Indie GoGo Campaign just went live. Please share widely! We launch the full site on August 24th and we need your help.
Let's Have Dinner and Talk About Death :: deathoverdinner.org
How we want to die – represents the most important and costly conversation America isn’t having. This engaging website will create a new national conversation.
Last September we had the honor of designing + hosting this remarkable dinner for the Mastercard Foundation as part of CGI. Gorgeous film by Wayne Price + spectacular table canvas by www.wearecivilized.us.
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
We might have forgotten to post the launch of our new microsite designed by CIVILIZATION. Full site launches mid summer - when we will ask the country to stop, gather those they care about, and engage in this important conversation. The metrics surrounding end of life care inspire outrage - follow us at as we build out this critical platform.
Let's Have Dinner and Talk About Death
How we want to die – represents the most important and costly conversation America isn’t having. We have gathered dozens of thought leaders, engineers, and designers to cast an unflinching eye at end of life – and to create an uplifting interactive adventure that transforms this seemingly difficult…
Oops - we are terrible negligent - and forgot to post many things. Let's start with: One Pot Founder to speak at TEDMED mainstage - April 18th at the Kennedy Center.
Speaker: Michael Hebb
Speaker: Michael Hebb
It may have taken 11 years... but we are quite thrilled the New Yorker has taken notice of the so-called underground food movement.
The Allure of the Underground Supper Club
Around the world, cooks are starting to host sporadic supper clubs and dinner parties in unofficial spaces. Craig Thornton’s Wolvesmouth is the toughest reservation in the city of L.A.
week in the life of one pot.
wednesday - halloween death dinner for 16 at the kundig table of truth, gorgeous, deep learning, definitely the way to pay honor to our ancestors.
thursday - hosted salon and dinner for 20 global health leaders with the star of tracy kidders new best seller the strength in what remains. deo is stunning, moved everyone to tears. lifelong friendship made, visiting deo in burundi in february.
friday - travel to sf, zuni, travel to napa, mustards, bed.
saturday - trefethen table of truth dinner with 20 ocean conservation leaders, world bank, national geographic, waitt foundation - unbelievably powerful session on the future of the high seas. it was clear that real work will happen as a result of this gathering.
sunday - my new 13 year old intern meets me at marin farmers market, cook a feast for 20 design luminaries, and test a new type of symposium with digital media jockeys capturing a profound conversation about design and its power to change the world. mindblowing evening.
monday - dinner with shauna shapiro and a dozen mindfulness thought leaders discussing our new book about ritual, mindfulness, and the table. huge night, electric and so clear this work is wanted/needed.
tuesday - mr o gets four more, we legalize pot and gay marriage, the world opens its heart just a bit wider = huge day for humanity.
new commitment - let every week be this transformative!
Some notes and musings on our Table of Truth 3.0
Table Talk at Olson Kundig's Storefront | City Arts Magazine
Table Talk is the latest - and arguably, the most thought-provoking - installation of an ongoing series of Storefront projects in the large open space below the Olson Kundig offices in Pioneer Square.
What Ever Happened to One Pot?
After a lengthy silence, the roving forum put on by Michael Hebb resurfaces—and it's rather intense.
And a little still life from the Death Dinner
Death Dinner No. 1 sf / tremendously powerful evening. Most important lesson learned: people are ready for this conversation. And if this DD business doesn't make sense? One Pot + MCDM + a bunch of healthcare and spiritual leaders are working together to build a digital platform called Lets Have Dinner and Talk About Death.
come tmrw nite to see what made neko case cry at first listen. www.nightnightnight.org
Y La Bamba - Juniper (Music Video)
Track: Juniper by Y La Bamba Label: Tender Loving Empire Director: Matthew Gamlen Production Co: Tangible Worldwide Executive Producer: Merrick Cinematograph...
Kimya dawson and dream hampton, live webcast 7pm pst, greenroom session
Only a few seats left for this remarkable mash up of Kimya Dawson and dream hampton.
The Stranger Suggests: Kimya Dawson | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
The Stranger Suggests: Kimya Dawson. Songwriter Kimya Dawson's compositions have always straddled the worlds of music and literature, with her singsongy melodies supporting torrents of lyrics that are rich with writerly detail.
One Pot begins Master's Fellowship at UW: syllabus from lunch session number one. Send us reading suggestions for future sessions.
one pot: Hebb/One Pot embark on Master's Fellowship with MCDM at UW. Focus: Social Ritual + Digital.
Author of Black Hawk Down in conversation with Microsoft Chief Creative Officer. Come get it. Oct. 27th. Night School // Seattle
NIGHT SCHOOL: Penthouse Symposium No. 16. With Mark Bowden (author of Black Hawk Down) and his new.
Penthouse Symposium No. 16. With Mark Bowden (author of Black Hawk Down) and his new book WORM: The First Digital World War.
Everyone. Come.
NIGHT SCHOOL: Chamber Vs. Chamber No. 8: Kimya Dawson + Dream Hampton. Nov. 7th
An extra special Chamber session with famed writer Dream Hampton and our favorite singer/songwriter Kimya Dawson. Expect some new songs, plus "a dialogue with Kimya about her newest album's major and minor themes: oceans, cancer, transgendered heros, feeling safe in your own skin, saving public libr...
The collaboration between One Pot and MCDM begins... Brilliant little video by Macklin MCDM of DJ Spooky at Night School.
Video: DJ Spooky at the Sorrento Hotel for Night School
Composer, multimedia artist and writer Paul D. Miller AKA DJ Spooky is always on the cutting edge of where digital media and music intertwine. He’s helped create his own app with Apple, can DJ entire sets using only his tablet, and has always pushed the boundaries of what’s possible when you combine...
How much insane talent can you fit in one single Nashville night... Bobby Bare Jr., Tucker Martine, Carey Kotsionis, Kevin Murphy (The Moondoggies), Jason Scott Dodson (The Maldives). Let the cup runneth over.
NIGHT SCHOOL: SUMMER SCHOOL No. 1. Bobby Bare Jr, Tucker Martine, Carey Kotsionis, Kevin Murphy (the
bobby bare jr. is a nashville superstar, and an indie rock demi god, and one of the most entertaining charisma-rich brilliant human beings we know. tucker martine is straight up one of the most in-demand producers of our generation (hot off the billboard number one decemberists album) and he is
Last ticket for Jack Quartet's pitch black performance at Night School just flew out the door - but Town Hall still has a few seats + the Tuesday show includes Joshua Roman.
TownMusic: JACK Quartet
TownMusic: JACK Quartet
one pot comes home. tomorrow night. grab a seat.
one pot: one pot returns to seattle. dinner with sharifa, tomorrow night
tomorrow night. join me. i will cook. you will share pots of food with renowned writer and scholar sharifa rhodes-pitts. we originally thought that this would be better as a symposium, but at the final hour we are changing gears and lengthening the table, and making this a communal feast. the t
Seattle, Wednesday night, need some handy cooks (non-pro is fine) and a couple extra hands for a colossal dinner with Sharifa. Penthouse of the Sorrento. Amazing special guests.
Q & A with Author Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts - Culture - Vogue
Q & A with Author Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts
Who are the five best chefs in San Diego?! We need to get them to come and cook with me early April for The 30 Project Round II. Hook us up fbook network. Round I included Chez Panisse and Nopa and Leif Hedendal!
A great piece about the C-Lab + One Pot collaboration. Four tables down!
Variations on a Table: Jeffrey Inaba Uses Salvaged Materials to Redesign Dinner - Food - GOOD
What happens when you limit your table designs to what can be built from reclaimed materials in local co-op workshops? (Hint: good things.)
sf chronicle gives 30 project some love.
Project 30 dinner tackles hunger and obesity
Some birthdays change lives. That's Ellen Gustafson's hope, who upon turning 30 last year, launched the 30 Project - a program to address world hunger and obesity by convening 30 food activists in 30 cities across the...
WE LAUNCHED THE SHIP! 29 PORTS to go! http://www.good.is/post/creating-a-better-food-system-one-dinner-at-a-time/
Creating a Better Food System, One Dinner at a Time - Food - GOOD
The 30 Project launches in San Francisco with a simple mission: have dinner, change the world.
I NEED: a simple woodshop or workspace in SF: this week: to build an amazing table with C-LAB. Two days, super simple. Friend Network engage! Here is a pic of our last table.
An amazing response to our TEDx challenge: thanks Wallyhood!
TEDDYxWallingford | Wallyhood
Back in October, we were inspired by TEDxRainier, a day of fascinating and inspiring talks by local geeks, chefs, visionaries, authors and do-gooders. What we
We almost forgot to put this little diddy up on the site... TEDx talk by One Pot founder Michael Hebb on: Tablemaking. Spread it around!
TEDxRainier -- Michael Hebb -- Table Making
Michael Hebb serves up more than food when he invites you to dinner. This is no surprise from someone who strongly believes that the table is one of the most effective and overlooked vehicles for changing the world. In 2001, Hebb and partner Naomi Pomeroy opened an illegal restaurant in their Po
Fall Recap II cont… It is clear that the bounty provided by Gramercy Cellars, Andrew Will, Washington State Wine Commission, Theo Chocolate, Caffé Vita Coffee Roasting Co., House Spirits Distillery and Chefs Cormac Mahoney and Mary Cleaver /The Green Table - helped spark the remarkable dialogue, let it be just one of
Fall Recap II: Tucked away in a NYC apartment 30 international leaders came together to share a family style feast and discuss: how to end genocide. Half the guests were "off" record, including a president of an East African country and an actor you might recognize - joined by former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, Dikembe Mutombo, Valentino Achak Deng, and many committed philanthropists.