CRESTSprogram Videos

Videos by CRESTSprogram. CRESTSprogram is a culture-centered, trauma-informed care company that counters race-based trauma.

Loving CRESTSprogram? You are not alone! Check out the latest comments from training event attendees. Many, many thanks to those of you who have shared your thoughts and appreciation of our products and services. We enjoy what we do and take pride in our work. You can view endorsements on our website:

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Other CRESTSprogram videos

Loving CRESTSprogram? You are not alone! Check out the latest comments from training event attendees. Many, many thanks...

Are you just learning about CRESTSprogram, LLC? Don't worry! We can help you decolonize your thinking and practices when...

Dr. Michael White Quartet (July 11th, 2024) #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #traumarecove...

#Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #TraumaI...

#Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy @Black_e...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #tr...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #tr...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #tr...

📢 FREE Event June 18 at 1pm EDT: "Black Fathers and Sons: Transgenerational Trauma & Profound Resilience." Hear from exp...

FREE Training on Black Fathers and Their Sons
Join CRESTSprogram on 06/18 for a FREE webinar on Black fathers and their sons. In this webinar, Drs. Cirecie West-Olat...

resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #TraumaInformed #traumainformedcare #traumah...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #tr...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #tr...

Visit our website #Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #tr...

#Blackexcellence #historicaltrauma #resilenceandcoping #racebasedstress #trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #TraumaI...

At CRESTSprogram, we're redefining trauma-informed care by centering culture and promoting academic excellence for Black...

Ready to make a difference in the lives of Black children? Join CRESTS-Achieve, a culture-centered, trauma-informed care...

Uncover the truth behind stereotypes and empower Black girls with CRESTSprogram's training session! Learn from esteemed ...