Bantou=Israëlites Bibliques

Bantou=Israëlites Bibliques


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Those who want to argue without a clear background check should go and read these books written by Jewish historians themselves, you’ve been lied to that the pale people living in Middle East today are the biblical Israelites, this is a completely false white supremacist narrative with their reputation of claiming other people’s identities, the real biblical people are the modern day Sub Saharans and their scattered people, within them you find the original Egyptians (Misri), the original Cush*tes, the original Canaanites, the original Israelites (Abantu) and the rest of the original Shemites (not to be confused with Semitic which is the Latin word for half, mixed and biracial). The attempt to rewrite history started in the so called European renaissance.

When you realise that most slave ships were owned by Jewish people everything will begin to make sense. During colonialism, these Synagogues of Satan (Missionaries); after years of studying our culture and spirituality, they stole our heritage and disguised themselves as chosen people, meanwhile demonising the very Bantu culture that gave birth to their religions. They destroyed our civilisations and stole our cultures so they can justify slavery, claim our identity and lie that we had no history, and for a long time we believed them, but not anymore, no man or beast will stop the truth, they are trying to silence people exposing their lies and agenda to destroy our people globally.

In these three books, two Jewish authors, one Shlomo Sand and the other Arthur Koestler, expose the falsehood of the so called Jewish people, fake land of Israel and the fake language you’ve been told to be Hebrew today.

“Most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. But every Israeli schoolchild is taught a fabricated story that the Jewish people arose in the Land of Israel and was exiled from its homeland during the period of the Roman rule, in 70 CE, and the nation remained loyal to its land, to which it began to return after two millennia of exile. That’s wrong, there never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened-hence there was no return”.

The invention of the Jewish people. Shlomo Sand (Israeli International best seller). Verso 2009 - English Edition. British Library Published Data.

“The ancient Khazar Empire is a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in European dark ages became converted to Judaism. Evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland from the Caucuses mountains and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. The Khazars' sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga. They converted to Judaism and impacted the modern racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism" would become void of meaning".

The thirteenth tribe. Arthur Koestler. 1976 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Koestler, Arthur 1905.

“The term "Land of Israel" does not and has never corresponded with the modern sovereign territory of the State of Israel. For more than a century, this fluid has served as an instrument of navigation and a source of motivation for the territorial imagination of Zionism. Shelves in bookstores and university libraries in Israel hold countless volumes on subjects such as “the prehistoric Land of Israel" “the Land of Israel under Crusader rule," and "the Land of Israel under Arab occupation.? In the modern Hebrew-language edition of foreign books, the word “Palestine" is systematically replaced with the words Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel). Even when the writings of important Zionist figures such as Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau, Ber Borochov, and many others who, like most of their supporters, used the standard term "Palestine" (or Palestina, the Latin form used in many European languages at the time)-are translated into Hebrew (Yiddish), this appellation is always converted into the “Land of Israel? Such politics of language sometimes results in amusing absurdities, as, for example, when naive Hebrew readers do not understand why, during the early-twentieth-century debate within the Zionist movement over the establishment of a Jewish state in Uganda instead of Palestine, the opponents of the plan were referred to as “Palestinocentric.” Some pro-Zionist historians also attempt to incorporate the term into other languages. Here, too, a prominent example is Simon Schama, who titled his book commemorating the colonizing enter-prise of the Rothschild family Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel, despite the fact that during the historical period in question, the name Palestine was customarily used not only by all the European languages but also by all the Jewish protagonists discussed in Schamas book. “The British-American historian Bernard Lewis, another loyal supporter of the Zionist enterprise, goes even further in a scholarly article in which he attempts to use the term “Palestine" as little as possible, by making the following statement: “The Jews called the country Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel, and used the names Israel and Judea to designate the two kinedoms into which the country was split.”

The invention of the land of Israel: Shlomo Sand. 2012 English translated edition. British Library Cataloguing in publication Data.

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Vous ne pouvez pas parler de "crime entre les noirs" sans parler de l’endoctrinement de nos enfants dans les écoles et les églises.


Je ne sais pas quelle forme de magie l'homme pâle a utilisé pour convaincre mon peuple que ceci est de la sorcellerie mais leurs drogues sont des médicaments, la médecine occidentale n'a jamais guéri personne, ils s'assurent de vous traiter pour le reste de votre vie, de cette façon ils peuvent vous aspirer jusqu'à ce que vous soyez six pieds sous terre, puis vous mettre une croix et une malédiction éternelle, Tata Nzambi a créé toute la nature pour vous servir, soit sage et l'utilise.


Aucun endroit comme l'Afrique (Alkebulan), béni SAMBA à tous les Israélites (Bantous) dispersés à travers le monde, venez construire la paix chez vous… bénédictions à vous à partir de Madagascar✍🏾


Bantou ou pas, cette question s'adresse à tout descendant africain en Afrique et hors d'Afrique, comprenez-vous que nos ancêtres ont choisi la pire forme de mort au lieu de renoncer à leur nom (identité) ? Quels sont vos efforts personnels pour vous libérer et mettre fin à ce cycle de servitude psychologique et spirituelle ?
Obtenez-vous un nom bantou…

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