B**g dia di Osura Skritura Desah Gadrah! Today is World Endangered Writing Day (23 Jan), and we at Kodrah Kristang want to celebrate the particular, rare and critically endangered beauty of the Kristang language in its polynomic written form.
What is 'polynomic'? A polynomic language is one where a standardised system of spelling is dispreferred and variation in spelling, or orthographic variation, is preferred instead. Where in English and other world languages, and even in many revitalising minority and indigenous languages, a general or sustained interest in a standardised spelling system is the focus, Kristang instead deliberately orients toward a polynomic spelling system where everyone has much greater freedom to spell how they like, as long as they can be understood.
What is the historical context for this? During the colonial British administration in Malaya and under the subsequent independent governments of Malaysia and Singapore, Kristang was disfavoured and occasionally covertly attacked and marginalised. The language fell into steep decline, was not used in public, and was only used at home within families, resulting in each family or clan evolving their own internal conventions for pronunciation and spelling, and the polynomic situation that was present in 2016 when revitalisation began in earnest.
Today, eight years later, we continue to honour the way Kristang spelling reflects our people's longstanding unconscious awareness of the fundamental precepts of biodiversity, and the need to protect, respect and champion it on every level of what it means to be human. Only in Kristang can you choose, after all, what bedri, berdi, vedri, verde, bedry, birdy or their other prima-primu-primang will say about you 🌿 how will you make sure that this continues to be a world for all of us to express who we really are through every beautiful raiz, ramu, fola kung floris di nus sa korpu, mulera, korsang kung alma? 💚🌍🦜
We're back in January 2024!! 💪🏾🦁 Registration is now open for the 18th round of the Kodrah Kristang 1A class for complete beginners in Kristang, which will be held at CityGate and around the neighbourhood of the old Kampong Serani and current Kampong Glam in a hybrid classroom/outdoors learning format from January 2024. This class is for complete beginners; however, previous Kodrasanggi / Kodrah Kristang learners are also welcome to sign up.
Kodrah Kristang Group 18 (Tue 1A)
Dates: Tuesday, 16 January 2024 to Tuesday, 19 March 2024
10 sessions
Timing: Tuesdays, 7-9pm
Venue: This is a hybrid venue class, so class will be held primarily at CityGate (next to Nicoll Highway MRT on the Circle Line (CC5)), but with some very light, non-strenuous na fora / outdoor class activities conducted around the surrounding neighbourhoods of Kampong Glam and the old Kampong Serani. You will be informed of these ahead of time by the Kodrah team :) (map)
Course cost: $25 for the entire course (materials coverage)
Prerequisites: None
The application form for Kodrah Kristang Group 18 (Tue 1A) is at http://tinyurl.com/kodrah18-reg1a
Start 2024 off with the fire of the one and only Resurrection Language of the Lion City: beng prendeh kung kodrah Kristang! 🔥🌻🌺💎
Language is at the heart of Indigenous community health | Aeon Essays
For First Nations people, health is not a matter of mechanical fitness of the body, but of language, identity and belonging
🇸🇬❤🇵🇹! Isti anoti na klas 5A nus ja dah ngua rekadu grandi kung Embesador Deputy di Portugal bai Singapura, Sinyor José Costa! We had the immense honour and privilege of hosting the Deputy Ambassador of Portugal to Singapore, Mr José Costa, at our 5A class this evening, where we revised the base-16 numbers and learnt about the Osura Pesuasang or the Kristang theory of the psyche for the first time.
Mutu grandi merseh pra juntah kung nus, and we're looking forward to hosting you more 🌺 bariga kung mulera inchidu, bida kung korsang impoku mas bemfetu 🥰
The Kodrah Kristang team and your friendly neighbourhood Merlionsman are horrified and appalled at these terrifying statistics on the mental health of Singaporeans, especially considering that we have already highlighted on multiple occasions to those in power that the silent mental health crisis and pandemic of trauma and abuse, especially as affects marginalised minority communities of any kind of identity marker in Singapore, desperately needs to be addressed.
On our part, we have decided we will now teach elements of the Osura Pesuasang and the Osura Spektala, the Kristang indigenous theories of the psyche, in all 8 levels of our Kristang classes as opposed to just 4A/4B and 7A/7B as previously announced. But if you need help, please get it, either by getting in contact with us or someone else whom you love and trust.
Isti ngka b**g. Nus mistih tudu gadrah onsong sa saudi: korpu, mulera, korsang kung alma.
Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting
1 in 4 youth considered self-harm in past year, 1 in 2 Singaporeans’ daily lives affected by stress: Mental health survey
SINGAPORE — More than half of Singaporeans said they have experienced stress that affected how they lived their daily lives in the past year, while one in four young adults under the age of 35 said that they have seriously considered self-harm or su***de at least once.
Kristang will no longer be represented at this year's Singapore Writers Festival, as Kabesa Jenti Kristang Kevin Martens Wong has withdrawn from the event after the organisers modified his submitted bio without his consent after originally publishing it in full on the SWF website.
Koitadu ah! But nang dibeh — you can continue to learn more about Kristang literature, philosophy and epistemology through our independent Kodrah and events, as you always have for the last seven years ❤🇸🇬🥰
Kabesa di Jenti Kristang Kevin Martens Wong has been selected as one of this year's 26 Next Generation Foresight Practitioner (NGFP) Fellowship recipients, for his project to develop an Osura Sunyeskah or Dreamfishing Toolkit for universal use by all individuals and communities 🎣
Launched in 2018 by the School of International Futures (SOIF), the Next Generation Foresight Practitioners (NGFP) is a network of almost 600 people from all over the world who are using futures and foresight to create positive impact and systemic transformation globally. The NGFP Fellowship is designed to help change the status quo and democratise the futures and foresight field with diverse perspectives from younger generations, living in under-represented geographies and communities.
Learn about all of this year’s fellows and their projects at https://nextgenforesight.org/our-network/fellows/
We are so excited to work with the School of International Futures to make the Osura Sunyeskah a reality for all peoples, and to champion a brave, healthy, nuanced and respectful approach to the future that we will all share together. B**g peskah! 🌊
Kristang returns to the Singapore Writers Festival in 2023!!!!! 😍🇸🇬 Tres Rei-Reinyang nasentarera santah juntadu 🤴🏾🤴🏾🤴🏾: Kabesa Jenti Kristang and Merlionsman of Singapore Kevin Martens Wong will moderate a pioneering panel on the creole and indigenous cultures and philosophies of our island home featuring nus sa kambradu and fellow writer and poet Ryan Joshua Mahindapala, di jenti Chitty Melaka (Peranakan Indian), and nus sa kodrasanggi and storyteller superchadu Hafiz Rashid, di jenti Boyanese 💜💙💛 Details and sign up information below and at the link:
Uncommon Tongues: Creole and Indigenous Ways of Thinking and Being (featuring Kristang, Peranakan Indian (Chitty Melaka) and Boyanese)
Date: Sunday 26 November 2023
Time: 10am-11am
Location: The Arts House Living Room
Registration and more info: https://www.singaporewritersfestival.com/programme-details-2023/conversations/uncommon-tongues-creole-and-indigenous-ways-of-thinking-and-being
It's Singapore's first panel on creole and indigenous identity, language and philosophy, and we're so honoured to be leading the way for all of our komunidadi kung kultura Singapura pra ngua futura mas bunitu. Looking forward to seeing you there in person in your own beauiful state of being too 🌺💃🏽
Kodrah Kristang, Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting and Kadamundu: The Spice Road Review are thrilled to present Singapore's first-ever Indigenous Writing Circle, a new initiative that seeks to support the development and revitalization of indigenous literature in Singapore for all peoples regardless of ethnicity, and to provide a safe space for writing and creative expression in any of Singapore’s indigenous, community and non-official languages, as well as in literature in any other language, including the four official languages of English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil, that discusses or relates to indigeneity, revitalization and individuation in some way. Work produced in the Writing Circle can be published on Kadamundu, and participation in the Writing Circle is free-of-charge. The Writing Circle will meet on Tuesday evenings starting Tuesday 3 October from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at City Gate, next to Nicoll Highway MRT (CC5).
Like Kadamundu, the Circle seeks to celebrate the true diversity of Singaporean and Sundaland culture and identity, to use literature as a means of creative expression for the negotiation of trauma and/or personal voice, and to provide a space for like-minded people interested in individuation and creative expression to meet and connect. Each week, the Circle will thus use one of the 512 stages of the Kristang Via Hierosa in sequential order as that week’s theme for those participating to use as their broad point of reference and inspiration; however, this is only a starting point, and participants will still be free to work with other starting points.
Find out more about the structure of each session in the slides, and sign up by dropping an email to [email protected] with the subject header Indigenous Writing Circle sign-up: and indicating on which Tuesday evening you’d first like to join us. We're looking forward to seeing you!
B**g dia di Tera Singapura, kung dia di Jenti Nasensa di Mundu 🇸🇬 On Singapore's 58th National Day and the 2023 Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, Merlionsman and Kodrah Kristang are extremely proud to present the Libru Lontra / the Otter Book (merlionsman.com/the-otter-book), the new Progenitor Kristang dictionary complementing the existing Pinchah Kristang or Kodrah Kristang dictionary (dictionary.kristang.com). Find all your old, new, dreamfished, obscure and exciting Kristang words from the Orange Book and elsewhere here in one place, as you and I and nus tudu hear Jingkli Nona today at the National Day Parade and the warm, beautiful words and sounds of the one and only Resurrection Language of the Lion City racing across Singapore's shores. Isti nus sa saguati pra tera kung mundu ki nus amor kung tudu nus sa korsang: on this day, as we celebrate the power and beauty of the human spirit in all its majestic and life-giving strength and courage, let us all remember that anything is possible kung ngua korpu valientra, mulera fortidang, korsang animu, kung alma bibiendu ❤️☀️🌈 Happy National Day and Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples to all who commemorate either from bos sa Kabesa kung Ranchu di Kodrah Kristang kung Omimerliang di Tera Singapura!
🖌🦁 di Pinterest
BE PART OF SINGAPORE HISTORY IN THE MAKING / BENG FIKAH NGUA PARTI GRANDI DI ISTORIA SINGAPURA 🦁🦋 We are over the five stars and moon to announce that registration is finally open for the first-ever level 5A course in Kristang, starting the day after nus sa linggu mai is featured at the 2023 National Day Parade!!!! 🇸🇬🎉 Details and registration link can be found below:
Kodrah Kristang Group 1 (Thu 5A)
Dates: Thursday, August 10, 2023 to Thursday, October 12, 2023
10 sessions
Timing: Thursday, 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Venue: City Gate (next to Nicoll Highway MRT (CC5))
Course cost: $25 per person for the whole course (venue rental coverage)
Together with our 17th 1A for beginners (registration at tinyurl.com/kodrah17-reg1a) this is our first round of classroom-based classes since COVID-19, and alongside the return of Kristang to institutional study in NUS, and its first appearance at National Day, we want to say we have come a very very long way since Sinyor Bernard Mesenas first asked us to get started all the way back in January 2016 ❤ And our first-ever 5A class is dedicated to the memory of Bernard, Uncle Peter, Uncle Basil and Derek Scully, and all those who have gone before us who still speak and sing to us in our hearts in Kristang. This Resurrection Language lives again and has brought such beautiful new life to Singapore and the world because of them, and because of us.
Dah nus bai prendeh kung papiah Kristang. Kauzu isti Linggu di Semulah ta trukah mundu 🌏✨
Kereh prendeh Patuá? Agora pun podih! Nus sa prima-primu-primang na Macau ta ofertah lisang-lisang nubu di Patuá pra krengkrensa kung teens + impoku di chadisa di bringku di teatru 😙😍 Beng prendeh di nus sa kambradu-kambradu!! 🕺🏽🎭💃🏽
活動日期/Date:22-07-2023 (週六/Sat)
👉粵語教學 (英語輔助)
👉Teaching language in Cantonese (aided with English)
🎭兒童工作坊KIDS workshop - 🙏FULL 額滿🙏
年齡/Age: 8-12
🤓青少年工作坊TEENS workshop - Few quotas left 常餘少量名額
年齡/Age: 13-19
➡️名額/ Applicants:10
澳門葡文學校 Escola Portuguesa de Macau
( 澳門殷皇子大馬路 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique)
📩電郵/Email: [email protected]
Information needed for email registration:
Participant’s Name & age & mobile number
Custodian's name & mobile number
Registration date ends until the quota limit.
Payment methods will be provided during email confirmation.
MACRA 土生文化研究學會 Associação de Estudos da Cultura Macaense
Dóci Papiaçám di Macau 澳門土生土語話劇團
Pra fing ja birah! Our classroom course for beginners in Kristang is finally back after 3 long years!! 💚🎉💜
Registration is now open for the 17th round of the Kodrah Kristang 1A class for complete beginners in Kristang, which will be held in a classroom venue for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic at Lingo School of Knowledge next to Bugis MRT on Friday evenings from 7pm to 9pm starting August 4, 2023. This class is for complete beginners; however, previous Kodrah Kristang learners are also welcome to sign up.
Kodrah Kristang Group 17 (Fri 1A)
Dates: Friday, August 4, 2023 to Friday, October 6, 2023
10 sessions
Timing: Fridays, 7-9pm
Venue: Lingo School of Knowledge, next to Bugis MRT Station (EW12/DT14)
Course cost: $25 for the entire course (venue rental fee coverage)
Prerequisites: None
The application form for Kodrah Kristang Group 17 (Fri 1A) is at http://tinyurl.com/kodrah17-reg1a We're looking forward to seeing you there 🥰🇸🇬
Nus ja birah, nus ja kriseh, nus ja kodrah tona ❤️ Kodrah Kristang is very proud to announce the return and extension of our globally-recognised classroom-based mainline Kristang curriculum to levels 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A and 8B, focusing on developing advanced reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in Kristang through working with traditional and revitalized Kristang poetry, songs, stories and plays, and giving learners the opportunity to develop their own.
We are currently finalising our new venue and timeslot for classroom-based lessons and hope to begin Kodrah Kristang 5A in mid- to late-July 2023 on a weekday night. We are also doing the same for the 17th iteration of Kodrah Kristang 1A for complete beginners, which will also be classroom-based. Keep following us on Facebook and Instagram, and/or subscribe to our mailing list by dropping an email to [email protected], to find out when registration opens!
Don't forget that you can still join us late for Kodrah Kristang 1A Ultramar at Pink Fest 2023, and for the new mainline Via Hierosa and Kultura Krismatra classes at Sing Lit Station teaching the Osura Pesuasang and Roda Mundansa. Beng prendeh linggu kinteru di Tera Singapura: nus sa linggu mai, sempri ta andah pradianti pra tudu jenti di Sidadi di Liang 🇸🇬🧡
Kodrah Kristang arrives on the African continent for the first time!! / Kodrah Kristang chegah na Chersoneza Sejeti!! Kodrah Core team members Kevin Martens Wong and Fuad Johari made so many wonderful new friends at the 2nd World Conference on Transformative Education hosted at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, where they presented on the Kristang na fora classes that we have been running in Singapore since July 2022! Ja bai mutu lonzi di kaza, aiyoh 😱 but we made so many new friends, and learnt so much that will help Kodrah grow even further here in our island home.
We want to say a huge teng b**g to all our new kambradu-kambradu from UCC in Ghana 🇬🇭, Cameroon 🇨🇲, Togo 🇹🇬, Kenya 🇰🇪, Indiana in the USA 🇺🇲, South Korea 🇰🇷 and tudu otru tera-tera. We also want to say mutu grandi merseh and send so much love to Profs Michael Ndemanu, Ernest Davis, Rosemary Borsu, Serafin Colonel-Molina, Beth Samuelson, Delphine Berka and everyone else who gave such a warm and beautiful welcome to our two jenti hierosa di Tera Singapura ❤ and a shout out too to our awesome moderator Prof Dora F. Edu-Buandoh, who made sure everyone at the panel knew how to say "bai na fora!"
We have gone very far outside indeed, and we will continue to champion pride, decolonisation and respect for all peoples in all parts of the world, Kristang or otherwise 🇸🇬 Mutu grandi merseh UCC kung tudu jenti bemfetu di Tera Ghana!!
Oh dekas! Arkuiris ja parseh 🌈 Kodrah Kristang is overjoyed and tremendously proud to announce that we are an official Festival Partner of 2023 🇸🇬🏳️🌈 and that we will run the world's first-ever q***r version of Kodrah Kristang 1A, called Ultramar or Over the Rainbow, on four Saturdays in June from 2-4pm leading up to on June 24! Classes will be held at Lingo School of Knowledge next to Bugis MRT station (EW12/DT14) and you can register at tinyurl.com/kodrah16-reg1a now!! The class description is below:
Only one language in the world appears to presently encode a four-way distinction between biological s*x (jenis), s*xuality (wenza), gender (jenta) and romantic orientation (afisi), and that language is Kristang, the critically endangered language of the Portuguese-Eurasians that since 2016 has undergone a dramatic and unprecedented renaissance in Singapore led by the youth-led grassroots revitalisation initiative known as Kodrah Kristang, and the openly gay, non-binary Omimerliang di Tera Singapura / Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore and the leader of the Singaporean Kristang community, Kevin Martens Wong. Featured by the BBC, AFP and over 130 other international media, Kodrah Kristang has run 15 historic and pioneering iterations of their classes for beginners in Kristang since 2016, and now brings the 16th version of these classes to Pink Fest with a twist: this is Kodrah Kristang 1A Ultramar, or Kristang for Beginners, Over the Rainbow.
Over four sessions in June, learners will be introduced to Kristang as in all previous 1A classes, but with a specific focus on how indigenous, creole and Singaporean approaches to q***rness have been reclaimed and reencoded into Kristang in Singapore, and will learn not just how to speak the language with gabadisa (pride) and rostu (respect) for all people, but to experience the 21st-century reinvigorated Kristang or Portuguese-Eurasian identity: creole, cosmopolitan, and a champion for all peoples and ways of being regardless of race, religion, language or s*xuality.
Kristang ta bibeh nubu. Let us all work together to ensure no one gets left behind ever again Singapore ❤🇸🇬
It's 4 more days to the first-ever Kristang MRT walking tour in history!!!! 🎉🎉 🎉 🎉 Have you got your tickets? Check out the event details below and sign up quickly, because pasazi-pasazi ta bai / tickets are going very fast! We're very grateful to the Singapore HeritageFest, National Heritage Board and Ethos Books for making this a reality for the Kristang community, and for treating the language and community with the respect and rostu that we deserve :)
INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS: We've just confirmed with the organisers that the tour is designed to run for 2 hours instead of 1, from 5pm to 7pm (otherwise how would anyone visit four MRT stations on foot in one hour?? Aiyoh. Koitadu lah 😩) and the 1 hour duration stated in the marketing material was a mistake on the co-organisers' part 🧡 They will officially update the duration to 2 hours on their end; at the 1.5 hour mark, we will do a check with participants who would like to carry on and remind everyone that they can do so for no extra cost.
See you on Saturday / ati Sabdu! 🇸🇬🚂
Aiyoh! Nus ja kriseh tantu! We are so proud to announce two new course series alongside our mainline Kodrah Kristang classes: the Via Hierosa, on mental health and wellness in Kristang, and the Kultura Krismatra, on Kristang culture and identity!
Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting () and Kodrah Kristang () proudly present 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴: a new series of courses bridging the gap between the past, present, potential and future of Singapore through the culture, language and worldview of the Lion’s City Last People, the Jenti Kristang. With venue support by Sing Lit Station.
Over 8 weeks Kevin Martens Wong, will introduce you to the first 8 stages of the 128-stage Hero’s Journey in Kristang, or the Via Hierosa. Using the Via Hierosa and with comparisons to Hero’s Journeys from all over the world, participants will develop a creative work of their choice over the 8 sessions of the course in the language of their choice (onsite Kodrah Kristang facilitators will be able to directly support all efforts in English, Kristang and Malay) and, at the participant’s discretion and level of interest, use the work to understand more about themselves and their own inner world and psyche.
8 sessions are priced at $500 SGD per person, with sliding scale options available. Please reach out to us if you have any financial concerns regarding ticket pricing. This course will be taught in English. Tickets can be bought at accessibleanthro-hierosa.peatix.com, or by heading to the link in our bio.
Running in tandem with this course is Kultura Krismatra I: Kristang Culture, Identity and Thought: Past, Present, Possible and Future. To learn more head to accessibleanthro-kultura.peatix.com.
Over the last seven years, we have brought the Kristang language back to life, and now, our revitalisation effort continues as we expand to bring back more of the life, culture and history of nus jenti di fing in Tera Singapura.
See you on May 25 and 26 at Sing Lit Station!! Beng prendeh!
Kodrah Kristang & Merlionsman present: Accessible Anthroponautics - Via Hierosa I
Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting (merlionsman.com) and Kodrah Kristang proudly presen... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.
How many versions of B**g-B**g Fila do you know? 💃🏽🎵 The Eurasian Literature course over at is really heating up, with a second class on the Roda Mundansa—the Kristang secret history of the planet!—in the kitchen as well! Not to worry: this year promises a wealth of exciting and spicy new opportunities for you to experience that delicious sabrozu Kristang taste of what it means to be creole in the 21st century in Southeast Asia. Regardless of how mixed you are, we're hoping you can join us at table for a delicious feast of walking tours, talks and new workshops coming up in April, May and June. Keep watching this space and stay tuned! 💜🇸🇬
Oh, nus teng kambradu mbes nubu!! 💜💯 our wonderful new friends at are seeking to revitalise Kristang's cousin language Patuá over in 澳门/Macau!! Kristang kung Patuá frimi chuma kandri kung sanggi (Kristang and Patuá are close like flesh and blood (family)); let's give them all our support and encouragement 🥰 kauzu juntadu nus podih kodrah Kristang kung dále Patuá dos-dos birah fikah linggu bibiendu! 🌺
Want to learn more about Kristang and Eurasian literature, but can't make the timeslot for the Eurasian Language & Literature course offered by Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting? No problem! Nus sa kabesa Kevin Martens Wong has also now created the world's first-ever bibliography and reference list of all known Eurasian literature, called the Almari Anyil or Indigo Cabinet! The list aims to be an ever-evolving one-stop reference point for all known poetry, prose, plays, music, comics, graphic novels, vignettes, creative non-fiction, memoirs and biographies, columns, performances and exhibitions dealing with Eurasian and Kristang culture anywhere in the world. So far, authors and creatives who are either Eurasian or Kristang and/or whose work deals with Eurasian or Kristang culture and identity and whose work has been listed on the Almari include:
Ronald E. Alcantra
Mac Arez-Newman
Wesley Leon Aroozoo
Edmund Arozoo
Shane Carroll
Gerald Choa
Chong Yen Chung
Joe Conceicao
Karen d'Almeida
Andre D'Rozario
Stuart Danker
Tania De Rozario
Melissa De Silva
Oliver De Silva
Samantha De Silva
Dudley De Souza
Patricia Maria De Souza
Martha Fernandez
Arin Alycia Fong
Wilfred Hamilton-Shimmen
Bernard Ming-Deh Harrison
Kerry Kessler
Nicola Koh
David Kraal
Simone Lazaroo
Catherine Lim
Joan Margaret Marbeck
Maureen Martens
Peter Rowsing Martens
Angela Jesse Michael
Elaine Mok Wai Man
Gemma Pereira
Cheyenne Alexandria Phillips
Gwenne Pinto
Poo Pei Yi
Wayne Rée
Crispin Rodrigues
Bernard Santa Maria
Sara Frederica Santa Maria
Joseph Santa Maria
Victoria Elizabeth Scully
Martha Ann Scully-Shepherdson
Rex Shelley
Charlene Shepherdson
Kevin Linus Shepherdson
Percival Shepherdson
Susan Sim
Sung Chang Da
Denyse Tessensohn
Edwin Thumboo
Matthew Jerome Van Huizen
Enrico C. Varella
Cyril Wong
Kevin Martens Wong
George Yeo
Yuan Weiye
Sonia Zuzartee
You can find the full list here https://tigrisachang.substack.com/p/almari-anyil-the-indigo-cabinet and you can also contribute new authors and works that have not yet been included. Beng les beng juntah! It's great to have something to read over a nice long Easter weekend 📖
Almari Anyil: The Indigo Cabinet
The Open-Access Bibliography of Eurasian Literature consolidated by Kevin Martens Wong Last updated: 07 April 2023 How are works organised? Works are listed by first, their genre / mode of presentation in alphabetical order; then, their primary language(s) the work is written in using the iso 639-3....
JA KABAH! We have just finished our fourteenth round of Kodrah Kristang classes and first 1B class outdoors, and with our first ever outdoors ALKAS assessment too! Don't worry, there is no pass/fail 😎 everyone is going home happy, because nus ja prendeh tantu na fora di isti ila bunitu Singapura 🇸🇬
You can look forward to many more exciting Kristang events happening in April, May and June, including public talks and courses on music, maps, mental health, the missing history of the world and our culture, as well as the first run of our 3rd level of class outdoors, Kodrah Kristang 2A na fora, and a mysterious new version and run of our 1A beginners' class as well, agora impodih falah 🌈👀 drop us an email at [email protected] if you want to find out more, and we'll see you around na fora!! 🌸
New virtual course with Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting on Eurasian language and literature starting 28 March 2023!
What a year it's been, and what a life, am I right? Merlionsman is so proud to finally announce that the first of our three new courses supporting Phase 4 of Kristang and Eurasian revitalisation in Singapore is finally open for registration. This is about the stories that you really nang falah, and the tales your Auntie Girlie told you not to spread. "Not for polite company!" But we don't always want polite company. We are here for the stories and the songs. Ku fedeh, kung korsang adreh. Are you ready?
The world's first ever course on reading and writing Eurasian literature is finally here, taught by your very own Omimerliang Kevin Martens Wong online in English, and starting Tuesday 28 March at 7pm online. The Shrimp People. Others is Not a Race. The Daywalker Chronicles. Altered Straits. Tia Anika. Ungua Adansa. Riu Melaka ta chomah. The unsullied tongue of St Anthony. Stories by the River. Boka di Stori. The Punkhawala and the Pr******te. New Additions. On Record. Many, many more that we will invite you to share: don't forget your own stories, waiting to be written as part of this course.
What does it mean to be Eurasian, Kristang, Serani, and everything else in-between? What is a Eurasian story, a Kristang story, a Serani story? This is our story: we have been here for 500 years, and we will be here for 5000 more. Beng prendeh. Beng papiah. Beng skribeh ⚜ register at merlionsman.com/eulanglit and send an email to [email protected] if you have queries or would like to participate but cost is an issue 🧡🇸🇬
Bos ja ubih kung nus sa kantiga nubu? 🎸🎶 we are so grateful to for their wonderful invitation to be part of this year's Sejarah Inquisition last Saturday, a day-long event where JC and pre-U history students from across Singapore got acquainted with many of our underrepresented communities, including the Kristang and the Chitty Peranakans, and then did their own research and investigations into how all of our communities and cultures might be better represented and supported. We all learnt a bit more about the terrifying after-effects of Operation Spectrum, too, and what we can all do to help our communities and country negotiate them and move forward into a brighter, braver future pra tudu ❤💜🇸🇬
Mutu grandi merseh once again to all of our lovely participants and to the SI organisers for a wonderful and meaningful experience once again! Ozi ki bos ja kuniseh di nus sa istoria skundidu? And how will you share it with the world to bring us forward together as one? 👨🏾🏫👩🏾🏫