My Preschool At Bethany 2019-2020

My Preschool At Bethany 2019-2020


Christian based in a loving, caring environment.


The gang you know, the origin story you don’t. SCOOB! opens at Regal this Friday for only $5 a ticket! See it on the big screen:

Photos from My Preschool At Bethany 2019-2020's post 10/03/2020

For letter Kk week Pastor Doug taught us about being kind and why kind words are so important. We picked a name and had to write kind words about a friend in the classroom.


Almost full! Call to sign your child up for our fall session.

Photos from My Preschool At Bethany 2019-2020's post 10/03/2020

Our leprechaun was at it again!

Photos from My Preschool At Bethany 2019-2020's post 21/02/2020

Annual Valentine Tea Party with our moms

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