Red Raven's Health & Wellness for Nursing Students
This page is where nursing students can come to learn about their courses and to help them pass the NCLEX exam.

Keep your mind and body sharp. Yoga every day!


We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges. 💉

The Bills make the playoffs! Let’s go Buffalo!

Brush up on your medical terminology 💉💊 💉

Best buddies, sleep tight. 💉💊


What is worse than losing your favorite pen?

What kind of nurse do you want to be? What nursing specialty do you want to work in?

As always, be greatful!

Always do what you love.

Has anyone had a really memorable patient? ( good or bad)

First day of clinical.

The nurse plays a huge role in patient safety. Always double check!

Yes. I do!

Today is Sill’s Disease awareness day. Here are a few facts about Sill’s 🦠Disease.

So true!

by Mother Theresa.

Sharing some medical terminology to help nursing students who are visual learners

Need help with a class in nursing school? We are here to help!