Here is my two cents on trying to SUSTAIN in today’s alarming economic conditions.
As prices increase so do the temperatures and apprehensions.
Everyone, literally EVERYONE has the same mantra these days. Cost of living has gone WAY UP….
We say that because we FEEL we can’t change the ‘government’ or the ‘systems’. So we can’t do anything.
To all the home-makers; moms, dads and the like…
Turn on ONE light instead of two.
Alternate hours on air conditioning and layer up to save energy and cut electric bills.
Plan ahead and go out for grocery shopping once a week to save on fuel.
Carpool with your neighbours/ coworkers/ family/ friends, for daily trips such as going to the office and school.
Use smaller spoon for spices, tea, coffee, or anything in the kitchen. Your food may seem a bit bland than before but it’ll help you to prolong your grocery a bit more.
Instead of buying new clothes, shoes and use the one you have if you can manage. BUT if you NEED to buy, BUY LOCAL.
Cook at home but when you decide to eat out, EAT LOCAL.
Support the small businesses around you that play their part in our economy.
STOP buying brands and eating at branded restaurants. At least for sometime till our economy gets back on its feet.
Invest in your economy for our future and our children’s future depends on it.
Don’t spend on junk food like sodas, branded chips and chocolates, instead use a part of that money to tip your waiter, delivery person, maid and the street vendor a little bit more.
They’re not begging for money but they do NEED it.
We ARE responsible for our own homes and children.
NO! I don’t mean money wise.
Invest in children by teaching them civic sense, manners, cleanliness and responsibilities. Read them books and tell them how CHANGE is birthed in nations.
As much as we would like to think, we’re not going anywhere and neither are our kids.
Teach them everything through example.
Teach them things that you wish you’d known before.
Teach them what and why why nations succeed.
It’s never too early and it’s never too late. Start TODAY.
And hopefully our children or their children will build a nation like the ones that we envy today.
Charity always begins at home.
These are only some achievable goals on an individual level.
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Coding for Kids - A Mommy's Blog
Read up on the best resources for teaching children Coding and facilitating STEM learning.
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What is STEM Education? STEM is a new approach towards learning. It is the combined study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education combines the fundamental concepts of all these subject areas into its teaching methods. "STEM" is directed at teaching kids the practical application of these core subjects and how they are interlinked. It helps kids to see the understand the effects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math subjects in the world today....
What is STEM Education? Quick STEM Intro for Beginners STEM Education is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics into teaching methods. It is a newer approach...

Loop - Coding worksheets Ideal for ages 5 years and above Easy Understanding of Basic Coding concepts...
Loop Worksheets- Printable Coding worksheets - Learn to Code These printable Coding worksheets helps kids to understand basic coding concepts with fun and learning. These are great for small kids.

FREE Printable Coding Worksheets, Coding Concepts, Activities for Kids 8 Coding Concepts for kindergarten kids. Easy explanations, FREE Printable coding worksheets and Easy Coding activities

Choosing the best online coding course for your child can be daunting. Most parents opt for classes that go well with school and extracurriculars. Online coding courses make it possible for kids to learn programming languages at their own place from the comfort of their own homes. There are numerous coding schools and courses with which children can start learning programming easily at home....
7 Best Online Coding Course for Your Child - Coding for Kids Choose from the best online coding courses for your child. Coding has life-long benefits for kids especially when you start at an early age.

Teach your children crucial Coding concepts with these easy and fun Coding Activities for Kindergarten. Coding helps to form many beneficial life-long skills that boost children's academic and social performance.
5 Easy UnPlugged Coding Activities for Kindergarten - Coding for Kids Fun activities and games to teach kindergarten kids important coding concepts and develop pre-coding skills

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Coding is one of The Best Exercises for A Growing Mind!
Stay Tuned and Sign Up at for a whole LOT of Fun and Easy UnPlugged Coding Activities.
- Coding for Kids Facebook Pinterest Twitter LinkedIn Shares Coding for Kindergarten and Pre-School Get Free Coding Worksheets for kids for Make it super easy for kids to understand Basic Coding Concepts ; Help kids build Computational Thinking with these Free worksheets. Learn Coding with These 5 Fun Coding Activiti...

Another Super fun and Easy UnPlugged Coding Activity for your Kindergartener. Help your child to build a strong Coding Foundation with our UnPlugged Coding Activities.
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Family Picture Fun - Coding for Kids Easy and fun Coding Activity for Kindergarteners that involves other family members and helps to teach the concept of sequencing.

Teach your children crucial Coding concepts with these easy and fun Coding Activities for Kindergarten. Coding helps to form many beneficial life-long skills that boost children's academic and social performance.
Fun & Simple UnPlugged Kindergarten Coding Activities - Coding for Kids Fun activities and games to teach kindergarten kids important coding concepts and develop pre-coding skills

This fun and simple unplugged coding activity will help to reinforce phonics while building some crucial coding concepts.
Spell Your Name - UnPlugged Coding Activity - Coding for Kids This fun and simple unplugged coding activity will help to reinforce phonics while building some crucial coding concepts.

This super simple and Fun UnPlugged coding Activity helps children to develop pre-coding skills and improve motor and academic skills as well. Enjoy!
Match the Clothes - Coding for Kids Super simple and fun unplugged coding activity for kindergarten kids that helps to enhance pre-coding skills and instil coding concepts.

Super Easy and Fun UnPlugged Coding Activity for Kindergarten kids. Try and and enjoy. Don't forget to tell how much your kid enjoyed!
Happy playing!
Box in the Box! UnPlugged Kindergarten Coding Activity - Coding for Kids Super easy UnPlugged coding Activity for Kindergarten. Fun and simple to organise. Teaches coding concepts and enhances academic skills.

In this post we have compiled a list of 9 easiest coding languages that kids should start their programming journey with. Enjoy!
9 Best and Easiest Coding Languages for Kids - Coding for Kids Top Coding Languages for Kids. Starting with Programming Languages for Kids. Guide to Introducing kids to Coding Languages.

Learn aBout amazing Benefits of Learning Coding for Kids
Found this on Pinterest Discover even more ideas for you

Basic Coding Concepts - Coding worksheets
Found this on Pinterest Discover even more ideas for you

If you want to teach your kids Coding but don't know how?
This is the ultimate Guide for YOU!
For kids of ALL AGES.
Start Unplugged, using Apps, worksheets and Websites
Easy guide to help you choose the BEST METHOD for your child!
How to Teach Coding to Kids - Complete Guide - Coding for Kids Complete Guide on How to Start Teaching Coding to Kids. For all ages. Unplugged Coding Activities - FREE Websites for Coding- Apps- Courses

This post contains Affiliate Links. Coding is key to developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, logical analysis and proactive planning. Read all about Coding Benefits here. Kids as young as 4-years-old can start developing these skills given the right educational toys. So, we have formulated a list of the Best Coding toys for Pre-schoolers to help kids create endless opportunities for themselves and unlock their full potential in the future.....
Best Coding Toys For Pre-Schoolers-Ages 4 and 5 - Coding for Kids This post contains Affiliate Links. Coding is key to developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, logical analysis and proactive planning. Read all about Coding Benefits here. Kids as young as 4-years-old can start developing these skills given the right educational toys.....
Teach Code to kids/ Kids And Technology/ A Mommy's Blog sent you a Pin! Discover even more ideas for you

Coding is an essential skill for the future. The sooner kids understand these concepts the better. This post will explore multiple SUPER easy explanations, Free downloadable worksheets and FUN activities to for easily explaining 8-Basic Coding Concepts Coding for kids. Coding is basic common sense. You can easily explain basic coding concepts to your child. Children as little as 4 can understand these concepts and apply them in their daily routines....
Coding for Kids - 8 Basic Coding Concepts for Kids with FREE worksheets 8 - Basic Coding Concepts for kids with easy explanations, FREE downloadable worksheets and FUN activities. Loops, Sequences, Algorithms...

This is a great activity for a classroom setting. Its Ideal for kids who can read their own name. It can even be done in smaller group settings like during playdates....
Balloon Your Way Back: Unplugged Group Coding Activity Using Only Balloons This is a great activity for a classroom setting. Its Ideal for kids who can read their own name. It can even be done in smaller group settings like during playdates.

Sign Up at to be the first ones to know about our upcoming FREE Coding Worksheets Starter Kit. We can't wait for you to be a part of our growing family.

Make your child a coder with these easy to do UNPLUGGED coding activities.
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5 Super-Easy UnPlugged Coding Activities Here we have come up with 5 Fun-filled, creative and super easy coding activities for kids.These can easily introduce some crucial Coding Concepts to your child with these activities and help them …

Teach Code to kids/ Kids And Technology/ A Mommy's Blog sent you a Pin! Discover even more ideas for you

Here we have come up with 5 Fun-filled, creative and super easy coding activities for kids.These can easily introduce some crucial Coding Concepts to your child with these activities and help them with developing life-long beneficial Coding Skills....
5 Super-Easy UnPlugged Coding Activities Here we have come up with 5 Fun-filled, creative and super easy coding activities for kids.These can easily introduce some crucial Coding Concepts to your child with these activities and help them …

This is a super fun group activity that teaches children about some basic Coding functions , developing Coding skills and working in a team all while playing....
Floor is Lava: Coding Activity This is a super fun group activity that teaches children about some basic Coding functions , developing Coding skills and working in a team all while playing.

6 Easy Ways to Help You Create a strong Bond With Your Child!
Teach Code to kids/ Kids And Technology/ A Mommy's Blog sent you a Pin! Discover even more ideas for you

The different colours and dimensions of the Lego can easily be used to teach kids about some basic coding concepts such as sequences, patterns and develop Computational Thinking in children. Just put Legos in different sequences and have your child replicate the sequence. You can take advantage of the different colours and dimensions and create endless patterns and designs....
Lego Towers: UnPlugged Coding Activity Using Lego Blocks The different colours and dimensions of the Lego can easily be used to teach kids about some basic coding concepts such as sequences, patterns and develop Computational Thinking in children. Just p…

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Coding enables children to develop analytical and logical skills. Through Coding kids can learn math concepts such as algorithms, loops, sequences, patterns etc....
5 Best Coding Toys For 5 – 10 Year Olds This post may contain affiliate links. Coding is one of the most essential skills of today. Coding is not only about making software and apps and games. In fact Coding helps children to develop so …