*✂️ גזור ושמור...* ✂️
*אלה הברכות שצריכים לברך ברגע שמגיע משיח:*👇🏻
When hearing with certainty that Moshiach has arrived
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם הטוב והמיטיב.
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם גאל ישראל
When seeing Moshiach recite the following
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם שחלק מכבודו ליראיו.
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם שחלק מחכמתו ליראיו
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה
When seeing the Beit HaMikdash recite
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם מציב גבול אלמנה
This blessing is also said when a person sees 600,000 or more Jews together in Israel
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם חכם הרזים
Someone who has come back from the dead at the time of Techiyat hameitim should say
ברוך אתה ה' – אלוקינו מלך העולם מחיה המתים
*בע"ה ובאמונה שלמה שנזכה לברך ברכות אלה במהרה🙏🏻*
*אמן !!!*
זכות להפיץ.
Kosher Kabbalah online
An online outreach Jewish education site. Offering services from Live Classes to recorded learning,

The Holy Arizal was the first and only kabbalist who was given the most profound understanding and knowledge of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi's words. He created a complete system of knowledge and understanding of Jewish meditations(Kavanot) and a system for connecting to Hashem on a deep level.
The 5th of the Jewish month of Menachem-AV (2024: Thursday night-Friday, August 9-10) is the date of the passing of the Arizal and the occasion of a significant annual pilgrimage to his burial place.
This year, because of the war, many Jews who would regularly go may be discouraged.
You can submit names for tefillah (no minimum donation required) to A student of Rabbi Shepherds, who will be davening in Tzfat neer the Arizal׳s tomb on the yartzite of the ARIZAL! Tefillos can be for all personal requests (submit names below)
Tefillos can be for shidduchim, parnasah, children, refuah & all requests.
The tefillah is free to join. https://kingdavidkabbalah.com/donations/the-arizal-yurtzait/?awt_a=te_.&awt_l=7M3eq&awt_m=fv8mUfdvYPWIq_. or

The Holy Arizal was the first and only kabbalist who was given the most profound understanding and knowledge of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi's words. He created a complete system of knowledge and understanding of Jewish meditations(Kavanot) and a system for connecting to Hashem on a deep level.
The 5th of the Jewish month of Menachem-AV (2024: Thursday night-Friday, August 9-10) is the date of the passing of the Arizal and the occasion of a significant annual pilgrimage to his burial place.
This year, because of the war, many Jews who would regularly go may be discouraged.
You can submit names for tefillah (no minimum donation required) to Talmidei Chachamim, who will be davening in Tzfat neer the Arizal׳s tomb on the yartzite of the ARIZAL! Tefillos can be for all personal requests (submit names below)
Tefillos can be for shidduchim, parnasah, children, refuah & all requests.
The tefillah is free to join. Tzedaka donated goes to Israeli families that have difficulty because of the war.

https://youtu.be/RiRWfr0K8AU great watch
Wisdom to find MEANING | Breslev Kabbalah Episode 3 Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rOGqOf1UwLDftkAWDTvtw/joinhttps://headstart.co.il/project/78533ותגידhttp://KingDa...

Wisdom to find MEANING | Breslev Kabbalah Episode 3 Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rOGqOf1UwLDftkAWDTvtw/joinhttps://headstart.co.il/project/78533ותגידhttp://KingDa...

JMeditate Discover the newest Meditation app that will revolutionize your life. Check out the video explaining the app with subtitles in English, and then go to the below link to be the first to enjoy it!
Please go to the project link https://headstart.co.il/project/78533?lang=en
In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with stress, anxiety, and mental challenges. We yearn for serenity, connection, and a more profound sense of purpose but often struggle to find solace amidst the chaos. The Solution: JMEDITATE is a comprehensive app designed to guide you on a path of personal transformation. Rooted in ancient Jewish wisdom and tailored to your unique needs, JMEDITATE offers a wealth of resources to help you:
Reduce stress and anxiety.
Improve sleep quality
Enhance self-awareness
Strengthen your spiritual connection
Cultivate a more balanced and joyful life
NEW meditation application פרוייקט אפליקצית מדיטציה יהודית New פרוייקט אפליקצית מדיטציה יהודיתhttps://headstart.co.il/project/78533ותגידin Englishhttps://headstart.co.il/project/78533ותגיד?lang=enThe video is about ...

Amazing insights from Rabenu
What to do when you just can’t find everything good within or around | Breslev Kabbalah Episode 2 Sometimes it's hard to understand the reason why things happen, we do not see the light behind what we call "bad" things. Finding the true purpose of things ...

https://youtu.be/M3gfBmrQ8gY wow
Fighting Negativity | Breslev Kabbalah Episode 1 Starting a new series in our podcast. This time Rabbi Shepherd will talk about Breslev teachings from the kabbalistic perspective. Join us on this inspiratio...

https://youtu.be/_ZXfzir-ouk Psalm 13 Sung by BOB, amazing melody for this time in history
Tehilim 13 פרק יג sung by Bob As requested by the Rosh Yeshiva Tzadik zichrono levracha Rabbi M. Goldstein, to share the songs of Bob, who has beautifully compiled the songs of the Tehill...

🚨 It’s today! In just one hour, start getting ready. 🚨
🇮🇱 9 PM Israel Time
🇺🇸 2 PM NY Time
Join by following the next link:
Don’t miss the chance to learn from an authentic Kabbalistic source completely FREE!

Why to get MARRIED Episode 23 http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish Meditation, and Spirituality Use Kabbalah to tap into Jewish prayer.The video is ...

Amazing insights to riencarnation,
What's your PURPOSE in life? | Episode 22 The dead reincarnate in newborn children? The rolling souls are elevating with each tikkun. Have you ever felt it was not your first time in this world? Do y...

meditations of unity of husband and wife
Unique Meditations of unifying husband and wife - Igeret Hakodesh of the Rambam Unique Meditations of unifying husband and wife - Igeret Hakodesh of the Rambam http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish M...

Amazing melodies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AS1QYLkOHAo great for meditations and kavanot
Flute Nigonim by Rav Shepherd Kabbalistic Flute nigun is great for meditation or just to relax and wind down after a full day. let us know feedback and requests in the comments. flute mel...

New Playlist of Chanukah free videos on youtube that includes deep secrets of Kabbalah with subtitles in many languages!!! please let me know what you think and what you recommend!!!!
Chanukah and Purim in the Days of Mashiach, Kabbalistic Secrets of Hanukkah | Miracles Chanukah in the Days of Mashiach Kabbalistic Secrets of Hanukkah | Miracles, http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish Medi...
Tapping into the new awakening of Chanukah, and separating the sparks from the husk. Enjoy The Kabbalistic Secrets of Chanukah starting with this video now with subtitles https://youtu.be/RRm-RbVLmbU
will be premiered around 3pm, so if it's not yet up try again so many amazing secrets and tools to elevate your spirituality and bring down an abundance of blessings to your lives!!!!!!!

Just as you judged favorably, so may God judge you favorably!
At the heart of Elul’s call to compassion is the practice of forgiveness: finding the capacity to forgive ourselves, developing the capacity to forgive others, and judging them favorably.
forgiveness is the great cleanser. When we forgive, we literally change the past and create a brighter future. We save our lives and the lives of those that may have hurt us but more than that we bring the redemption closer by dissolving judgments.
Forgiveness does not try to paper over what has happened through superficial means. It is not an effort to condone wrongdoing or suppress or ignore pain. Forgiveness acknowledges what is unjust, harmful, and difficult. And it offers to lift the burden of anger and resentment so we can move beyond hurt into something new. It offers an opportunity that we would like others to offer us if we do something that may insult them.
Each evening before going to sleep we say the following prayer so as to end the day with the intention to forgive.
"Ribbono shel olam, Master of the Universe, I hereby forgive anyone who angered or antagonized me or did wrong toward me, whether against my body, my property, my honor or against anything of mine, whether he or she did so accidentally, willfully, carelessly or purposefully, whether through speech, deed, thought or notion. May no person come to harm because of me... "
We need to make sure it is not just lip service, we need to know that the key to our redemption the key to being a good Jew, is to emulate Hashem, and Hashem forgives as it is said " "
So says the Ari z”l. We must love our neighbor, our fellow, in addition to loving ourselves. But more than this, we must love them the way we love ourselves – true empathy. Just as we long that others forgive us for our mistakes we must strive in our hearts to uproot any anger and resentment and truly forgive our friends to make a clean slate as if the sin never happened.
Rabbeinu Chananel teaches us that Hashem offers him the gift of teshuva and the ability to completely restore the relationship. He can return the relationship to the very same state that he enjoyed before he sinned, completely wiping the slate clean. When Hashem says Hashem twice, in the 13 attributes, He is emphasizing this unique facet of teshuva, the concept of hashivenu Hashem elecha vinashuva chadesh yameinu kikedem. This is the embodiment of His mercy.
I bless us all to be able to forgive anyone who has done or said something against us!

Just as you judged favorably, so may God judge you favorably!
At the heart of Elul’s call to compassion is the practice of forgiveness: finding the capacity to forgive ourselves, developing the capacity to forgive others, and judging them favorably.
forgiveness is the great cleanser. When we forgive, we literally change the past and create a brighter future. We save our lives and the lives of those that may have hurt us but more than that we bring the redemption closer by dissolving judgments.
Forgiveness does not try to paper over what has happened through superficial means. It is not an effort to condone wrongdoing or suppress or ignore pain. Forgiveness acknowledges what is unjust, harmful, and difficult. And it offers to lift the burden of anger and resentment so we can move beyond hurt into something new. It offers an opportunity that we would like others to offer us if we do something that may insult them.
Each evening before going to sleep we say the following prayer so as to end the day with the intention to forgive.
"Ribbono shel olam, Master of the Universe, I hereby forgive anyone who angered or antagonized me or did wrong toward me, whether against my body, my property, my honor or against anything of mine, whether he or she did so accidentally, willfully, carelessly or purposefully, whether through speech, deed, thought or notion. May no person come to harm because of me... "
We need to make sure it is not just lip service, we need to know that the key to our redemption the key to being a good Jew, is to emulate Hashem, and Hashem forgives as it is said " "
So says the Ari z”l. We must love our neighbor, our fellow, in addition to loving ourselves. But more than this, we must love them the way we love ourselves – true empathy. Just as we long that others forgive us for our mistakes we must strive in our hearts to uproot any anger and resentment and truly forgive our friends to make a clean slate as if the sin never happened.
Rabbeinu Chananel teaches us that Hashem offers him the gift of teshuva and the ability to completely restore the relationship. He can return the relationship to the very same state that he enjoyed before he sinned, completely wiping the slate clean. When Hashem says Hashem twice, in the 13 attributes, He is emphasizing this unique facet of teshuva, the concept of hashivenu Hashem elecha vinashuva chadesh yameinu kikedem. This is the embodiment of His mercy.
I bless us all to be able to forgive anyone who has done or said something against us!

today is the segula to say it don't forget
Printable PDF of Tefilat HaShlah This special prayer was composed by the SheLah Hakadosh to express the prayers of parents on behalf of their children. The SheLah Hakadosh said the optimal time for parents to recite this prayer is Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the month when Hashem gave us the Torah, and when the Jewish people began to....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdHXup9bGvI Shavuot special class in kabbalah
Shavuot and how to bring down the Keter Bring down the Keter by learning Torah all night Shavuot. filmed on 2020 04 30Pirkei Avot 1:2And we find that because of the sacrifices offered up by Noach,...

30 days before Pesach we start learning the laws of Pesach!
Cleaning and Bedikat chametz as a Kabbalistic Meditation http://www.kingdavidkabbalah.com Everything that Hashem does or commands us is to bring us closer to him, using the Authentic Jewish Kabbalistic meditations ...

take on your self now to fast tomorrow before the Rosh Chodesh get a new start and May we all have a happy Adar filled with extra Joy
Tikkun Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar, Tap into the amazing potential http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish Meditation, and Spirituality Use Kabbalah to tap into Jewish prayer.The video is ...

https://aw15a0c9.aweb.page/p/ce6e70fb-e72a-468d-891f-c3712675f96d for Wedness Thursday Tikkun Erev Rosh Chodesh Segulh for Health Wealth and Children. Very recomended

72 Name of Hashem https://youtu.be/qAWltA6AybQ
Kabbalah Of Parashat Bashalach More on the weekly Torah Portion topic Bashalach go to http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish Meditation, and Spirituali...

we had a great time and learned a lot
seder to -be-svat http://KingDavidKabbalah.com for more information on Kabbalah books, Jewish Meditation, and Spirituality Use Kabbalah to tap into Jewish prayer.The video is ...

https://kingdavidkabbalah.com/product/free-catalog-kabbalah-book-dedications-opportunities-copy/ Segula for Parnasa free ebook
Every year, the Tuesday preceding the Shabbat during which we read the Torah portion concerning the Shirat Hayam and the falling of the Manna (in Parashat Beshalach), there is a segula, given over by the Holy Tzadik Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Reminov zt’l to read the Parashat HaMann twice and the translation once.
There is another big segula to receive abundance on this day. It is to donate 90 shekalim or Dollars (or equivalent) to Tzedaka. 90 is the numerical value of Mann מן. It is best to give 90 for each member of the family, but if that’s not possible, 90 shekalim per family is good enough. Please consider giving your donation to KingDavidKabbalah, The Rabbi will read up to 9 names per donation in a special kabbalistic prayer for substances and livelihood, at the tomb of King David
Free Parashat HaMan E-book | King David Kabbalah We all know how important tefilla is to our lives and to Hashem. The more we cry out to Hashem and the more kavana we have in our daily tefilla the more siyata de shmaya we see from Hashem. Get the full text for the Parshas Haman segula here, as well as a short introduction.

soul rectification Time to Purify your soul from sexual sins
Tikkun Shovavim together, from Shemot to Tezaveh, Soul rectification, How to purify your soul? Join us to connect to the Kedushah and do the Tikkun Shovavim together! https://forms.aweber.com/form/69/1418469969.htm This video is showing Soul Rectificat...
Every Year Thousands go to Her to beg for Blessings on her Yartzite and see Miracles
This year the tomb of Rachel Imeinu will be unfortunately closed to the public from today until Sunday, everyone that had planned to be there must compromise and do their learning prayers in her merit in a different place. Hashem has made for us a miracle this year, that one of the Torah Scholars that learn in our Kabbalist Yeshiva in King Davids Tomb will be there. He will pray and learn in her merit for all of the supporters of King David Kabbalah, Bezrat Hashem. This is a good opportunity to make a contribution to our different projects that are currently underway here in King Davids Tomb. All those that merit to do so will gain also the blessings from the Yartzite of Rachel Imeinu also the merit of Dovid King of Yisrael, and also the Merit of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and the Arizal and all the pious Kabbalists that we work hard to explain and publicize there Torah!

https://youtu.be/2Mk_9eCg4tU Interesting!!!When to launder you cloths before shabbos
Halachot Shabbat Part 2 Laws of Shabbat when to wash your clothes? Http://KingDavidKabbalah.com