A meeting of all regular staff was held in GGDC KTS,Haripur on 2nd Dec, 2020 to discuss Online classes of Intermediate & BS / Assignments/Quiz/ Guidance of students according to the Govt SOPs regarding COVID-19.
The meeting was supervised by Principal of college Mrs.Ayesha Batool. She advised the staff to provide assistance to the students regarding the education & guidance through online.
Staff assured that it is our responsibility and we will do it as directed by the Higher Education.
The role of Principal is to provide leadership,direction and co-ordination within the institute.
Principal of GGDC KTS,Haripur Mrs. Ayesha Batool performing their duties in office after taking charge with great zest and enthusiasm.
It is a matter of great pleasure and honour for our college to welcome the new Principal with best wishes.
Dear Students!
Online classes for Intermediate and BS level are going on...!!! Join you respective whatsapp groups to avail this opportunity and avoid any academic loss. BESTS OF LUCK