Fairfax Schools Monitor

Fairfax Schools Monitor


What is being taught to our children in Virginia’s Fairfax County public schools? Critical Race Theory? Gender fluidity? Po*******hy?

Is excellence in education being sidelined in favor of other goals?

Beware the Social Studies Curriculum! - Part I - Fairfax Schools Monitor 05/09/2023

Social study courses in Fairfax County schools indoctrinate kids in progressive ideology. WJLA WJLA-TV Washington Post Washington Examiner Fox News Fox 5 News DC Virginia Department of Education - VDOE Fairfax County Republican Committee Virginia Republican Discussion Forum ,

Beware the Social Studies Curriculum! - Part I - Fairfax Schools Monitor Social studies courses in Fairfax County public schools indoctrinate students in divisive, "progressive" ideas.

Lawsuit Against FCPS May Be Coming to Enforce the Model Transgender Policy - Fairfax Schools Monitor 26/08/2023

The Youngkin Administration is preparing to enforce its model transgender policy. WJLA-TV, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, Fox News, Fox 5 News DC, Virginia Department of Education - VDOE, FAIRFAX County Republicans, Virginia Republican Discussion Forum, , ,

Lawsuit Against FCPS May Be Coming to Enforce the Model Transgender Policy - Fairfax Schools Monitor Virginia Attorney general may be planning to challenge local school board's refusal to comply with model transgender policy.

Fairfax's Transgender Policy Must Be Challenged - Fairfax Schools Monitor 18/08/2023

The Fairfax County School Board is violating the law. The Virginia Attorney General and/or others must sue to compel compliance. , Washington Examiner, Fairfax County Times, Fox 5 News DC, Fairfax County Republican Committee, Virginia Department of Education - VDOE, The Virginia Republican Discussion Group. , , , ,

Fairfax's Transgender Policy Must Be Challenged - Fairfax Schools Monitor The Fairfax County's refusal to comply with Virginia's transgender policy should be challenged in court

Fairfax School Board Defies Virginia's Transgender Policy - Fairfax Schools Monitor 18/08/2023

Washington Post, Fairfax County Republican Committee
Virginia House Republicans, Virginia Department of Elections, Virginia Department of Education - VDOE, The Virginia Republican Discussion Group

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Fairfax School Board Defies Virginia's Transgender Policy - Fairfax Schools Monitor FCPS School Board says it will ignore the Youngkin administration's policy on dealing with transgender issues in schools.

Trans Rules Fairfax Schools - Fairfax Schools Monitor 08/09/2022

This article explains and comments on the transgender policy of the Fairfax County, Virginia public school system. It explains that the School Board has made the rights of the vast majority of students and parents subservient to the interests of the small minority who experience gender dysphoria. FAIRFAX County Republicans, WJLA, Fox 5 News DC, Virginia Republican Discussion Forum, Virginia Department of Education - VDOE, Washington Post, , , , ,

Trans Rules Fairfax Schools - Fairfax Schools Monitor Fairfax County School Board prioritizes transgender rights over the rights of others.

Fairfax Parents Excluded From Kids' Gender Issues - Fairfax Schools Monitor 01/09/2022

Fairfax County Public Schools has recently trained its teachers about how to handle students who raise questions about whether their "true" gender corresponds with their biological gender. The teachers are told that they can keep this information secret from the students' parents. This is unlawful as well as terrible policy. Click on the icon for more information.
Fairfax County Republican Committee, Virginia Republican Discussion Forum, Mama Grizzlies Unite Fairfax County Public Schools, Governor of Virginia, Virginia Department of Education - VDOE, Moms for Liberty, Fox News, Fox 5 DC, WTOP News, Fairfax County Parents Association
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Fairfax Parents Excluded From Kids' Gender Issues - Fairfax Schools Monitor Fairfax County school system instructs teachers to hide transgender issues from parents if the child is reluctant to tell them.

New "Equity Policy" for Fairfax Schools, Part 2 - Fairfax Schools Monitor 15/08/2022

Here is another recent article from FairfaxSchoolsMonitor.com. It addresses the plan of the Fairfax County School Board to adopt a comprehensive "Equity Policy" that will govern all aspects of the school system's operations, including but not limited to, classroom instruction. The proposal raises important issues. I have written to the School Board about the proposal ... A link to my letter is included in this post. I encourage others who are concerned to make their views known to the School Board.

Virginia Department of Education - VDOE
Fairfax County Republican Committee Governor of Virginia Fairfax County Public Schools

New "Equity Policy" for Fairfax Schools, Part 2 - Fairfax Schools Monitor Fairfax County School Board develops new "equity" policy

Fairfax Teachers' Union Is Proud About the Covid Shutdowns, Despite Learning Loss - Fairfax Schools Monitor 09/08/2022

The outgoing and incoming presidents of the Fairfax Education Association — the labor union representing Fairfax County public school teachers — spoke at the July 14, 2022 meeting of the Fairfax County School Board. Both expressed pride in their role in school closures during the Covid pandemic. They painted themselves as courageous figures, doing what needed to be done in the face of stiff opposition, to keep students and teachers safe. READ MORE BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW.

Fairfax County Republican Committee Virginia House Republicans Virginia Republican Alliance Virginia is for Republicans Fairfax County Public Schools

Fairfax Teachers' Union Is Proud About the Covid Shutdowns, Despite Learning Loss - Fairfax Schools Monitor Fairfax Teachers Association is proud of Covid shutdowns, despite severe learning loss.

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