Why Not Pot?

Why Not Pot?

People united to keep Montana the Last Best Place ! And to answer the question “Why Not?”


Is Legalizing Ma*****na in the best interest of a state or nation. Here's my observations;


While we do try to show theres a better way we DON'T look down on ma*****na users. Last night I was blessed to have a guy who was singing about ma*****na play with me:


“Legalization” is not about pot users escaping penalty as anyone that wanted pot could easily get a card before it. It’s about major drugs moving into an area. And what the police told me is “we used to bust it by smelling w**d and having probable cause to search a car, now that is taken away.”


The “legalization of Ma*****na” is not about someone no longer getting punished for smoking a joint. What it is about is a huge avalanche of legal pot coming into a state. The people who are mocking my posts are mostly those who want to profit from such. For MT. the result of ”legalization” that I have seen is 1. It’s even harder now to get people to work and good businesses we all enjoyed like Bullmans Pizza in Kalispell have closed cuz they CAN’T get people to work and others like me have to work 55 consecutive 13 hour days cuz I can’t find people who won’t steal to work. Another result I have seen is the local pot peddler has to sell m**h now cuz he was put out of business by the dispensary. Now Montanans are scared cuz Chinese surveylance has come to our state but no foreign army could more effectively prepare the USA for invasion than the legalization of pot already has; lethargy, less patriotism, people that don’t want to work much less defend a country. You got what you wanted but may not want what you got.


Get High on Life !


Happy TGV! I was thankful to play for a packed house and not have to smell pot once like i have to smell it everywhere in Montana now ! I think people are more present in their fun without it.


I excelled in Montana sports till I started smoking pot. Steer clear of it and fulfill all of your destiny !


Five years of my life in High school revolved around smoking and selling pot. It was the love of my life. During that time my grades went from. 3.78 avg. to a 2.9 avg. and I skipped school lots to get stoned. I went from representing Columbia Falls even internationally in All Star Baseball to not even going out for sports. Before Pot I was considered a leader in the school and nominated for class leadership positions. After pot I was voted for the senior yearbook as “the most spaced out kid”. When that happened I realized I thought I was so freakin’ cool cuz I had the best bud in the school and the best b**g in the valley but that others perceived me as just spaced out. Thankfully I found Jesus and was set free from pot ( to be honest I wanted to quit because I was still a very competitive cross country ski racer and I knew all that smoke was hurting my race times. ). It was so awesome having Gods Holy Spirit in my life which made me feel like the best Sensimillion
But had no side effects like forgetting where my keys were, feeling bored if I wasn’t stoned, paranoia after binge smoking, and worst of all feeling that my get up and go had got up and went ! I still have lots of friends who smoke and I don’t look down on them but have at times encouraged them to consider quitting. One who quit told me “after quitting pot I realized my life was like frozen in time and I wasn’t making progress in life”. Since then he created an award winning film and he and his wife went to Paris to accept the reward ! Another I encouraged to quit told me “I was using it for anxiety but realized after quitting it CAUSED great anxiety because it was costing me $15. To $18 per day and I only made $120. a day so I was always a dollar short and a day late. I know I get ridiculed for popping some peoples Cannabis bubble but if you are reading this consider how much money you would save not using it ! I put the money I used to use on pot and bought and built a 1971 Camaro SS and even saved enough to build the stock 350 into a fire breathing 393 Super Stroker with over 500 HP !


I warned Montana in my video that legalizing / replacing trust in God with looking to Cannabis to pay our bills and cure our ills would be met by Heavens displeasure. I have been in the Huckleberry business for 5 decades and this is the worst crop I have ever seen. One of my pickers usually makes 4 grand but he couldn’t even pick a quart. Idaho did not legalize and I AM DRIVING THERE to buy berries from their decent to good in places crop.


*****naDebate *****nadebate 15 Great Reasons why 44% of Montanans and I voted NO to legalizing recreational use Ma*****na in the Last Best Place. Now that its here people that didn't vote no tell me they regret. Share

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 13/01/2022

This doctor is a s***m expert and stated in this interview at Mayo Clinic that smoking and smoking pot are bad for s***m count but smoking Ma*****na has been proven to in some cases pass on genetically inferior altered s***m.

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 03/12/2021

I first quit pot when I was one of the top Cross Country ski racers in MT. : I really wanted to cuz I knew putting smoke in my lungs was not good for my race times. This morning I ran till sweat was rolling off my face (below) and it made me feel better than any joint ! Now I am 58 1/2 and this year did a ten mile race (below) and a rim to rim to rim Grand Canyon hike. but I know I could never do that if I was polluting the temple of the Holy Spirit (my body) with smoke!


In Jr. High I was a high honor role student, and was chosen to be on an all star baseball team that represented Montana even up in Canada. A year later I fell in love with pot, used it daily, and also sold it. Instead of now listening to my teachers I drew Ma*****na leafs on my arm or notebook. My grades slid a full grade point, I was too busy getting stoned with friends to even go out for baseball, and my get up and go got up and went ! Today I heard the USA just posted the largest trade deficit in our nations history: 81 Billion. The answer to this alarming trend is NOT for Canna Corporations to be the only growth sector of our economy ! Now I get high on life but always got a little MaryJane by my side 🙂. That’s my wife’s NAME and we do lots of hiking including a Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim ! I know those who wish to steam roll America under the wheels of Canna greed/ legalized pot will ridicule this post and maybe vandalize my stuff some more but I just want to say I am really proud of those of you who have had the guts to make a stand and be counted among the 44 percent of Montanans who voted NO. (If it was a fair election- one of this sites posts was seen by 110,000 Montanans and 61 % of them gave a thumbs up so how did that change to only 44%? I don’t know but keep up the resistance Patriots ! Last year I warned Montanans that for us as a State to turn from “In God We Trust” to “Canna will pay our bills and cure our ills” would have negative impact. From my point of view it has; We had 8 suicides in 6 months in Flathead county! NEVER in my lifetime has that happened ! Blame it on pot maybe not but I know for sure that the price of Huckleberries went from $44 a gallon to $77 a gallon. When I asked others in the regionally determined market why one answer they gave was that in the WA. and OR. crop they told me “people that used to pick for us now trim Bud and make the same $ without all the camping and mosquitos”. You may counter “see THAT’s progress !” But I don’t think it is because Huckleberries are better for people than getting stoned is and tourism and the part HUCKS play in that tourism is an important revenue stream for Montana.


A smart guy we love told us that after quitting a long-standing ma*****na addiction he realized his life had been “frozen in time” not progressing while using and that once he quit he started making money, drawing up plans for his house, and makin’ headway in life !


In Sunday’s paper this article shows that water is robbed to keep pot farms going. Some hip looking people applauded our efforts to keep Montana from being a pot state. I asked “Why?” They replied, “In southern Colorado where we are from the pot growers rob water for their farms even using small tankers to come take water from public parks and it has hurt the water table and brought rationing into many communities !”


My heart goes out to a lotta users who eventually develop a high happy self and a low bored - need to get high again self. Over time I have seen that duality turn into bipolar disorder in way too many people that I love. Wishin’ some could turn to Jesus or turn to exercise to get the high ! Anything doesn’t turn into a lifelong condition which needs meds / another high.


Tonight’s newscast talked about how WA did see more DUI once pot became legal but it is measured in different ways because driving with too much THC is also a DUI and how our state will need to spend more tax dollars to fund more drug level testing scientists


Pot legalization passed in MT by a small margin partly because a TV ad series promised the funds for Public Lands. Now we see it’s not even going there !

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 08/02/2021

I only boosted posts to Montanans. As you can see the post below reached 106,907 Montanans, (over 10 % of the state). 61% were “liking” Why then did that representation not make it to the vote? 2 months prior to the election every post I tried to boost was rejected (note 3 pics). Why in a free country would posts 61% of people are liking be rejected ? (Well obviously the platform either has different views or are being paid or coerced to silence us). But there could be another reason. Members of our own CIA have spoken out about what really happened in last election. I cannot share the link because it was removed from YouTube. But why was it removed ? View michaeljlindell.com to see “Absolute Proof”


Pretty awesome guys we had 63 new likes and 575 new followers in the last few days !

Helping 20 Guys Stay Off Drugs & Alcohol 27/11/2020

20 guys got tired of what drugs and alcohol did to their world and entered Gods Way recovery home. I spoke to them two days ago ;


Helping 20 Guys Stay Off Drugs & Alcohol On Nov. 25 I spoke to about 20 guys at God's Way Recovery Home on topics that will hopefully help them stay off Drugs and Alcohol and progress in their Spiri...

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 05/11/2020

I am very heartbroken that MT. Voted 56% to 43% to legalize pot. We started out great with over 100 K Montanans seeing some posts and 61% giving us the thumbs up. But in August FB rejected every post we attempted to boost. I can only theorize that someone paid them more to not show our ads than we were paying to show them. Local TV would not get back to me on ads either. So while Cannabis spent 2.3 million on TV ads from Sept. on and more on YouTube ads we had the microphone taken away from us. Well we better start owning a microphone I guess. I am proud of those of you who shared the ads. I did not take even $1.00 for donations but thanks for cheering us on. My friend from Oregon texted this morning ,”we have a pot shop on every block in town, we now voted to decriminalize Heroine and Co***ne , and we have riots every night on the streets of Portland.” It baffles me beyond belief why Montanans would trade the quality of life we have enjoyed for that ..?!$. But we did our best to resist in light of the censorship that occurred and I will resume more enjoyable aspects of my life. Cheers


Second Hand Pot Smoke is my wifes big reason to resist legalization. She says, "the air is so great here and smells like nature... I don't want it to smell like pot like when we were in Washington !


Every state that legalizes makes a clause that "under 21 can't buy it" but that is inevitably the group that gets it the most.


15 Great Reasons to VOTE NO on I-190 Montanans will vote in a few days wether or not to become a full on Pot State like OR.,CO.,CA, and WA. Numerous people who left those state, and came to MT., tell here why they left their beloved state and others still living there tell what life is really like there since legalization.


3500 people have now received a “Keep Montana Productive” sticker. Of those these people wanted to make their stand public in our current flyer; “15 Great Reasons to vote No on I-90” which is circulating throughout the state with good response.


OF the 40,000 Montanans who viewed this post Over 600 of the 1000 (61%). reactions were a like or a love affirming the content that we don’t need or want the massive influx of pot that legalization would bring !


We are from Oklahoma but recently visited Loveland and Colorado Springs, Co. Where we beheld hordes of homeless people. The locals there told us it didn’t start till they legalized pot.

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 27/08/2020

Every day new people rally to the cause and with each one that stands up Montanans realize they are not doomed to out of state drug exploitation starting Nov. 4 !


Some in Montana say “legalize it !” It will cure our ills, pay our bills, and fill our tills. But most all my customers from Oregon like these gals say “Are you guys CRAZY MT ?! Look
What it did to our state !

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 26/08/2020

Please don’t think I look down on or disrespect people who smoke pot, I did myself for years and here I am entertaining a couple of my friends who do. But partly why I don’t want it legalized is because of what I have seen it do to my friends and myself but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy people that feel differently on this matter than I do. This is not about hating anyone but about loving Montana enough to resist its exploitation through drugs.


We are reaching a lot of people ! Best news is Montanans are saying We Don’t Want DRUG money to build new roads for stoned drivers and new schools for stoned kids ! We may be simple people that get on our Levi’s and work ten hours a day but our taxes are already paid and our minds are strong !


She feels if you want to live a LONG time don’t put smoke in your lungs and claim it is helping your MEDICAL condition :)

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 18/08/2020

People gobbled up the first 3000 stickers I ordered so I got 2000 more ! We don’t need legalized pot here because already anyone who wants to can easily get a card that lets them get over 5 ounces a month (double what I used to smoke when I wasted 6 years of my life smoking 3 times a day and selling it )

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 11/08/2020

Some of the people excited to get stickers today ! Top were 14 young people in a van having fun going around the country! Bottom was a gal from WA. Saying “wish we had fought it now every major town I go in I gotta breathe second hand pot smoke !”


This guy says “go ahead keep ur pot money, we been payin taxes just fine here in MT. Just fine and don’t need our young people stoned and moving on to M**h and Heroine in order to pay Montana’s Taxes ! He said he’s going to put it on the company truck !


I am an ER nurse in Tacoma where drugs are running rampant since WA legalized pot. The youth smoke w**d then get on the conveyor belt to M**h and Heroine ! All they do is play video games, get tattoos and refuse ANY work. Please Montana don’t legalize Pot this November 4th !!! “Seattle is Dying” on YouTube confirms what I am saying !

Photos from Why Not Pot?'s post 06/08/2020

When this page went public in March we had 4 followers, now in less than 6 months 683 likes and over 700 followers ! I have personally paid a price for starting it with threats and vandalism but it’s a worthy cause because this is not about freedom to be able to smoke
Pot ; anyone with a stubbed toe can easily get a card to possess 5 ounces a month (way more than anyone would smoke) This is about
Polluting our horizons with signs like this one I took a pic of in Oregon, turning our schools into places kids can’t even go to the restroom without having to smell the fumes and taking away our Police ability to fight drugs : the local Sheriff told me how they catch most M**h and Heroine is smelling pot when they come up to a car and investigating further with probable cause. But once that is taken away from them M**h and Heroine come flooding in (look at the live video of the lady who left Colorado became Heroine flooded into her local Highschool the minute Ma*****na was legalized ( and a heroine sanctuary created in Denver )


As a young man I dreamed of playing pro ball and worked hard to achieve it. After my team from tiny MT. Towns went 14-1 one coach and some people thought I might play on TV someday. At age 12 I was selected to play even internationally. Age 13 I got into pot and from a broken home was soon smoking 3 times a day and didn’t really care about anything but the next high - I didn’t even go out for baseball. God helped me get off pot at age 18 but by then my window of opportunity was closed. I did play a bit of college ball late in life and my softball team won first last week. But somewhere out there in Montana is a young man like me who has a dream and I don’t want to see their dream derailed by Pot like mine was ! Keep Montana Productive !

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“Legalization” is not about pot users escaping penalty as anyone that wanted pot could easily get a card before it. It’s...
Get High on Life !
Happy TGV! I was thankful to play for a packed house and not have to smell pot once like i have to smell it everywhere i...
I  excelled in Montana sports till I started smoking pot.  Steer clear of it and fulfill all of your destiny !
Why 44% Voted No
15 great reasons to VOTE NO on I-190
