ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project

ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Digitales Leben 4 | iMooX 19/10/2023

At Universität Wien the "Digital Life 4" MOOC has recently been published. It includes findings of our ERUM project and will be integrated in digital education courses. It is furthermore available as an OER MOOC (unfortunately in German only).

Digitales Leben 4 | iMooX Dieses Video wird von YouTube gehostet, durch Klick darauf werden Daten an YouTube übermittelt. Es gelten die Datenschutzbestimmungen von YouTube.


Do you know that today marks the start of the global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week?

MIL plays an important role in responding to disinformation and misinformation.

🔎 If you are looking for ways to reinforce media literacy and information literacy skills of your students, we suggest you take a look at ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project Open Educational Repository.

A platform with freely accessible resources developed by the to equip higher education students with critical thinking skills and improve their resilience to “fake news”.

Visit ➡️


In September we participated in the conference, dedicated to trust in science and democracy. Discussions throughout the day confirmed our findings and the relevance of our outputs. Read more about it here:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Today we participate in the 1st Austrian conference dealing with trust in science and democracy, an issue deeply connected with the !


Quality control of information, inclusive science communication, the enhancement of social trust as well as education are needed to strengthen a healthy information ecosystem! In ERUM we tried to address these issues. Our outcomes are all available for free on our website in the resources section:

Understanding is the first step towards prevention ...




́ncientífica #


Have you visited our Open Educational Repository yet? 🤓

It hosts a wide variety of freely accessible resources for higher education on controversially discussed issues prone to disinformation as well as modules that enhance general knowledge about disinformation and conspiracy myths amongst others. Some learning modules also provide guidance in connection to story telling and evidence-based communication. The resources can easily be transferred to elearning systems such as moodle and used in different fields of study! For your convenience you can also apply a keyword search:



Want to find out more about our project? Watch the 2nd part of the ERUM video 🎬


We summarised our experiences and outcomes in a short video, watch the first chapter below:


While our project officially ends today, we will certainly continue to inform about our results and share further insights with you in the upcoming months!

Nevertheless, as coordinators of this project, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all project members from our partner institutions (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Cyprus Interaction Lab, European University Foundation, Universidad de Alcalá, UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines & VDU Viešoji komunikacija) for the great collaboration over the last 2.5 years despite all challenges faced in these times of uncertainty!

Here is a photo from our last very productive project meeting which we could luckily conduct in Vienna!

For the ERUM team of the Universität Wien
Johanna Urban


📣 Our learning modules for higher education are now accessible as Open Educational Resources through the ERUM online repository!

Find out more here:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


❗️ Thrilled to announce that our policy recommendations for policy makers, higher education institutions and media organisations have just been published!

Find out more here:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

ERUM’s closing conference: MIL and policy recommendations revisited | ERUM 12/05/2022

📄 Two weeks ago our closing conference "Facts & Figures" took place - read a little summary of the event on our website:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

ERUM’s closing conference: MIL and policy recommendations revisited | ERUM ERUM’s closing conference: MIL and policy recommendations revisited 5 May, 2022  On April 28th the ERUM partners – under the lead of the University of Vienna – hosted the third ERUM conference “Facts & Figures | Evidence-based Information in Contemporary Societies: The Role of Academia a...

Photos from ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project's post 04/05/2022

Last week our final conference „Facts & Figures” took place in Vienna and online! We talked about recommendations for policy makers, higher education institutions and media stakeholders to increase the quality of information, challenges for journalists and scientists within the “infodemic” and assessed the role of media- and information literacy.

We would like to thank all contributors and participants for the discussions and inputs!

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


FINAL CALL - join us this Thursday in our final conference! 🗣

Already explored the program of our hybrid conference
Facts & Figures | Evidence-based Information in Contemporary Societies: The Role of Academia and the Media?? 🧐


Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Photos from ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project's post 14/04/2022


Here's a little sneak peek of what to expect in the afternoon - we will explore the impact of COVID-19 on science communication and science reporting together with Katharina Kropshofer and Fabiana Zollo!

Discover the full program and register now:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Already explored the program of our hybrid conference
Facts & Figures | Evidence-based Information in Contemporary Societies: The Role of Academia and the Media?? 🧐


Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


📆 SAVE THE DATE - 28 APRIL 2022 📆

We are happy to announce that our third and final conference will take place in person in Vienna and online!

Based on the findings of , this conference addresses the issue of evidence-based communication within the media and higher education institutions and the role of these institutions when it comes to media and information literacy in contemporary societies. We will discuss lessons learnt during the pandemic from a science and media perspective, explore potential policy reforms and enhance our skills when it comes to reporting about controversial issues and identifying mis/disinformation.

The full program and possibility for registration will be available soon!

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part VII 🔎

REPORTING/PRODUCING NEWS STORIES FOR SCIENTIFIC ISSUES (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

👉 The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the demand for people who can explain science to a wider audience. The purpose of this module is to focus on how to write a good story about science, as well as choosing sources and developing the most suitable format for narrating the story. Alongside, ethical issues are being discussed.

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


🔎Small glimpses into our learning material - part VI 🔎

MIGRATION: FACTS, REPRESENTATIONS, STORIES (Centre for Teacher Education, Universität Wien)

Migration is one of THE most controversial topics today with discussions often being guided by emotions and prejudices rather than facts. Therefore, this module provides a framework for data-driven and informed discussion on migration issues in social and educational contexts and encourages in-depth contemplation on how migration is portrayed in media, legal and political discourses. It also allows for the self-reflection on certain privileges, rights, challenges or obstacles connected to migration.

Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Photo: Marco Mogiani

Foro I+D+C: Retos de la comunicación - Círculo de Bellas Artes 23/02/2022

Tomorrow, Prof. Carmen Santamaría García from Universidad de Alcalá will present ERUM at the Spanish "Foro I+D+C" which is dedicated to current challenges in communication ("Retos de la comunicacíon"). You can find the very rich program of the conference on the website:

Foro I+D+C: Retos de la comunicación - Círculo de Bellas Artes Es urgente un análisis acerca de conceptos como fake news o posverdad, sobre cómo se nos presenta hoy la información, los intereses que esconde, las nuevas prácticas periodísticas y sobre el consumo y la responsabilidad que tenemos los receptores de esa comunicación.


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part V 🔎

DEVELOPING THE METHODOLOGY TO DISTINGUISH "FAKE NEWS" FROM FACT-CHECKED ARTICLES (Cyprus Interaction Lab, Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου)

The aim of the module is to understand the methodologies for identifying “fake news” and distinguish them from fact-checked articles. Various fake news detection models used by professional fact-checkers will inform the students about the complexity behind professional fact-checking and its parameters. This complexity illuminates the need for a simple step-by-step guide for identifying “fake news”. Students will be able to use these guidelines in practice.

Universität Wien VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Photo: fauxels via Pexels


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part IV 🔎


👉 This module draws on ideas and conceptualisations of science communication and scientific literacy originating from STEM fields and identifies implications for dealing with controversial issues. It allows exploring how controversial issues can be addressed in educational settings and beyond taking into account online mis-/disinformation!

Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Photo: Ivan Pais via Pixabay


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part III 🔎

DEFINE, EXPLAIN AND IDENTIFY: INTRODUCTION TO ‘FAKE NEWS’ AND 5G TECHNOLOGY (Cyprus Interaction Lab, Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου)

The aim of this learning module is to impart basic knowledge and problem awareness in the subject area of disinformation related to 5G technology. In addition to the general introduction, case studies and interactive activities will be provided to enhance students’ understanding and help to encourage critical thinking and discussion.

Universität Wien VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part II 🔎

CONSPIRACY MYTHS: THE WORLD OF UNIVERSAL EXPLANATIONS (Centre for Teacher Education, Universität Wien)

👉 Within this module, students will have the chance to reflect upon their own experiences with conspiratorial beliefs and the popularity of such views today, learn about different conceptions and definitions that are currently being discussed in research and get familiar with strategies that help to identify and deal with conspiracy myths in an appropriate manner (triangle of coping). In this regard, the module allows to examine the difference between a critical understanding of the world and conspiratorial world views in relation to different topics.

Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Photo: Edward Howell via Unsplash


🔎 Small glimpses into our learning material - part I 🔎

Throughout the next weeks, we will introduce you to our learning modules that lie at the heart of our project and address different topics related to , , , and as well as controversially discussed issues such as , or . The learning modules target students in higher education of diverse fields and will be accessible as later this spring! We start off with ...

FINDING, EVALUATING AND REPORTING SCIENTIFIC ISSUES - TECHNIQUES & TOOLS (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

👉 This module aims to teach the necessary techniques and tools that can be used for finding evaluating and reporting scientific issues. The techniques are mainly comprised of methods that are deployed in the production of journalistic content but specifically tailored to address scientific issues and enable to exploit all the capabilities that are now available online!

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Photo: Vojtech Okenka via Pexels


✨✨✨ The ERUM team wishes you happy holidays! ✨✨✨

Stay tuned for some insights into our learning material that we will share with you in the new year.


A small summary of what we've been up to in our meeting last week. 🤓

| Last week, the ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project team met to plan the final stage of the project.

If you are interested in reading about what these fighters🥷🏼 discussed, follow the link below⤵️

Universität Wien UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Universidad de Alcalá Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης


The European Commission's recently published Eurobarometer survey exploring European citizens’ knowledge and attitudes towards science and technology shows that attitudes towards science are mostly positive. However, interest in science does not necessarily translate to feeling informed!

2 interesting finds that underline our project's relevance in addressing research-based communication and exchange between higher education, science and media stakeholders:

👉 51 % of the respondents think that scientists do not spend sufficient time meeting people to explain their work.
👉 While scientists working in the public and private sector are considered most qualified to explain the impact of scientific and technological developments (61 % / 40 %), journalists underperform in this regard with 19 %.

Find detailed information here:

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Photos from ERUM - an Erasmus+ Project's post 18/11/2021

Time flies! We are entering the last six months of our project. Therefore we met online today to discuss and plan the last big steps - amongst others we are finalising our learning material and will share some insights soon. 🤩

Even though we weren't able to fly to Lithuania, we learnt a little bit about Kaunas, Capital of Culture 2022 - Kaunas 2022! 📌

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

TruthNest, the in-depth Twitter Analytics app, is free to use 29/10/2021

Find out how to use the Truthnest Tool, which is a free web service that allows the evaluation of Twitter accounts, in this video. It only requires the existence of a twitter account. The tool can be accessed at

TruthNest, the in-depth Twitter Analytics app, is free to use Athens Technology Center (ATC) offers TruthNest app for all Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) community to enjoy. TruthNest ( suppo...


Quite often false information is related to controversial issues! And while we encounter lots of disinformation throughout social media channels and unknown authors, professional/mainstream media channels are not immune to publishing misinformation/misrepresentation due to “false balance” or other factors (such as growing financial pressure). Therefore, within our project, we also took a closer look at some controversially discussed issues and their representation in selected mainstream media channels. The resulting reports that focus on issues such as , , or show different outcomes and are available on our website:

These reports provide the basis for discussing the question that lies at the heart of our project: How can we (researchers and future scientists as well as journalists) increase the quality of information together to combat mis- and disinformation?

Universität Wien Cyprus Interaction Lab VDU Viešoji komunikacija Aristotle University of Thessaloniki European University Foundation Universidad de Alcalá UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Home 26/10/2021

.eu is the fact-checking project of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA ) that intends to build a sustainable curriculum unit on fact-checking within a European network of Journalism schools. Through factchecking European political claims and trying to tackle misinformation, students and the public should grow a deeper insight and interest in democratic processes, both on national and European level. EUFACTCHECK wishes to motivate fact-based debate in the EU and to stimulate .

Home In October 2021 students from EJTA EUfactcheck-schools will again publish their fact checks and blogs on this website. With in-depth research they unravel claims in a world between truth and confusion. With more cross-national collaboration we hope to keep you, our critical audience, alert on pan-Eu...


This week the UN’s takes place. We want to take this opportunity and share some of our contents as well as recommendations throughout the week!

We start with our guidelines for evidence-based communication that should support young scientists as well as journalists when publishing. They are available for free through our project website:

VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universität Wien UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Cyprus Interaction Lab Universidad de Alcalá


Today, we would like to draw your attention to the which take place until Saturday. For us, realising projects like ERUM would hardly be possible without the program that brings together professionals, students and organisations from across Europe. Take the chance, explore this year's program with a wide variety of events and get to know all opportunities the program has to offer! 🥳

And of course we also invite you to take a closer look at our project. ERUM addresses the need for the development of students’ key transversal competences in terms of media literacy, evidence-based communication and resilience to dis/misinformation. It also intends to strengthen the capacity of media experts vis-a-vis evidence- and research-based communication:

VDU Viešoji komunikacija European University Foundation Universität Wien UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Universidad de Alcalá Cyprus Interaction Lab Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Not even a pandemic can stop us! 💪

So far (and we still have a few days left) there are 3200 events planned all over the world for the 2021 edition of !

If you are an beneficiary, choose an event or organise your own and join us from 14-16 October! 😎


Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?