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Kuruplus open master and doctoral international program
This group about inform master and doctoral program for student whom need to learn online, if you i
Operating as usual
All curriculum focus end result who studying each program and we follow and consult continuity from learning and working
The ones that can be relevant to our undertakings are 1) Mini MBA for EEC, and 2) Research & Innovation for Technology, Environment, and SMEs.
However, we must find out what their gaps are so that we can fill those gaps uniquely and impactfully. I think our CA&CI and CM&CA modules can be designed to enhance those two programs of theirs.
Our key differentiators from CA&CI modules include such "Hard Skillsets" as 1) critical analyses on where SMEs or EEC industries incurred excessive costs/wastes and how new technological products/processes can complement/substitute existing ones, and 2) creative-design integration for SMEs or industries to have better business models that not only create new values but also sustain those values' growth rates.
For CM&CA modules that differentiate themselves through "Soft Skillsets," they include 1) connective interaction and mediation for SMEs or EEC industries to reduce certain conflicts and agency costs among their key players, and 2) collective incentivization and alignment for them to synergize seamlessly so as to support their value-and-growth enhancement. Of course, new technologies shall be employed to support those soft-skillsets throughout.
Those four modules shall fill the gaps that we identified in those two programs very effectively through the use of 1) Challenging Case Studies and 2) Real-life Collaborative Projects in our module delivery.
You may present these ideas to TISC and let them ask questions to challenge us. I believe that they have not got enough CACI and CMCA elements in all of their programs.
by: Warren Dubya
This master and doctorial program designed to add reskill and add human value by innovative learning.