We hope you have a great holiday season with your family and loved ones. 💜🎁🎄
Home of the brightbeam DC Parent Action Advocacy Team (PAAT) Fellowship.
The 2020 team seeks to organize parent voice and collect research surrounding the intersection of youth disability, race, and the academic achievement gap.
Operating as usual
We hope you have a great holiday season with your family and loved ones. 💜🎁🎄
Day 21 of : We thank all of creation for babies. They are the start of us, they are the best of us. 🍼
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 20 of : FixPat knows there are many ways to show up and stand up! 💯
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Check out the recap video of our most recent For the Love of JEDI Community Baby Shower this past November at the RISE Demonstration Center Washington, DC! ✨
For the Love of JEDI Community Baby Shower #2 Baby Shower on November 12, 2021Location: RISE Demonstration Center Washington, DCVideo Credit: Twin the Photographer
Day 19 of : FixPat is focused on celebrating maternal love, which is genderless. 💜
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
The For the Love of JEDI Community Baby Shower is quarterly program that elaborates on a simple concept of showing love for family members through giving parents key staples for child rearing.
In this event, we are showering support on a wider family – our neighbors in the community. It starts with us identifying 10 neurodiverse pregnant mothers or economically disadvantaged families raising children from birth to 8 years old with disabilities, developmental delays, mental health diagnoses or related conditions. 💜
Day 18 of : Today, we simply thank . We look forward to joining in efforts!
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
The longer term vision for FixPat is to expand our multigenerational approach to disability positive support and services to also include programming that also impacts the quality of life of grandparents, non-parents and the workforce along different industries that impact the functions of the systems of care.
Our greater vision is to expound upon and establish inclusive cultural celebrations for all ages as an important step to increase disability visibility. 💜
Please consider donating to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Day 17 of : We are grateful for the cycles of birth and rebirth. Our NeuroMama resiliency care packages are monthly subscription bag and boxes intended to celebrate those rebirthing moments. 🍼
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 16 of : FixPat celebrates the intersection of being Black and disabled from an immigrant lens.
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 15 of : FixPat celebrates the history of self-advocates, family caregivers, and community activators.
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 14 of : FixPat celebrates the art and science of caregiving. 😷
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
The short-term vision for FixPat is to provide support for families with young children, recognizing that disabilities exist amongst multiple members, and amongst multiple generations.
Also, in cases where the parent, or caregiver, may not be disabled, they still face significant barriers as a supporter of their child, spouse or other close relative in a child’s life that require functional systems in order to achieve a high quality of life.
Additionally, disabled parents face unique challenges and barriers in their caregiving that would manifest whether or not their child does not have a disability.
For these reasons, FixPat as a start-up nonprofit organization focuses on the systems of care, focuses on early childhood, as the starting point in offering emotionally intelligent supports and services that promote neurodiversity and bring awareness to the unique challenges faced by neurodiverse pregnant mothers, disability self-advocates that are parents and families raising children with disabilities birth to 8 years old.
📷 taken at the November For The Love Of JEDI Community Baby Shower.
Donate today. 💜 https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Day 13 of : FixPat celebrates the process of becoming a self-determined young adult. 🚀
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Please consider donating to FixPat today: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Day 12 of : Salute to our early child care educators! 📚
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
The name FixPat is a combination of the names Felix and Patience, who are the parents of the founder and servant-leader, Chioma Oruh. Chioma and her parents are first generation Washingtonians. They were originally from Nigeria and moved to the United States in 1989.
Shortly after this move, their oldest son, and Chioma’s oldest brother, would start showing signs of schizophrenia and would be diagnosed as a young adult. As a new immigrant family, they would encounter many barriers in navigating the mental health systems of care.
This early youth experience shaped Chioma, as she observed her parents’ fierce love for all their children, as well as the impact on their health and finances with little to no systems or support to help with managing her brother’s mental health condition.
These experiences would shape Chioma’s own mothering, mental health self-advocacy, and caregiver advocacy as she became a mother of two brilliant autistic sons and remains a caregiver for her brother.
Please consider donating to this advocacy today. 💜 https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Day 11 of : FixPat is grateful for the DC Department of Healthcare Finance and the current Managed Care Organizations of the District of Columbia. 💯
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 10 of : FixPat is grateful for the disability justice warriors in our sphere! We see you and give you your flowers. 🌺
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 9 of : FixPat stands in solidarity with families that have experienced traumas due to trauma navigating through the systems of care.
We know that social justice work is part of community care, and we look forward to collaborating in important, restorative ways.
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Today in our we celebrate the joy of gift giving! Our NeuroMama Boxes of Love are resiliency packages which include samples of wellness products!
Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
We are officially through week 1 of our ! Today we salute the male caregivers - fathers, brothers, uncles, teachers, etc.
Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Today in our we celebrate the Grandparents! We salute you, grandparents, and the many unforgettable roles you play in childrens' lives.
Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Today in our we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities!
Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 4 of : FixPat centers our work on providing anti-ableist, decarceral, decolonial and liberatory community care grounded in the art and science of mothering. We salute our mothers on the frontlines and in solidarity.
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Cynara Ms. P's Daycare Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC
Day 3 of is dedicated to Felix & Patience Oruh. FixPat is a combination of their names to represent the commitment of disability self-advocates and family caregivers.
Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
Day 2 of : We thank the Planning Committee of The JEDI Community Baby Shower Program. It truly takes a village!
Considering that FixPat was founded a nonprofit organization in May 2020, we’ve come out strong via launching the For the Love of JEDI Community Baby Shower Program. This program is hosted quarterly, and our first community baby shower launched in July 2021, and we just closed out the second and last event of 2021 on November 12th.
Without our Planning Committee, OUR VILLAGE, we would have not been able to successfully host two JEDI Community Baby Showers this year! So, today, we thank the village that has quickly, and with enthusiasm, rallied around FixPat to join in the vision of coming together as a community to support families facing adverse and disabling challenges, for families with pregnant mothers and families of children birth to 8 years old.
➡️ Please consider making a donation to FixPat: https://bit.ly/3d0e5JA
Serve Your City Citizen Ed Mothers Outreach Network PAVE Ward 5 Mutual Aid - Washington, DC Cynara Ms. P's Daycare
In FixPat’s first year in operation, we have so much to be grateful for!! ✨
From on-boarding our amazing Board of Directors to successfully hosting two For the Love of JEDI Community Baby Shower Program in July and November, the future is bright for FixPat. 🍼🖍️
We look forward to providing cooperative mutual aid to disability self-advocates and family caregiver advocates in support of wellness, community and establishing positive and intersectional family-centered, person-centered, Black-led, disability justice-seeking culture in the Washington, DC region. 💯
Please support us in providing NeuroMama monthly care packages and other products and services for or self-advocates and/or family caregivers of children with disabilities birth to 8 years old by making a donation now: