Veteran Parade practice 11/7/24
Chesnee Band Program is comprised of the Chesnee High School and Chesnee Middle School Bands.
Veteran Parade practice 11/7/24
Our heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the Nation Ford High School band in the loss of their assistant director, Andrew Krieger. Band. Family.
Friday Night Lights in Landrum!
Enjoy photos from the Eagle Classic!
Eagle Classic Photo collection by Natasha Blackwell Photography
We are excited to host the Lucy Beckham High School here at CHS as they prepare for the 5A state championship!
Congratulations Marching Eagles! Finals performance at 7:45pm!
Good luck to our Marching Eagles as they compete today at the SCBDA 2A State Marching Band Championships today!
Band Practices Photo collection by Natasha Blackwell Photography
Come join us today starting at 12:45! Cash only.
The 34th Chesnee Eagle Classic is Saturday, October 12, 2024! We are hosting 25 marching bands in competition from North and South Carolina Bands!
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students and children under 4 are free.
Plan to spend the day with us. Concessions will be available
The 34th Chesnee Eagle Classic is Saturday, October 12, 2024! We are hosting 25 marching bands in competition from North and South Carolina Bands!
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students and children under 4 are free.
Plan to spend the day with us. Concessions will be available
The 2024 Eagle Classic is scheduled for October 12, 2024. We invite you to support this event through trophy sponsorships, which can be secured using the link or QR code. All sponsors will be acknowledged at the competition and in the program. Your support of the Chesnee Marching Eagles is greatly appreciated.
2024 Eagle Classic Trophy Sponsorships Please click the link to complete this form.
It’s amazing to be part of a community that stands alongside each other when times are hard. I hope this post finds you and your loved doing well. We hope that you have had the capability to care for your needs since the storm hit and ask that you reach out if there is a need that you still have.
We are excited to announce that the Eagle Classic is still scheduled to take place in 7 short days. 7 days!!! We will need help from every student, parent, alumni and friend that wants to be a part.
Join us Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm for our Eagle Classic meeting. EVERYONE COME!
Below are items that you may want to help with. Feel free to comment below if you can help with a need.
-Donation of baked goods 🧁
-Food donation toward finger foods/sweets/drinks for Director’s Lounge 🥪
-Golf cart available for shuttling ⛳️
-Canopy tent (label with name and take to band room next week)
-Don’t forget about our trophy sponsorships 🏆
Thank you all for pulling together to make this event a success!!
The 2024 Eagle Classic is scheduled for October 12, 2024. We invite you to support this event through trophy sponsorships, which can be secured using the link or QR code. All sponsors will be acknowledged at the competition and in the program. Your support of the Chesnee Marching Eagles is greatly appreciated.
Competitions Photo collection by Natasha Blackwell Photography
Chesnee Marching Eagles 2nd place 🥈 at the 2024 Lauren’s District 55 Invitational and Best Guard in Class III
The Synthwave Tour starts Saturday!
Photos from last weeks game against Walhalla are ready!
Football Games Photo collection by Natasha Blackwell Photography