BACC Speech/Language Program

BACC Speech/Language Program


Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BACC Speech/Language Program, Education, .


Indoor yard sale June 8, 2024 at First Church of God ( in the gym )
10x10 spaces available for a minimum donation of $25- includes one table per space ( additional tables available on a first come first serve basis for a $5.00 donation )

Proceeds from donations will benefit the Global Autism Project’s work in Peru this summer .

I will be selling some things too and am happy to accept donations too . I do plan to sell snacks and drinks and would appreciate any donations for that as well. Please PM me to arrange drop off .

Please PM me with any questions.


Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari fans…. Be sure to mark your calendars for Global Autism Project auction May3 a June 2nd here on Facebook!!


Thanks to Gabrielle Hadley ( who designed it ) and Tara Lehmann (who is generously printing these for us ) I’ll be offering this shirt as a Global Autism Project fundraiser .
$22.00 for sizes 2x-4x
Add $6.00 for shipping ( this is for one shirt . If you are purchasing multiple contact me and we will figure out the cost )

You can donate directly here:

Or Venmo

Be sure to message me once you’ve paid with size you need and If you need shipping for more than one shirt

Photos from BACC Speech/Language Program's post 04/05/2024

Sneak peek!
Thanks to Nerdy Knick Knacks for the donation for the Global Autism Project auction coming up !

Karen Hadley's fundraising page for Global Autism Project 04/05/2024

Just got a surprise in the mail from Keeneland!

They donated 4 reserved Grandstand seats for the 2024 Fall Race Meet for the Global Autism Project
auction coming up soon !!

If you’re a Keeneland fan be sure to comment so I can be sure to invite you once I start posting things !!

If you’re ready to join the Global Autism Project mission check out my fundraiser and donate.

Karen Hadley's fundraising page for Global Autism Project A fundraising page benefiting Global Autism Project


Thanks to Ernestine Butcher for donating BlackBerry Jalapeño jelly for the Global Autism Project auction !! Here chessbars last time were a hot item ! I’m sure this jelly will be phenomenal!!

Little Caesars Fundraising | Click to Raise Money for a Cause 29/04/2024

Great for this busy season. Stock up for the summer! Support a great cause too . All proceeds will support Global Autism Project and my upcoming trip to Peru . Join the Global Autism Project!!

Little Caesars Fundraising | Click to Raise Money for a Cause Easy, delicious, and profitable – our products are a hit with groups of all ages!


I will be having an online auction the weekend of June 1st . If anyone owns a business and would like to donate gift cards or any items let me know . If anyone else has any other items they’d like to donate let me know that as well . I already have lots of cool things I’m working on getting !
You can also donate directly to my fundraising campaign as well !

Thanks in advance

Karen Hadley's fundraising page for Global Autism Project 26/04/2024

I’m honored to announce that I will be traveling with the Global Autism Project to Peru in July ! You can join the Global Autism project by sharing this fundraising campaign and/or by donating .

I will also be taking donations for an online auction again ( Ernestine Butcher is going to start baking again 😂) and for a yard sale . I’m so excited to travel again with this wonderful organization!

Karen Hadley's fundraising page for Global Autism Project A fundraising page benefiting Global Autism Project


I’m excited to announce that I will be traveling to Peru this summer with the Global Autism Project (skillcorps ) . Be sure to check back for details and ways you can join the Global Autism Project mission .

Photos from BACC Speech/Language Program's post 16/11/2023

Just a few weeks away from sensory Santa . We have a few spots available . Contact me for details!

Also, if anyone would like to donate anything for the event … we need prepackaged snacks ( pretzels, goldfish , snack cakes ) , small books or items to give to the children who attend. I’m still trying to arrange therapy dogs to join us as well 🙂

Always one of my favorite days of the year!!

This is the shirt from a few years ago ( another Gabrielle Hadley design!) I’m not planning on taking up an order this year but if you are interested in getting one let me know and I’ll see what I can do 🙂


Tomorrow the fabulous Wi******er First Church of God will be having a fundraiser lunch. Any money raised will support my upcoming trip to Rwanda with the Global Autism Project ! (Only 25 days until I’ll be on my way to New York)

Id love to have families join us for lunch and fellowship ( donation appreciated but not mandatory )

Hope to see everyone there ! Feel free to come for lunch or join us for church at 10:00am!


This looks like some great information !


I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who donated items for the auction and everyone who bid ! I’m blown away by the generosity of my community and the competitiveness over some
Yummy chess bars!!

I’m thrilled to report , I’ve met my minimum fundraising goal of $10,250! I will continue to raise funds for any travel expenses not covered .


I’ve invited lots of friends to the auction tomorrow . Please check for an invitation. Check out what’s listed and please share!


Don’t forget to stop by Mod Pizza tomorrow. They will donate 20% to Global Autism Project . Join the GAP mission and get me closer to my 10,000 fundraising challenge
David and I will be there around 12:00pm if anyone wants to come eat with us!

Fundraising for Global Autism Project 01/06/2023

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be traveling again in October with the Global Autism Project . I don’t know where I’ll be going yet ( I told them to send me where. They may need me the most ). This time I Have to raise 10,000 ( this cover in country projects and all of my travel expenses ) . Please consider joining the Global Autism Project Mission by donating to my fundraising efforts. Any amount helps . Continue to keep me in your prayers as I push myself outside of my comfort zone !

Fundraising for Global Autism Project A fundraising page benefiting Global Autism Project

Photos from BACC Speech/Language Program's post 28/02/2021

Missing hanging out with our Paris friends . Hoping we can back get together soon.

Happy birthday Kit! Hope it is amazing


If interested, please contact Karen Hadley for more information at (859) 340-2476 or Stacy Halbert (606)366-6511. Please call or text for information. You may also contact Emma Sheridan at Speech/Language Therapy Services, LLC for any payment or billing questions at (859) 572-0430
We are excited for the opportunity to work with your child!
Karen B. Hadley MS CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
Stacy Halbert MAEd
IECE Teacher
Kelly Centers
Super awesome instructional assistant


I have been wanting to “rebrand” for a while. I am passionate about art/photography, but more passionate about making it accessible for everyone. Hence, For All Photography! I chose a puzzle piece 🧩 since it is a symbol of Autism Awareness (very close to my heart), but I want to flexible for the needs of ALL families.
Big thanks to Hadley for the new logo! Contact her for all of your graphics needs.

Photos from WFCOG Speech/Language and Occupational Therapy Program's post 25/06/2020
Timeline photos 21/06/2020

Any of our BACC friends are welcome to join us in Wi******er until we can get started in Paris again !

Last call. We have a few families who can’t make it so we have a few spots available . We cannot accept anyone for June sessions after tomorrow (Sunday June 7, 2020) I’ll be letting parents know times tonight . We are SO excited to see everyone again.

So looking forward to this . Please be sure to let us know as soon as possible if you will attend . We will have some new procedures in place that will require us to do a lot of planning to keep everyone safe .


Starting to think about building a caseload when all this is over . Contact us if you want to get on a waiting list for speech/language services for the summer ( or as soon as we are cleared to be seeing patients again) !!


I discovered something today! I need these zoom calls more than our super stars ever will! I need to see the sweet smiles and silly faces (Stacy Halbert’s and the kids too) they make! Hearing their sweet voices make my heart happy! We will do this often ! If you couldn’t join us tonight I selfishly hope you can make it next time !

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
