Louisville Special Education PTSA

Louisville Special Education PTSA


Welcome to the Louisville Special Education PTSA


Announcing our very first event! Please join us on November 2, 2022 at the St Matthews Library to learn more about the Louisville Special Education PTSA and explore the opportunities to incorporate Music Therapy into schools!

Join the Louisville Special Education PTSA here - https://kentuckypta.memberhub.com/store/items/733293

Check out our partners here:
UL Music Therapy Clinic - louisville.edu/music/mtc
Restorative Sound - https://www.facebook.com/RestorativeSoundLLC/
Louisville Expressive Therapies - http://louisvilleexpressivetherapies.com/


Hello from the Louisville SEPTA executive board!

Thank you to Agave & Rye Louisville for giving us ample space to fine tune our mission and vision, while also brainstorming a new logo, while also planning our first event, while also connecting professionally and while also sharing a DE-LISH dinner!

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Overview of Kentucky Medicaid Waiver Programs and Process Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 15/09/2022

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Overview of Kentucky Medicaid Waiver Programs and Process Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. The Kid SpOt, DMS & KY-SPIN Presented by: Pam Smith, Director of Long Term Services and Supports, DMS and Alisha Clark, Assistant Director of Long Term Services and Supports, DMS Description: Overview of 1915(c) Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid waivers programs and process. The Dep...


Curious about music therapy? Here's a great opportunity to learn more with the University of Louisville Music Therapy Clinic!

It's been a while since...

we've had a clinic showcase! We can't wait to welcome you back to the clinic on September 9th. We'll be jamming in Bird Hall and showcasing the music we've been making in the past year starting at 4:30, with sensory-friendly live music and open tours of our clinic space! We'll see you soon!


📆 Reminder for the FIRST meeting tomorrow night at 7 PM on zoom.

💵 Dues are $5 (plus a processing fee of 68 cents)
You can pay them here:

Paid memberships will be invited to the private Facebook group where the zoom link is posted.

Topics for tomorrow:
➡️ Establish the PTA
➡️ Approve officers
➡️ Schedule a training
➡️ Any other ideas? Add a comment 👇

MemberHub MemberHub helps you engage your supporters, raise money online with less work, and harness innovation to build up your entire community through GIvebacks. See why over 12,000 organizations and over 2.4 million people use MemberHub to thrive.


Welcome to the Louisville Special Education PTA!

This is a community organization in Louisville, KY. Our members include:
➡️ parents and caregivers of students eligible for special education services in Louisville
➡️ teachers and support staff working with special education students in Louisville
➡️ community members who are interested in supporting students in special education in Louisville

Here is a link to become a member - https://kentuckypta.memberhub.com/store/items/733293

Once you are a member, you will be provided access to our private Facebook group that contains the link for the first meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7pm on zoom.

MemberHub MemberHub helps you engage your supporters, raise money online with less work, and harness innovation to build up your entire community through GIvebacks. See why over 12,000 organizations and over 2.4 million people use MemberHub to thrive.

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