I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉
Books are available for purchase on Amazon!
Self published Author, Mother, Educator, Wife, Coach, Mentor, YouTuber, Real Estate Agent and Life Long Learner! I love music and traveling to new places!
Come take this journey with me through my books!!
Operating as usual
I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉
Books are available for purchase on Amazon!
Leaders are Readers! Thankful that I don’t have to force my children to read, they understand the importance of reading on their own.🫶🏾🔑🧐
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1920'S Craftman Home In this video, we take you on a virtual tour of a classy 1920's Craftsman home. Check out my book: "Positi...
Click the link and order your copy of: How to buy a Home in 7 easy steps! It's a Buyers Market guys!!! YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME NOW! I've seen homes with 18-30 offers on the one home. It's not like that anymore, my book will give you every step in the process.
Positioned to Buy a Home in 7 Easy Steps! After helping hundreds of families and real estate investors with the purchase of a home, I wanted to write a book to help an average person understand how easy it is to buy a home from a Realtor's perspective. The home buying process can be challenging and easily overwhelm the average person wit...
Zay Mixon on Instagram Zay Mixon shared a post on Instagram. Follow their account to see 293 posts.
New Book release! Support the cause!
Contact me directly if need any help or want to purchase in bulk orders!!!
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
PM reading...
Get your copy and read it!
POSITIONED FOR POWER is now available at the ZULA B. WYLIE Library for you to check out for FREE!
If you don't have the $10 investment please go check it out!!!
The address is 225 Cedar St, Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Thank you to everyone who have supported so far!
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Type in search. Positioned For Power or Zaychiana Mixon
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Order your copy today on Amazon.com or inbox me and I'll be sure to get you a copy. A $10 is nothing compared to what you will learn and apply to help your situation.
We just ordered more stamps to ship copies of Positioned for Power out! If you need your copy text me 214.900.4349
Morning reads... What are you reading today? Drop a comment or picture.
Me: Have you gotten your copy of “Positioned for Power” from Amazon?
Them: Oh, Well... not yet. Uh, I was just thinking about uh...
Always read everyday. Even if it’s only 20 minutes.
You owe you this book! Come out of quarantine sharpened and positioned for Power!!
Proverbs 1: 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
My oldest Son reading my book. What a privilege ❤️❤️❤️
Go to amazon.com and type in “Positioned For Power” or inbox me and I’ll mail you your copy! Support today!
This book encourages and educate you, it gives you basic sound priciples to apply to your life and be succesful! Get your copy today! Amazon.com or inbox me!