Raising a Trilingual Child
Teaching languages to children in a multilingual family. Do you live abroad and teach your child speak your mother tongue? Let's do it together! Join me
Teaching languages to children from birth in a multilingual family. Information on how to start, possible language arrangements. Reflections of my personal experience in raising trilingual children, advice on how to do it, results of related scientific research as well as some Russian language resources. www.trilingualchildren.com
Operating as usual
Bilingual child parents' joy: What are the sweetest words your child can say to you?
on screen time (that includes TV smartphones ect): "...children who were exposed to more than 2 hours of screen time per day were 5 times more likely to exhibit clinically significant “externalizing” behavioural problems such as inattention; and over 7 times more likely to meet the criteria for ADHD.
Screen time associated with behavioral problems in preschoolers - Neuroscience News Two or more hours of screen time is associated with inattention problems in preschool-aged children.
very intetesting! "Children may learn new words better when they learn them in the context of other words they are just learning"
How 'knowing less' can boost language development in children Children may learn new words better when they learn them in the context of other words they are just learning -- according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Researchers investigated how 18- to 24-month-olds learn new words -- in the context of words they already know well and those...
Interesting research on the best way to teach children a second language
What's the best way to teach children a second language? New research produces surprising results Children as young as eight or nine could be taught in a more adult, analytical way.
Since you were asking, here are some tips on teaching your bilingual/ trilingual child to write in a minority language. https://www.trilingualchildren.com/2016/06/How-to-teach-bilingual-child-write.html
Easy way of teaching your bilingual kids to write in a minority language. I try to follow my kids' natural interests as I teach them languages. I started introducing letter sounds while reading books and wo...
from a trilingual family (Polish and French speaking parents living in Ireland) "Our children speak all 3 languages rather comfortably but I was wondering how and when is a good time to introduce writing?
Our 5 year old daughter is learning english sounds, and starts to read and write in English. What has worked well for you introducing reading and writing in the other languages please? thank you!"
What a sweet share from one of the parents of this group! Trilingual Clara speaks English, Italian and Portugues. 👏👏👏👏👏
Clara is six year old trilingual & bilingual girl 6 year old trilingual child. Bambina trilingue di 6 anni. Menina trilíngue de 7 anos. She speaks Italian, Portuguese and English. Parla italiano, portoghese ...
: interesting! "there are differences between the s*xes when it comes to picking up new languages, but what about passing languages on? Does one s*x play a larger role in teaching children how to speak?"
Babies learn most of their vocabulary from their fathers, according to new research A new study by researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai has discovered a correlation between mitochondrial DNA passed onto babies by their mothers and sound patterns — it also found a link between vocabulary and the Y chromosome, both of which appear to be passed on by the father.
You can teach your child to read in your minority language at home. I share some tips below. My now 7 and 9 years old kids read daily in minority language. It is a tremendous support to further vocabulary development!
If you just started, make learning letters as a fun game and follow the natural interest of your child.
I am interested to hear other parents experience. Do you plan to teach your child to read in your language? if you ve already done it, what would you suggest to others?
7 principles to keep in mind while teaching your child to read. Parents these days face many difficult decisions, no matter if their kids speak one language, two languages or three languages. One ...
"Toddlers with parents who spend lots of time listening and chatting with them are more likely to have better language skills and higher IQs a decade later than youngsters left hanging in silence."
'Nothing short of remarkable': Study finds parents' chats with their toddlers pay off 10 years later | CBC News Attention exhausted parents: The next time your toddler starts making strange noises or babbling about Paw Patrol, try to strike up a conversation — it could make a big difference later, researchers say.
Do your kids mix language? Some intetesting research on the topic.
Why it's okay for bilingual children to mix languages Being bilingual is not just about learning two languages, it's about absorbing meaning, negotiating and being flexible when it comes to language.
Fun t-shirt for kids and adults! "... I speak more then one language..." What color short do you like the most? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CSWMXV1
Don't talk behind my back I speak more than 1 language shirt "Don't talk behind my back... I speak more than one language" is a t-shirt for your bilingual, trilingual or multilingual family member or a friend. Great gift for children and adults who are traveling abroad, especially if they depart for their first trip. Travel abroad and wear this t-shirt wit...
"Why it's OK for bilingual children to mix languages." What is your experience? Does your child mix languages?
Why it's OK for bilingual children to mix languages Few would consider mastering more than one language a bad idea. In fact, research points to a number of cognitive, economic and academic advantages in being bilingual.
Great book for Russian speaking kids! My kids love Boris Zakhoder's way of seeing things. Please share it with your Russian speaking friends.
Russian kids book: Boris Zakhoder - Борис Заходер "На горизонтских островах" стихи. В сборник "На горизонтских островах" вошли, пожалуй, одни из самых лучших стихотворений Бориса Заходера на которых выросли мои трехъязычны...
11 signs you are a mother of a trilingual child - a fun post written by Ceren, a member of our group.
11 Signs You Are A Mother Of A Trilingual Child Parenting is hard. Parenting is challenging. Being a parent of a trilingual child has its own perks. You know you are a mother of a trilin...
What do you think? Do you feel it? “The language in which you learn maths will influence your performance even into adulthood and even in well-mastered tasks like addition,” said Dr. Amandine van Rinsveld, one of the lead researchers.
Brains of Bilingual People Solve Math Problems Differently — NOVA Next | PBS Bilingual people rely on visuo-spatial pathways when solving math problems—something not seen in monolingual people.
: "Hello everyone, My son is 31 months and we raising him up as a trilingual. I speak to him only in Greek, my husband Turkish, between us English and he is attending English spoken nursery.
Last 3 months he made quite a big improvement and now makes a sentence of 3-4 words.
Understands all three languages but his vocabulary is poor around 50 words.
He is mainly speaking in English.
I am very confident he will pick up but from his nursery they suggested to sigh him up for a language expert even though he is ticking all the boxes regarding his age development just he is behind in the language.
Please need some advice as I start to worry...
Thank you in advance."
from a mother of almost 2,5 years old child: When did your kid started speaking in sentences? See details below:
Today is the big day in my and my 6 years old trilingual girl life. 🎉🎉 She finally has figured out how to pronounce Italian /Russian "R" 😍 and she did it all on her own!!!! She never had a problem with the English one. Below is the post from my older son's SLP. I hope the fun activities and mouth excercises will help you 😀
Fun Activities and Mouth Exercises for Toddlers' Clear Speech Development. I watched the wonderful work that my child's Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) was doing and I noticed that many pronunciation problems ...
from a concerned parent, whose child picks up words from English and Urdu, but not Spanish, the language she is exposed to more: "I'm trying to raise my 1-year-old trilingual. We live in the US. Our family speaks Urdu and when it's just me and her at home, I speak to her in Spanish. Now that she's started saying a few words, I've noticed she picks up the English and Urdu words as they are simpler (less syllables) compared to Spanish words. For example, she'll say shoes (compared to zapatos which is 3 syllables), and nose (instead of nariz). Even though she hears the Spanish word more often, she picks up the other languages easier as the words are shorter. Did anyone else have a similar experience? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in Advance!
Fun T-shirt for and people: "Don't talk behind my back... I speak more than one language " 😍
Don't talk behind my back I speak more than 1 language shirt "Don't talk behind my back... I speak more than one language" is a t-shirt for your bilingual, trilingual or multilingual family member or a friend. Great gift for children and adults who are traveling abroad, especially if they depart for their first trip. Travel abroad and wear this t-shirt wit...
First years of your or child's live are very important for speech and language development. Correctly chosen family language strategy and active communication with your child helps a lot.
Bilingualism and speech delay. How can you help? Are bilinguals or multilinguals any different from monolinguals when it comes to speaking? Well, yes and no. Bilinguals might star...
not about languages but about time spent online/ playing games...: "The more time one spends online, especially in one sitting, the more a process called downregulation causes a drop in the number of dopamine receptors in the reward processing area of the brain. This causes a decrease in our ability to feel pleasure, resulting in a need to seek more stimulation.”
Why 3 hours is too much What happens when you have an active, involved kid with good grades, who wants to play video games for three straight hours a day, every day? 3 experts weigh in.
Happy Easter!!!! 🐣
“The important thing is not just to talk to your child, but to talk with your child. It’s not just about dumping language into your child’s brain, but to actually carry on a conversation with them"
Back-and-forth exchanges boost children’s brain response to language Study finds engaging young children in conversation is more important for brain development than “dumping words” on them.
Happy March 8th !!!!
I was looking for a perfect for you ladies! Tell me, if you like it. Happy March 8! Enjoy the day with your loved ones :)
What do you think help you the most in supporting your bilingual/multilingual child's minority language development? Do you read books? Meet with other language speakers? ...
Best Practices for Supporting Child's Minority Language Development in a Multilingual Family “Руль”(Rul’) is the first word my son said almost 7 years ago. It means a steering wheel in Russian. Back then I had lots of doubts whether...