We are made to help others be what God wants them be.

We are made to help others be what God wants them be.

This platform is to encourage everyone to try as much as possible to leave behind a mark he/she should be remembered for...



Six years ago a guy looked at me face to face, and boldly told me; "I don't like you!"

I immediately fired a response, I asked him that day; "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those that you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother keep your like, I need God's like And that's what guarantees my future.

ONE day I joined a CEO friend of mine in an interview Panel to recruit some new staff, it was a long session.
As we returned from a coffee break to continue the hectic interview session, here was this same guy walked in with his grey jacket and CV coming for the interview.

Our eyes kissed by fluke, we immediately recognised each other; "the world is indeed spherical", I soliloquized.

He felt very uncomfortable through out the interview, one could clearly see the volcanic eruption ongoing in his whole nervous system, he even mistook his date of birth for his last date of employment.

It wasn't yet my turn to ask him questions so I allowed everyone to take their turns with him and deliberately opted to interview him last.

When it got to my turn, the first thing I said was, "I LIKE YOU so much, you look to me like a brilliant and intelligent person, but it seems you are not doing well now because something bothers you, true?"

"That's very correct Sir!" He responded.

"Ok look at me straight in the eye, I was never offended that day, it is very normal that sometimes as humans you just don't like certain people, but I wasn't bothered either, because whether you liked me or not, it was inconsequential to my life and my success path - as you can see, fate has brought you to my lair"

I stood up and beckoned him to come and embrace me, everyone on the panel at this point were at sea - wondering if we had expeditiously recast an interview session to a Hollywood movie scene.

He hugged me so long and deeply that I felt it. Then I told him, "now get yo


A *group of 50* people *attended a seminar.* Suddenly the speaker stopped and started *giving each person a Balloon.* Each one was asked to *write his/her name on it using a marker.*
Then all the Balloons were *collected and put in another room.* Now these Delegates were let into that room and asked to *find the balloon which had their respective names written on within 5 minutes.* Everyone was frantically *searching* for their names, *pushing and colliding* with each other, and *there was utter Chaos.* At the end of 5 minutes, *No One could find* their own Balloons.
Now each one was asked to *Randomly Collect a Balloon* and *Give It to the Person whose Name* was written on it. Within *minutes, Everyone* had their own Balloons. The Speaker began:
This is *exactly what is happening,* in our lives. Everyone is *frantically looking for happiness,* all over the place, *not knowing where it is.* Our *Happiness Lies* in the *Happiness of Other People.* Help them *Find their Happiness and You will Get your Own Happiness too.* And this is the *Purpose of Human Life...* Learn to *Put a Smile on Someone's Face,* and You will also *Smile in due course.​*

*Food for thought*
*L E S S O N* : when you're *making others to succeed in life, you also become a huge Success.*


This was the circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a *starving sudanese girl to die so it can feast on her.* It was taken by Kevin Carter, a prolific photojournalist, during the famine of 1993 in Sudan.

*This photo later won Kevin the pulitzer prize for an exceptional caption*

However, Kevin later got depressed and took his own life four months after his world wide celebration as a skillful photographer. He fell to depression. His depression began when during an interview (a phone in programme), someone asked him what happened to the child. *" I did not wait to see what happened after this shot as I had a flight to catch..."* and the person replied, *" I put it to you that there where two vultures that day; one had a camera ".* This statement sank Kevin and as he constantly thought of the statement, he got depressed and ended his own life.

*In whatever we do let's consider humanity first before w h at we can gain*

Kevin Carter, may still have been alive today had it been he helped that little child

We have not truly lived, until our lives have become the stars and sunshine of someone else.

Search within you and if there is that one person you feel you can help in this period, start new tomorrow might be too late.


How he murdered his Student.

" I was in class that fateful Friday afternoon teaching my students when she raised her hand to ask a question. I permitted her and she asked a rather too simple question that I supposed she should know the answer. I had already covered that topic the previous week. " Will you sit down there! With your Ugly face! Olodo!" was the only answer I gave her. The whole class bursted into laughter and she looked embarrassed. I went on with my lesson but felt somewhat guilty over what I had said. I finished my class and left. On Sunday, I went to Church. The preacher was talking about the tongue and its power. He spoke about how you could bring others down by what you say. I remembered what happened on Friday and became guilty. I swore I was going to apologize to her on Monday when I got to the class. On Monday afternoon, I went to the class but I didn't see her. I asked after her from her coursemates but they didn't seem to know who I was talking about. I then said I was looking for the person I insulted on Friday. "Oh, that's Joy sir! She is not in class today" they answered. Who is her friend? I asked. "Aisha" they chorused. But Aisha was not in the class either. Suddenly, a girl with Hijab walked in. "That's Aisha sir" my students informed me. Where is your friend? I asked her. "Which one?" She replied without looking at my face. Joy! Isaid. The reply shocked me! She is in the mortuary sir. Mortuary????? Doing what there?? I asked "She died on Friday sir" Aisha replied. How come?????? I later found out that after my class on Friday, Joy was hit by a fast moving vehicle. She was crossing the road absentmindedly probably because of what I said." Her burial is on Saturday and you are invited sir" Aisha continued. As I stood trying to overcome the shock, Aisha said admist tears " you killed my friend sir". She was right! I should be the murderer! Some girls in the class where already crying! I didn't know what to say. Whether to apologize to Jo


Print your Name in the hearts of men through your positive influence and kind deeds. Of course you must seek inner transformation to be able.


Imagine only you in the whole of this world. Imagine the world without all the aids to life made available by many that have lived and others that are still living who have risked their lives to bring about these aids to life that u enjoy today.

The question is, what have u denied yourself for others sake?

But there are talents, skills, programs and policies you can put in place to make others live better.

You can print your Name in the sand of time by what you have done for the betterment of universe...

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
