Amy Malate for Yorkville School Board-Students First

Amy Malate for Yorkville School Board-Students First


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Yorkville, you are being heard!!! Over 500 people in our small town made it out to vote yesterday and while I came up a little shy, I am so proud of the people I've met along the way who are fired up and excited for a change! Thank you all for getting behind this {teacher advocate, students first} momma!


As a school board member you can ensure I will be trustworthy and honest. I will be accessible and transparent. I am cognizant of the ebbs and flow of maintaining a desired place of education. I dedicated nearly ten years as an educator in a large school district and worked hard to make every student a believer in themselves. I am a passionate advocate for educators and the promise of public school education.
Tomorrow you have the opportunity to let your voice be heard; to call upon the two candidates you feel will support Yorkville School District in excellence.


There has been much tension this year between the school administration, the staff, and the community. School board meetings have become contentious, with dozens of parents and community members voicing concerns that have gone without response or action by the board. Though the performance of the school has not yet statistically suffered, the signs are clear that the culture must change to preserve the integrity of the education product.

Month after month, empassioned parents and teaching staff plead with the board to open a dialogue to address the many concerns raised at the meetings. The administration has asked the teachers to go unpaid for two months. There has been confusion and poor communication over payroll changes and retirement funds. The school has seen an uptick in fights on school grounds. Staff is not allowed a two-way communication with the administration and has only been given need-to-know details given at the latest possible moment. The morale of the teachers who have delivered the superlative performance marks is at an all-time low due to a toxic work environment, which puts the school at a high risk of losing the incredible talent they’ve assembled.

Fortunately, the solution can be simple. As a board, we can sit down with staff and administration to understand the challenges each side is experiencing and communicate those with the community. Holding smaller-group or town hall-style sessions can quickly rebuild trust with the district. I will push for transparency and accountability when presented with problems to ensure the issues get resolved quickly with a key point person to champion the cause. This approach will take time and energy, but I’m fully prepared and excited to start the process.


I think there’s more to being a school board member than attending a meeting once a month. Board members need to show a presence at school functions, activities, and in the hallways. I think board members should support what the school needs, but also need to prioritize the most pressing needs against the district budget. Foremost, the school needs to be a safe, healthy, positive environment to enable students and faculty to thrive. The board MUST operate with openness and transparency, as it is the link between the community and the school. I firmly support creating forums for open dialogue with the community. To that end, I think a school board needs to be comprised of members with business savvy, a sense of the community, and a background in education.


One week away!


The foundations of Yorkville school have remained constant over the years. The school is highly integrated with the community, which fosters collaboration with families. Graduates of our school have gone on to be farmers, businessmen, educators, parents and skilled tradesmen. They have grown into positive voices in the community in parallel with their professional success. We have to protect this model, as it is time-tested and highly successful. This approach is the core of Yorkville’s educational philosophy: the focus on community and the importance of becoming positive members of the community. I believe we can achieve this outcome while promoting academic success.


Let's commit to making it the best for our staff AND students!


After nine years in education, I’ve learned that the path to improving student growth and performance begins with our teachers. We need to support teachers and provide them opportunities for growth for our kids to excel adacemically. Educators are tasked with developing the students’ ability to learn. It is the district’s job to encourage, support, and aid them in accomplishing this mission.

When we, as the community, ask our teachers to do anything beyond developing our students, it dilutes their ability to be successful. The district is the supporting platform on which our teachers must perform. Teachers are specialists in modern education best-practices. Their professional development is focused on incorporating the latest and best techniques for reaching students with a broad spectrum of learning approaches. The teachers are the experts, and they deserve to be heard. It is the teachers who are best suited to recommend improvements to the current approach, and they need an administration that knows and respects that. The administration should enact these practices in a financially responsible manner, WITHOUT sacrificing what’s best for students.


Yorkville, you have a couple of important primary elections on the ballot. Please don't forget to exercise your right to vote February 18th!

*Absentee voting is now underway and is a great way to vote early if you cannot make it on voting day.


Hi Friends!
My name is Amy (Bower) Malate, and I am running for Yorkville School Board. I was an elementary educator in SE Wisconsin for nine years and grew up in this community attending Yorkville School.

As a member of the school board, I will strive to prioritize student success and growth in the classroom and the community. I will advocate for the great teachers that have made Yorkville the destination School Choice district it has become, and I will protect the foundations that have made our district great: our focus on education, a positive environment for the students to prepare them to learn, and integration with the community as a partner in the education process.

We have to get back to putting the students first, and that is my commitment as part of the board. I’d love your support on February 18, and I’m excited to work with you to make our school the model of student success and achievement once again.

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