila smo Slovenci porabili vse vire, ki jih Zemlja lahko obnovi v enem letu. To pomeni, da bomo več kot osem mesecev živeli z ekološkim dolgom.
V organizaciji Global Footprint Network so izračunali, da bi potrebovali več kot tri Zemlje, če bi vsi na svetu živeli kot Slovenci.
Ker imamo , je zelo pomembno, da živimo v okviru njegovih zmožnosti. Z zmanjšanjem ogljičnega odtisa lahko izrabo virov zamaknemo na pozneje. Kako?
Manj letimo z letalom, namesto avtomobila uporabljamo javni prevoz, hodimo ali kolesarimo, varčujemo z energijo v domačem gospodinjstvu in jemo več rastlinske hrane.
Še več zamisli poišči tukaj:
Day 5 - sadly the last day of the meeting
After learning so much about local sustainability projects and the community's efforts to preserve the beautiful nature of the province of Alicante, we got to know a little more about the city itself and its long history.
First we visited some of the most important places in the old town and then the Castle of Santa Barbara, where our guide Killian showed us the different parts of the historic complex and shared facts about the castle that used to be a prisob and the city.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some free time in Alicante and later got ready for a big fiesta.
The food, the music, the energy! Our kind hosts organised this loud, colourful and exciting event and we loved it! 😋🍕🥓🥤🕺💃
Even the handing out certificates was an amazing event.
What great memories we will have of our visit to Alicante and the school in Torrellano.
Dear Spanish students, families and teachers, thank you for your kindness and hospitality! 💞
Have a safe flight home, dear friends, and we hope to see you again. ✈️
Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
Day 4, Tuesday
Today we visited the Tecnological Institute for children products in Ibi, which is located 37 km from Alicante. The economy of Ibi is based on the toy industry, nevertheless there are many other related industries such as plastic, metal, machinery, construction materials.
Aiju is a non profit technological institute dedicated to innovation and knowledge in children's products as well as transfer of technology to industry at both national and international level.
One of their goals is to support everyone, who deals with toys or other pieces which might be invented.
They are currently testing new more sustainable materials combing plastic and nut or almond shells and eggshells.
After this we visited de University of Alicant and its campus, where we learned about their projects as a smart university, the wide green zones (cactus gardens, rock gardens, palm gardens, green zones with ducks, squirrels, ….and another animals), which help to build a barrier between the buildings and other areas contaminated with sound pollution. We learned also about the desalinization method which provides the campus with potable water for watering the park.
And in the afternoon we had some free time to go to the beach or explore the city.
CMEPIUS Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
Day 3, Monday
We spent the day at school IES Torellano. The students started the day with accompanying their hosts to lessons. Then we assembled in the aula for a welcoming by the principal and a concert by School of Rock.
After the concert we met up in the library for presentations of projects done in each country during R4MAD. The students presentations showed their hard work and brilliant ideas for a sustainable furture.
At noon the first Erasmus international olympiad started with the traditional parade on to the field by all 9 countries! (There are 2 Erasmus+ project visiting the school at the same time). The students competed in several athletic sports.
At the end the Slovenian team won! Congratulations! 🏆👏
An eventfull, warm and sweaty day! 😅
Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
Erasmus games are about to start
DAY 2 - Tabarca treasure hunt
The second day of the project meeting was a real adventure - a treasure hunt on a pirate island!
Students worked together in six international groups to solve a series of puzzles and riddles to find the treasure. The game was designed to encourage teamwork, problem solving and communication between the participants, while exploring the unique and beautiful island of Tabarca. The winner was Team 1 and the students received recognition and attractive prizes.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed the delicious traditional Spanish cuisine and shared their food, jokes and positive vibes.
Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
R4MAD Last meeting in Alicante, IES Torrellano - DAY ONE
The host ordered great sunny weather and organised a sustainable transport (sailing boats) to take us to the small island Tabarca.
In the afternoon we had a lecture on flora & fauna on the sea floor by CEAM, environment education centre. We found out why even very small natural reserves are important. Then we learnt about microplastic in the sea and also collected some sand samples to analyse them under the microspope and to take home to the school. We were surprised how important the Posidonia oceanica plant is. These plants take in carbon dioxide (in a much more efficient manner than forests) and release oxygen, which is why they are also known as the “lungs of the Mediterranean”. As the plants move, they slow the fluctuation of waves, thus reducing the influence of the sea on the coast, which is why these habitats decrease erosion. Furthermore, several types of sea creatures can be found living in the Posidonia oceanica habitats.
And in the evening we met to play games and socialise. And students found out that they are quite competitive.
It was a great day!
Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida NEG Goethe News
C5 R4MAD Alicante
A sustainable transport to Tabarca.
Here are some products of Bulgarian students.
Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija NEG Goethe News IES Torrellano Hersby gymnasium - Officiell sida