Viewmont High School Class of 1992 - 30 Year Reunion

Viewmont High School Class of 1992 - 30 Year Reunion

This is the place to find updates, links and info about the Viewmont High Schools Class of 1992 - 30 Year Reunion!

Operating as usual


A room of amazing people here! Don’t forget to drop you photos in the comments!

Photos from Viewmont High School Class of 1992 - 30 Year Reunion's post 28/08/2022

Fabulous Evening! Wonderful memories made! Thanks for attending everyone….great turnout!


Congrats to JARED BRADFORD who won the $100 Amazon Gift Card! Sorry about the poor audio and video quality. I don't do this crap on the regular!!


Nope, we're not above begging. Anyone have any cool prizes you would be willing to donate to the reunion? Message us if you do. No, your old gym shorts are not a cool prize, as much as you might love them.


What songs remind you of High School? We are working on a playlist for next weekend!


Time to go on an archaeological dig. Find some old high school pics and post them here!👇 Best pic wins a prize at the reunion!


I can still hear the sound of us whacking the side of the TV. What else will kids today never experience? Tell us in the comments! 👇


Who was your favorite teacher at Viewmont and why?


What song do you hear that takes you right back to your Viewmont days? Tell us about a specific memory if you feel so bold!


Ok Vikings, fill in the blank. My favorite movie during my high school years was…

Pay Clayton Mabey using PayPal.Me 28/06/2022


**Scroll to bottom for details**

Hello Fellow Classmates! Time to celebrate our oldness and attend our 30 Year High School Class Reunion. Rachel Berthold Waters, Scott Keate, Clayton Mabey, Brock Seeley, Ryan Christensen, Nicki Claeys and I (random citizen) Jennifer Simms Hansen have been busily planning. Please help us invite others to this page as we will have updates as it gets closer.

Here are the dets so far……

When: Saturday August 27th, 2022

Where: Oakridge Country Club
1492 W Shepard Lane
Farmington, UT 84025

Cost: $40 per person



Pay Clayton Mabey using PayPal.Me Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

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