Seniors in Action

Seniors in Action


A Meeting Place for Seniors to Unite, Learn, Share & Act = Accomplish Improved Outcomes/Results.

Operating as usual


Happy Easter Everyone, safe travels on the road this Easter...

Voting as an older person in a referendum - OPAN 13/10/2023

...I just wanted to share some info. that I came across this week, when I just turned 70. I wanted to know if there was an Age exemption for Seniors for this Referendum. So after a bit of searching I found the answer - NO Exemption for Age, and so I wanted to share this and Save getting a Fine for not attending a Voting Centre. 8am - 6pm

Voting as an older person in a referendum - OPAN Information on how to vote as an older person in the upcoming referendum.


A very good weekend lunch with daughter yesterday. Visit from youngest son today who fixed the TV and stayed to talk about his exploit on sailing boats .he is in a happy place.


I have bit the Buller about to start this jigsaw.


Mutual Store
256 Flinders Street, Melbourne

This former department store has origins that date back to the 1870s; and established a store on this site, at the corner of Flinders and Degraves streets, in the 1880s. In a disastrous fire that destroyed the store in 1891, it was rebuilt with this building by the end of that same year. The ornate front of the building is faced in red brick and relieved in what is believed to be stone (now painted). Topping the Flinders Street front of the building is a statue of the Roman goddess Ceres, the emblem of the Mutual Store.

This building was designed by the eminent architectural firm of Reed Smart & Tappin. The contractors of the works were McConnell and McIntosh. The rebuilt store was designed to be fireproof, and measures such as wire shutters across window openings helped prevent its destruction in 1897 in what was quoined the ‘Great Fire’ that destroyed much of the surrounding building stock including its competitor Craig Williamson & Thomas close by in Elizabeth Street.

Retailers in this part of the city experienced a decline in customers by the mid-twentieth century, as big Bourke Street retailers such as Myer, Buckley & Nunn and Foys drew business north. Casualties included Craig Williamson in the 1930s and Ball & Welch which managed to trade until the 1970s. In an effort to increase clientele, the Mutual Store introduced attractions such as its novelty basement ‘Coffee Inn’ in the mid 1930s, designed in a rustic theme by architects Ballantyne & Sneddon.

In 1962, the Mutual Store scaled back its operations to the sale of food and liquor, and by 1964 a tenpin bowling alley, described by the Bulletin as Melbourne’s second bowling alley, was built in the store. The sound of the strike of tenpins from the Mutual Bowl could be heard from the Campbell Arcade. A former entrance to the Mutual Store is still visible at the north end of the Campbell Arcade.

The Mutual Store closed in 1965, and for many years the building was occupied by the CAE (Council of Adult Education). In more recent times, it has been adapted to use as an apartment building with shops on its ground floor.

Photograph: Peter Andrew Barrett Collection ©


Drove to Riddles Creek.Sunbury Road nightmare.
Drive home okay.


As some states prepare to go back to school next week, it's a good time to remind ourselves to move forward with kindness.

For lots of students, teachers, and parents - the past few school years have been tough. It's normal for the stress or anxiety from the last few years to resurface.

So, remember to move forward with kindness this school year.


Feeling good just spent time cleaning out wardrobe, Very satisfying. Now going to op shop. Always looking for wool to crochet


We have an opening at Moonee Valley U3A - we're looking for an admin for our page. Do you know anyone who may be interested in this role?

Moonee Valley U3A is a fun, active, not for profit group that's always looking for new volunteers ..... why don't you come along and join us?

If you're interested in helping out with our page, or any other role, eg committee, office duties, social activities, tutoring, etc, please contact our office on 9337 7779 and leave your details.

Timeline photos 24/08/2022

A Great example of People Power, record-breaking power.


Words of Wisdom....

Yes indeedee 😀


This lady is Still at it, what a great musician....


The Art of Song | 23 July 2022, 7:30pm

Come along for an evening of beautiful music, ranging from Handel to Hahn in this multisensory celebration of art, wine and song.

Melbourne soprano, Rachael Joyce, and pianist Tom Buchanan, will be performing a recital of approximately 60 minutes, complemented by the exquisite pieces on display in our 2022 Winter Select Exhibition and by the equally exquisite wines of the Mornington Peninsula’s oldest vineyard, Elgee Park.

Bookings are required - see our website for details.


A Very Close up look at LIFE....


Photos from Victorian Artists Society's post 10/07/2022

This a great little secret place in Melbourne with some great art to see....


This program is well worth a try..

Fluff Busting ( FB ) Purity F.B Purity - Clean up Facebook with the top rated browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari


What do Seniors want from the Next Federal Parliament?

Rapid offload emergency: More than 30 ambulances ramped overnight 29/04/2022

Vic State govt - Dan Andrews AND Scott Morrison LNP Govt are Both accountable...Victorians deserve Much Better....Remember this at the Federal & State Elections....and Don't forget Age Care Homes.....!!

Rapid offload emergency: More than 30 ambulances ramped overnight Ambulance Victoria declared yet another rapid offload emergency last night. The alert was made shortly before 9:30pm, after more than 30 ambulances were ‘ramped’ — taken off the road while waiting with their patients outside hospital emergency departments. At the time of the declaration only f...

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

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