Join us tomorrow, Friday, April 19 for the annual SVSU SOTA Conference!
Check in will begin at 8:00am in Curtiss Hall. Here you'll find complimentary refreshments to enjoy before the keynote speaker begins at 9:00am.
Vendors will be present at the conference if you'd like to purchase anything. SVSU SOTA will be selling OT apparel and will be accepting cash or check.
If you haven't already, please register for the breakout rooms using the following link: https://www.eventcreate.com/e/svsu-sota-conference-2024/?uid=d74949bd-f78d-4907-a44a-a6e30d9a35c2
We hope to see you there!
It’s almost time for the annual SVSU SOTA Conference! Be sure to join us at Curtis Hall on Friday, April 19!
Curtis Hall is highlighted in pink on the SVSU campus map. Free parking will be available in lots J, J1, and J2 which are also highlighted in pink.
Check in will begin at 8:00am where complimentary refreshments will be available. We can’t wait to see you there!
‼️ Attention ‼️
If you have registered for the SOTA Conference (Friday, April 19th), you have been sent a link to sign up for the breakout sessions in which you want to attend. Please sign up for your breakout sessions before arriving to the SOTA Conference.
Can’t find the link?
•Please check your spam folder or messages held in quarantine.
Link is attached below:
Registration is open for the 2024 SOTA Conference!
Register by March 31st to receive a FREE lunch with your registration fee.
We hope to see you there!
We would like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the 2023 SOTA Conference this year! A special thank you to all of our speakers; we loved having the opportunity to learn from you all, and each presentation was so insightful. Attached to this post is a folder with all of the presentations/documents from the conference!
We are officially one day away!! Here is the schedule for tomorrow, so you have an opportunity to plan your day!
We cant wait to see you at Pierce Road Bar and Grill!
Alumni and students leaving for their level II fieldwork, this is for you!! Drop off your polos while you're at SVSU for the SOTA conference.
Check out all of the topics that are going to be covered at our SOTA Conference coming up on April 14th!
Last but certainly not least for our second year board members, we have our two public relations chairs, Cali Wright and Sarah Spagnuolo!
Cali Wright
Hometown: Howell, MI
Why OT: I love that occupational therapists have the unique opportunity to develop relationships with clients and treat from a holistic perspective.
Favorite Leisure Activity: Hiking, going to the gym, paddle boarding, reading, spending time outside
Dream Practice Setting: I haven't decided on a dream practice setting yet, but I am super excited for my level 2 fieldworks in inpatient rehab and a SNF
Fun fact: I want to move out of Michigan and practice in a different state. My level 2 fieldworks are in Arizona and Montana!
Sarah Spagnuolo:
Hometown: Lansing, MI
Why OT: I went to OT from 5 months old until today for my biracial plexus injury and was so inspired by everyone I worked with!
Favorite Leisure Activity: Tennising and skiing
Dream Practice Setting: I’m very open minded about my future, but I do hope to work in oncology, mental health, and geriatric settings at some points in my career
Fun fact: I got to do goat yoga this summer!
SOTA conference 2023 is vastly approaching and we are so excited! 🤩
If you are interested in attending this years SOTA conference and wish to receive a free lunch, please register before March 31st! You can scan the above QR code to register.
Hope to see you there! 😊
Check out what our second years were able to do at the Toy Hack this semester!
This week, meet our other second year fundraising chairs, Alexys!
Hometown: Allenton, MI
Why OT? I chose OT because I loved how it makes treatment meaningful for clients, so they enjoy the therapy process. I also love how you can connect with clients and establish a rapport with them over time.
Favorite leisure activities? I like doing anything outdoors!
Dream Practice Setting? I'm still open to many different areas but neuro is really interesting to me.
A fun fact about yourself! I have a 3 year old Bernedoodle named Kali!
Last week our second-year students had their second fabrication/VR lab day! Some of the fabricated AT devices were adapted cutting boards, stylus splints, and dressing sticks!
Happy Sunday! For this weeks SOTA Spotlight we would like to introduce our first year fundraising chairs, Brooklyn and Lyndsi ✨
Hometown: Gladwin, MI
MSOT year/board position: 1st year Fundraising Chair
Why OT? I chose OT because I want to make a difference in people's lives while doing things they want to do and see value in. I also love how as an OT you can work in many different settings and you can really find where you fit best.
Favorite leisure activities? Watching movies, listing to music, playing with my dog, and spending time with family.
Dream Practice Setting? As of now, I would love to work in an outpatient pediatric seeing but I'm open to seeing anything!
A fun fact about yourself! I have a German shepherd named Remi!
Hometown- Middleton, MI
MSOT year/board position - First year/ Fundraising Chair
Why OT?- I chose occupational therapy because I want to be able to make a difference in people's lives. Being able to help someone get back to the things they love is very rewarding!
Favorite leisure activities?- I love riding my bike and going on walks during the summer.
Dream Practice Setting? - I haven't quite decided, but would really like to experience a neuro outpatient setting.
A fun fact about yourself!- A fun fact about me is that my family has a small goat farm. I love snuggling the babies when they are born!
This week, meet one of our second year fundraising chairs, Karsyn from Ludington!
Why OT:
I’ve always been drawn to healthcare and helping those who are in need. Occupational therapy gives me the opportunity to connect with clients on a deeper level while increasing their independence and working to complete their goals. Occupational therapy lets me use my creative and caring personality to provide each individual with the most beneficial care.
Favorite leisure activities:
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, boating, traveling, taking walks with my dogs, and drinking a lot of coffee!
Dream Practice Setting:
I would love to work within a geriatric or neurological setting!
A fun fact:
I have been a part of 2 Guinness World Records.
Our second-year students had their first fabrication/VR experience lab day this week! Here is just a small glimpse of the many assistive technology devices that were created!
Everyone meet Sarah and Abbey, our first year SOTA Conference chairs!
About Sarah-
1. Hometown: Warren
2. MSOT year/Position: 1st year SOTA conference Chair
3. Why OT?: I enjoy helping people get back to into activities that mean the most to them by creating fun ways for them to get their independence!
4. Favorite leisure activities?: Weight lifting and Hanging out with my kitty Theo
5. Dream place setting: Outpatient peds
6. A fun fact about yourself: I am double jointed in my elbows!
About Abbey-
1. Hometown: Frankenmuth, MI
2. MSOT year/ position:First year SOTA conference Chair
3. Why OT? I chose OT because I want to be the change within the world, by touching the lives of others via meaningful activity.
4. Favorite leisure activities: Reading, watching movies, going to new coffee shops
5. Dream place setting: Inpatient Rehab or school (Not sure yet)
6. A fun fact about yourself: I swam with sharks in Jamaica.
Happy Sunday! This week our SOTA spotlight is our two SOTA Conference chairs who are in charge of putting on our SOTA Conference every year!
Emily is from Howell and chose OT because she has a passion for helping people. “My family has also tremendous benefitted from OT services in the past, so I wanted to return the favor for others.”
Favorite Leisure Activities: I enjoy reading, traveling, being outdoors, and spending time with friends and family.
Dream Practice Setting: I’m interested in working with patients with neurological conditions.
Fun Fact: I was a baton twirler for 12 years and I can juggle fire batons.
Brooklynn is from Muskegon and chose OT because of the freedom we have in creating treatments that are specialized to each client in order to give them the best chance of rehabilitation.
Favorite Leisure activities: Reading Colleen Hoover books, playing 5 crowns, and spending time with friends and family.
Dream Practice setting: Acute Care or Mental Health
Fun fact: I read 3 300-paged books in 3 days at the beginning of this semester!
As a new semester begins, we are back with another SOTA Spotlight! Everyone meet Kaeleigh:
Hometown: Standish, MI
MSOT Year/Board Position: 1st year MiOTA Rep
Why OT?: I’ve always known I wanted to work in a healthcare setting, specifically helping others. I chose OT because I want to make a difference in the lives of the people I’ll be working with and help them achieve their individual goals!
Favorite Leisure Activities: Reading, baking, journaling, hanging out with family and friends, and going for walks
Dream Practice Setting?: Orthopedics, but I’m keeping an open mind because there are so many options
Fun Fact: Pickles are my favorite food!
Today our second-year future OT's celebrated their last first day of didactic semesters! Only 128 days until they are able to start their level 2 fieldwork rotations!
This week say hello to our second-year MiOTA Rep, Ashlynn!
Hometown: Midland, MI
Why OT?
I chose OT because after having family members receive OT services, I saw how their lives were impacted and how they were able to adapt in order to be more independent. I also love how OT uses a client centered approach to get people back to what they want and need to do!
Favorite leisure activities:
Anything active or outdoors! I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.
Dream Practice Setting:
Anything that would involve both geriatrics and neurological conditions!
A fun fact:
One fun fact about myself is that I have a 7-year-old Pitbull/Boxer mix named Nova!
Its been quite the semster of learning and growing and our SOTA Newsletter is now out to prove it! Take a second to look through some of the highlights our Grad students had!
For this weeks SOTA Spotlight we would like to introduce our first year AOTA representative, Jules!
Hometown: Trenton, MI
MSOT year/board position: First year AOTA representative
Why OT? I loved watching the occupational therapists who helped my grandpa get stronger after he went through a tough surgery. I wanted to do what they did and help people become independent to go back to doing what they love!
Favorite leisure activities? I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with my friends and family.
Dream Practice Setting? I'm open to anything right now!
A fun fact about yourself: My comfort movie is Coraline
Save the date!! SVSU is holding its annual SOTA conference on April 14, 2023! You won't want to miss it!
This week, meet our second-year AOTA Representative: Grace Collison
Hometown: Freeland, MI
Why OT: I have always wanted to help others and work in the medical field. OT has so many opportunities to work with different populations and help people engage in occupations they love!
Favorite Leisure Activity: Reading or hanging out with friends!
Dream Practice Setting: Outpatient neuro
Fun fact: I love being a dog mom 🐶🐾
First year graduate students learned how to make splints in Dr. Earley‘s class!
Everyone meet our first year Service Project Coordinator, Abby!
Hometown- Standish
MSOT year/board position- Class of 2024 1st year Service Project Coordinator
Why OT?- I love all the different opportunities and options we have as OTs to work in any environment and make a difference in someone's life.
Favorite leisure activities?- wood burning or hanging with my dog
Dream Practice Setting?- Working as a school-based OT
A fun fact about yourself!- I studied abroad during my undergrad for 2.5 months in Copenhagen, Denmark
This week our spotlight is on our Service Project Coordinator, Kenzie Harmon!
Hometown: Clare, MI
Why OT: I love that there are so many different opportunities for OT and how it emphasizes focusing on each person individually!
Dream Practice Setting: I still have so much I want to experience, but I am excited to start my NICU placement! I could see myself working there in the future.
Fun fact: I have read 25 books (and counting) this year!