Respect for yourself, respect for others, respect for the environment 😍
Montessori for the little Horri's
A dedicated space to share our journey towards the establishment of a Reo Māori education system th
Operating as usual
Baby sign really is the hack that allows our little one to communicate her needs, and promotes te reo as her first language, whilst also encouraging non-reo-speaking Whānau to use more reo, learning alongside pēp.
We know that our little ones can understand more than they can speak/sign and eventually they just start signing their needs.
Missy Boo signs for most basic things (hungry, thirsty, wanting more, finished, wanting to get out (or chair/seat/pram), changing nappy, shower, tired/sleep time, and needing comfort), which all have Te Reo words associated to them.
Big Kid face planted at kura and has a mamae on his chin… He said to me:
“This is definitely the very worst thing that has happened to me in my whole 5 and a half year old life”
Reflecting on what my first 5 years of life looked like…. that statement spells out so much generational healing, and highlights the breaking of so many intergenerational cycles of trauma and harm…
No matter how much our parenting decisions are questioned, or how often “helicopter parent” comments are made, or how much ‘poor parenting’ we do (sugar for breakfast, too much toys, give in to the demands, co-sleep etc), or how much dumb s**t we do as parents…once this mamae turns into a scab, and then a scar, that scar will remind me, every time I look at it… that our children are raised in a safe and nurturing home, and we’re nailing this 😍😘
“Teach your child to fight well, with respect and communication” ❤️❤️