High Schoolers Graduate with BS or BA

High Schoolers Graduate with BS or BA

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from High Schoolers Graduate with BS or BA, Education, .


Test for Free in Virginia!Earn FREE GED® testing vouchers. Enroll in an adult education program (distance education options available), attend a minimum of 12 hours, and pass a GED Ready practice test in each subject area.


We should offer college to all 9-12 graders or tech programs. We are losing millions of minds and trillions of dollars all for a diploma.
Diplomas should be for eighth graders.


Free college for all high school students instead of what we have now. My idea is to offer college to all 9-12 graders or tech programs. This will not cost anyone thousands of dollars for 2-4 years of college. Too many smart intelligent students are losing out.
Diplomas are for eighth graders while degrees are for graduating twelfth graders.


Is it time to for all 14 year old to start college?

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
