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BOOK TODAY and receive our 10% discount Early Bird Special for ALL of our 2023 Summer Retreats (valid MAY 1)
Come join us under the midnight sun this summer to practice YOGA, ground down and MEDITATE, revel in the Alaskan ADVENTURE, and CELEBRATE life in these complex human suits.
Youth Yoga Camp- June 12-15
Midnight Sun Salute -June 16-19
Women's Backpacking+ Yoga Retreat- July 17-22
Refresh and Recharge in Hatcher Pass- Aug 10-15
Yoga Untamed
Yoga Untamed provides a sense of community and supports a sense of self. Adventure Yoga Retreats
Operating as usual
Each retreat is a gift. Each body is a gift.
It seems like when we are sick or injured, we notice our limitations and would give anything to be well. But when we are well, it is easy to forget to be grateful. We often take it for granted when our bodies work well, and we are not injured or sick.
Take this moment to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and be thankful for your body, and for the life force. Be thankful for the health that you have and the air in your lungs. May all beings everywhere be happy and free.
Shanti Om
Have you ever heard the word selah? to pause, take a breath, and reflect. It serves as an invitation to us to slow down, and be still for a moment.
Do what you need to do to ground down! XO
Sometimes you just need to reconnect. Get outside. Be YOU
Upcoming Yoga Retreats -
Upcoming Yoga Retreats Dearest Yogis! We are excited to enter the beautiful season of fall with two incredible retreats before the new year. Think about taking some time for yourself to celebrate your life and reconnect to your body, mind, and soul. Mother earth is moving SO fast right now and it is our tendency to simply...
Yoga is the breath of life for my beautiful Julia Bryant’s bachelorette party! Incredible light in her life with blessings overflowing
Our Pinedale tribe
Yoga in the Wyoming range with my beautiful niece! Feels good to be HOME and can’t wait for a week full of yoga, friends, and Wyoming sun 🌞
Can you spot all the Yogis?
What an amazing trip!! These are the memories and connections that stay with you for life. Thank you Jessica Panko for the photos and memories!!
Oh my goodness!!! What a blast it was to adventure with you ladies!
It's time to head out!
This is one of my favorite retreats! It is such a privilege to spend time out on the Denali Highway with these amazing and strong women!
When was the last time you were around people that inspired you?
Have you ever been to Alaska?!
It's that time of year for my migration!!
I've made my way north to Alaska for our women's mushing retreat!!
This is an invitation to explore the untamed and unlimited possibilities that dwell within you while starting exactly where you are.
Through our guided retreats and yoga instruction, we hope you find inspiration to take care of yourself first.
Lodging/Food BOOKED SEPARATELY through Boulder Lake Lodge
Meet our founder, May Rose, who brings an untamed, loving spirit to every yoga class, and adventure. Since 2019, May has been facilitating yoga retreats throughout Alaska, across her homeland of the Rocky Mountains, and in the incredible Arizona desert.