

eUrudito - 100 qualquer tipo de pretensiosismos! "O homem erudito é um descobridor de fatos que j?

Operating as usual

Human Brain's Unique Parallel Pathways - Neuroscience News 20/12/2023

Human Brain’s Unique Parallel Pathways

Human brains uniquely use multiple parallel pathways for information transmission, setting us apart from other mammals. This could be key to our advanced cognition and has exciting implications for neuroscience.

Human Brain's Unique Parallel Pathways - Neuroscience News Researchers discovered a unique feature of the human brain's communication networks: the transmission of information via multiple parallel pathways, a trait not observed in macaques or mice.

Realidade virtual ‘revoluciona’ reabilitação da pessoa com deficiência 20/12/2023

O Centro de Inclusão Social da Madeira(CISM) passa a disponibilizar, a partir de hoje, o Laboratório Vivo, uma medida que vai abranger mais de 500 utentes do Departamento de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência. O Laboratório Vivo será dinamizado por uma equipa de profissionais em estreita colaboração com o Neuro Rehab Lab da UMa e da Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (Arditi) e conta com um Terapeuta Ocupacional com formação especifica na área da engenharia de reabilitação.

Universidade da Madeira - Página Institucional Neuro Rehab Lab NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics Arditi

Realidade virtual ‘revoluciona’ reabilitação da pessoa com deficiência Laboratório Vivo constitui um investimento de 34 mil euros e resultou também do apoio de um mecenas (donativo da empresa SIAG – Sistema Integrado de Apoio à Gestão)

Axiom Space Partners with Kepler Space and Skyloom to Operationalize the World’s 1st Orbital Data Center — Axiom Space 19/12/2023

The world’s first orbital data center will have a home on Axiom Station.

Axiom Space is proud to partner with Kepler Communications and Skyloom Global Corp. to integrate and demonstrate high data rate Optical Intersatellite Links (OISLs) on the first module of Axiom Space’s commercial space station.

Axiom Space Partners with Kepler Space and Skyloom to Operationalize the World’s 1st Orbital Data Center — Axiom Space The Houston-based company Axiom Space has entered agreements with Kepler Communications US Inc. and Skyloom Global Corp. to integrate and demonstrate high data rate Optical Intersatellite Links (OISLs) on the first module of Axiom Space’s commercial space station – Axiom Station . In parallel, t...


Creative Design
generative Art
by Neil Gairn Adams


A technician at Thales Alenia Space works to install protective covers around open ports of the bulkhead of Hab1 of Axiom Station.


✓ Venus
• The clearest image ever taken of Venus!

— Rizwan Ayub Saadi

Human Cognition Enhanced By AI Use - Neuroscience News 19/12/2023

Human Cognition Enhanced By AI Use

Exciting research reveals how Interlingual Respeaking training enhances cognitive abilities in language professionals, blending human expertise with AI. A leap forward in the evolving language industry.

Human Cognition Enhanced By AI Use - Neuroscience News Researchers emphasize that such training not only enhances cognitive abilities but also equips language professionals for the rapidly evolving AI-driven language industry.

GE Aerospace cracks hypersonic engine test, claims 4,000mph achievable 19/12/2023

General Electric reports that it has successfully tested its new ramjet engine with a rotating detonation combustion starter. This could enable the production of faster, longer-range, more efficient ramjets in the future.

GE Aerospace cracks hypersonic engine test, claims 4,000mph achievable General Electric Aerospace, a subsidiary of General Electric, has announced that its engineers have successfully remote-tested its latest hypersonic engine.


The Chemistry of Chocolate by Compound Interest.

Breathing Is The Key to Memory Consolidation During Sleep - Neuroscience News 19/12/2023

Breathing Is The Key to Memory Consolidation During Sleep

New research reveals a fascinating connection between breathing and memory consolidation during sleep. This novel research opens doors to innovative treatments for age-related memory and sleep disorders.

Breathing Is The Key to Memory Consolidation During Sleep - Neuroscience News These findings highlight the importance of respiration in reinforcing learned information while we sleep.


A screening study identifies a drug candidate for visceral leishmaniasis that targets the Qi site of the parasitic mitochondrial protein cytochrome b, which shows a promising safety profile and pharmacokinetic properties in rodents.


Nasa beams cat video from deep space with laser 19/12/2023

The video, featuring a cat named Taters, was sent back from nearly 19 million miles away by NASA’s laser communications demonstration, marking a historic milestone.

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications experiment beamed an ultra-high definition streaming video on Dec. 11 from a record-setting 19 million miles away (31 million kilometers, or about 80 times the Earth-Moon distance). The milestone is part of a NASA technology demonstration aimed at streaming very high-bandwidth video and other data from deep space – enabling future human missions beyond Earth orbit.

The demo transmitted the 15-second test video via a cutting-edge instrument called a flight laser transceiver. The video signal took 101 seconds to reach Earth, sent at the system’s maximum bit rate of 267 megabits per second (Mbps). Capable of sending and receiving near-infrared signals, the instrument beamed an encoded near-infrared laser to the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, where it was downloaded. Each frame from the looping video was then sent “live” to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, where the video was played in real time.

The laser communications demo, which launched with NASA’s Psyche mission on Oct. 13, is designed to transmit data from deep space at rates 10 to 100 times greater than the state-of-the-art radio frequency systems used by deep space missions today. As Psyche travels to the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the technology demonstration will send high-data-rate signals as far out as the Red Planet’s greatest distance from Earth. In doing so, it paves the way for higher-data-rate communications capable of sending complex scientific information, high-definition imagery, and video in support of humanity’s next giant leap: sending humans to Mars.

Nasa beams cat video from deep space with laser The ultra HD footage of Taters the cat was sent as the agency tries to improve space communications.

Dezeen's top 10 innovative materials of 2023 19/12/2023

As part of our review of 2023, Dezeen's design and environment editor Jennifer Hahn has rounded up 10 of this year's most significant material innovations, including bricks made from toxic soil and a 3D printer for wool.

Dezeen's top 10 innovative materials of 2023

Photos from Rizwan Ayub Saadi's post 19/12/2023

Here's Your Guide To The Different Types Of Peppers


The All of Us Research Program biobank initiative aims to tackle data-related challenges and close gaps in diversity in medical data, and could inform research and clinical breakthroughs in underrepresented groups.

Read the new Viewpoint:

Preparedness 18/12/2023

OpenAI adopts its new preparedness framework

This framework spells out their strategy for measuring and forecasting risks, and their commitments to stop deployment and development if safety mitigations are ever lagging behind.

Preparedness The study of frontier AI risks has fallen far short of what is possible and where we need to be. To address this gap and systematize our safety thinking, we are adopting the initial version of our Preparedness Framework. It describes OpenAI’s processes to track, evaluate, forecast, and protect aga...


Um dos principais fatores que contribui para o bem-estar e saúde do animal 🐶📋 é a alimentação. Descubra quais os resultados do nosso teste a 33 rações para cães em


Covid-19: “Tudas as cirurgias inadiáveis estão a ser realizadas” A garantia é do secretário regional da Saúde, Pedro Ramos. 


Governo adia épocas de exames dos 11º e 12º anos, conheça as alterações [vídeo] ¡AF!


Morreu o primeiro cão diagnosticado com coronavírus Animal contraiu Covid-19 através da dona, que ficou hospitalizada e entretanto já teve alta.


Madeira distribui duas máscaras por domicílio. Uso será obrigatório A distribuição vai ser feita pelos CTT e não vai ter qualquer custo para a população.


TSD Madeira - Secção Laboral das Engenharias


Covid-19: UNICEF oferece 80 mil máscaras para as unidades de saúde portuguesas A UNICEF vai oferecer 80 mil máscaras de proteção para as unidades de saúde portuguesas e anunciou o lançamento de uma campanha de recolha de fundos para Portugal e resto do mundo para fazer face à pandemia de Covid-19.


COVID: Máscaras, os prós e os contras do seu uso - IHMT Em plena pandemia do vírus SARS-CoV-2, a produção de máscaras, a nível mundial, não está a corresponder às necessidades. Assim, a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) apela ao seu uso responsável [1]. Pode dizer-se que: i) há situações em que as máscaras são mandatórias; ii) há situ...


Portugal quase duplica número de recuperados da Covid-19 em 24 horas

Atualização da situação de pandemia em Portugal desta segunda-feira, 06 de abril


Covid-19: Madeira comprou 100.000 te**es aos EUA A Região celebrou um contrato para a aquisição de 100.000 te**es de diagnóstico da Covid-19 aos EUA, por 1,2 milhões de euros.


Teste revela contaminação por coronavírus em 15 minutos [vídeo] ¡AF!


Jovem santa-cruzense acusou positivo ao fim do 21.º dia Pedro Ramos fez questão de salientar que o jovem santa-cruzense que acusou ontem positivo para Covid-19 só revelou sintomas ao fim do 21.º dia desde que chegou à Madeira.


Governo Regional da Madeira

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